Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
You may have already noticed the 50% off sale we have active on the game, but merchandise is also discounted right now in various stores:

Pawprint Press has a store-wide discount active until Cyber Monday, which includes the Adine body pillow cover:

Additionally, our Redbubble and Zazzle stores also have various discounts on items right now. Check our selection out at the links below:
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
Warning! The text below may constitute spoilers for people who have not played and finished Angels with Scaly Wings yet!

Collective survival requires cooperation. Cooperation requires consensus.

But the future has made things complicated. Meaningful consensus requires a system of ascertaining the greatest good. Who makes the decisions? How will it be decided who is chosen to take on the responsibilities of the new world?

Humans returned to what they knew: Politics.

Robert Lamon is an ambassador who represents New Bastion in all political matters. Working closely with the leaders of all three cities, he is - in a way - representing humanity to dragons, not unlike how another ambassador once did in the dragon world.

Cameron Barnes became Covenant City's first officially elected Mayor. Wanting to experience the height of human civilization, it was his decision to rebuild Covenant City as it once was. Honest to a fault, his attitude of wanting to please everyone during negotiations sometimes comes at his own detriment. At least, according to his critics.
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
Warning! The text below may constitute spoilers for people who have not played and finished Angels with Scaly Wings yet!

After the great journey, a message was sent out offering a place in this new sanctuary to any survivors around the world.

The tale went far, much further than Covenant City initially expected.

Soon came the first travelers, a miracle celebrated by those in charge.

They had endured the dangerous trek through the desert - evading raiders, starvation and other dangers alike.

More followed, graciously accepted into the vast Covenant City that was filled with empty buildings.

But the influx of new arrivals from all over the continent never stopped.

Soon, there were too many to safely integrate into the precarious, still-developing infrastructure of the fledgling metropolis.

And so, a camp was erected from the remains of an outpost not too far from Covenant City itself. Here, new arrivals would remain while Covenant City did its best to clean up the abandoned skyscrapers and offer the new homes - once readied - to those waiting in the camp.

But what was believed at the time to be a temporary accomodation became more permanent for some. Demand for new homes in Covenant City outgrew the pace they could be offered. The camp, lacking the luxuries and pomp of Covenant City, grew ever larger.

At least there was no shortage of work to go around as people from all cities worked together to rebuild.

And the camp, now with a labor force the other cities depended on, eventually declared independence after long having outgrown its purpose as a simple reception camp and waiting room.

Sure, in New Bastion - now a city in its own right - conditions were basic and didn't have the cutting edge technology of Covenant City, nor the comfort of Idyl's End - but it was livable.

With demand in Covenant City homes ever outpacing their supply, some focused more on building their future in New Bastion instead of hoping Covenant City would keep its promise...

Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - M
Warning! The text below may constitute spoilers for people who have not played and finished Angels with Scaly Wings yet!

The world has gotten complicated.

Three city-states - also known as the trifecta - work on ensuring collective survival together, while each also faces its own individual challenges.

But while the people who used to live in Bastion have a much better standard of living now in Covenant City, the introduction of complex politics - again dividing people over opinions of how to best tackle the city's problems - almost make some people look back at times before the dragons' arrival with nostalgia.

Everyone pulled together when the threat of extinction was dire. Nowadays, unity is harder to find in the details, procedures and new possibilities brought by technology.

The dragons, too, try to adjust to their new surroundings. Never before had a Minister of Defense needed to deal with defending borders against sapient enemies wielding human weaponry. Nor had they ever needed a Foreign Minister - in charge of managing relations with a culture the dragons still had much to learn about.

Rudnik bears the scars of underestimating the raider threat - a mistake he won't repeat again. As the Minister of Defense, his duty lies with shielding the populace of Idyl's End from the realities of the new world.

Malina's position as the Foreign Minister has not yet gained total acceptance in Idyl's End due to the need for managing relations with humans not being fully understood. As she used to work in an orphanage, she uses her experience of handling hatchlings to navigate the complexities of political issues.
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - MB
Warning! The text below may constitute spoilers for people who have not played and finished Angels with Scaly Wings yet!

The Great Journey ensured the continued survival of dragonkind and mankind both.

However, not everyone was happy living together in one big city. Not for a lack of trying - both civilizations wanted to make it work.

Ultimately, humans did not turn out to be the benevolent gods dragons had believed in. Cultural differences made it impossible to decide on a direction for rebuilding Covenant City that pleased everybody.

After all, dragons had just entered a wasteland that was beset by raiders, and not everyone was ready to be assimilated into a human city - human culture.

While dragons were invited to stay in Covenant City if they so chose, the vast majority did not accept this offer. Minds resistant to change sought comfort in familiarity.

And thus, Idyl's End - the dragon city - was born.

In Idyl's End, a part of the dragon's world survived.

Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - MB
Covenant City is home to a variety of people, many of which you will be able to meet over the course of Angels with Scaly Wings, part 2’s story.

While there will be main and secondary characters just like in Angels with Scaly Wings, the game will also feature a large cast of characters who have smaller roles to flesh out the game’s world.

Let’s introduce a pair of them, shall we?

Shane D.

Shane is a rather reclusive dragon who lives alone. After legal trouble involving a minister when he was still living in the dragon world, he hopes to escape his past in Covenant City.

While one look at him might make you think of static shocks, this uncommon species is actually known for having a specialized organ that can create electricity. If you ever worried about your hair standing on end, just imagine what it does to him!

Imelda Pantoli

Imelda is the rather eccentric owner of several pizza bakeries. Rarely seen without her Ixomen Sphere, onlookers may wonder about her almost treating it like a pet. And how does she get those pizzas out of the oven?

Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - MB
Previously known colloquially as “Bastion”, its name now represents a pact made between two civilizations for mutual protection in a hostile world.

Known as a hub of technology and innovation before the Flare, it was prepared a little better than other cities may have been for the impending catastrophe.

While its energy infrastructure was destroyed nonetheless, other pieces of vital technology such as hospital equipment remained as measures were taken in time to protect them, and the city’s nature as a technological hub made this possible on short notice.

The result was not major destruction as many other cities faced, yet eventually the city still lay abandoned.

Without huge amounts of energy, the city - situated in the middle of a desert - struggled when there were no other immediate means of creating food or long-term access to safe water.

With time, more and more people left believing it to be doomed, only to realize other places were not necessarily in a better state.

A small contingent of people, wandering the now mostly-abandoned city, could survive reasonably well under these circumstances - evading the attention major cities and areas received that others had turned to. After all, who would try their luck to find remnants of civilization in the middle of a barren desert?

That is, until the complete breakdown of society led to the creation of raider gangs that roamed the lands.

But when the dragons appeared, the energy and technology they brought helped to quickly restore some parts of the city to its former glory.

Many areas still lie empty and in various states of (dis)repair, but with the dragons’ help, Covenant City has become what may be the most livable place on Earth.

Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - MB
Previously only available for those who pre-ordered, the Adine body pillow has made it to US shores and is now in-stock and available to buy worldwide.

The body pillow cover is life- and dragon-sized at an impressive 180x60cm.

Can she deliver her way into your heart? Order today, and she'll soon be on her way!

Supplies are limited, and once these are gone we're not sure if we'll be able to offer them again.

The Adine body pillow cover is available here:
Angels with Scaly Wings™ / 鱗羽の天使 - MB
It's official: My next visual novel is going to be "Angels with Scaly Wings, part 2".

Alluded to in last year's April Fool's Day post, as well as the teaser we released last month, this reveal finally makes official what some of you may have already suspected.

Taking place 4 years after the events of Angels with Scaly Wings' True Ending, a murder threatens to upset the delicate balance between the 3 cities of the new world.

Today marks AwSW's 5th anniversary, and as such I believe it is time to elaborate a little on the history of the sequel and where we stand today.

It really started during the development of AwSW. While writing the story, I would get many ideas about events and things that could happen to characters and the world in the future. I wrote down all of those ideas, and as development progressed these ideas started forming into an overarching story.

By the time we neared release for AwSW, I knew I wanted to create that sequel if I would be given the opportunity. The only question for me was whether AwSW would be successful enough to make this possible.

That is how the secret ending came into play. Would I not be able to create the sequel, the true ending would still be a good place to end the story, while the secret ending could tease what was to come if I was able to contiue and make another game.

Ultimately, Angels with Scaly Wings was planned as one, big story. When AwSW finally released, the first scene and events of the true ending for the sequel were already known to me, and work on the sequel commenced almost immediately.

The story became bigger and bigger, and I eventually realized this game would take a very long time to make.

That's where Angels with Broken Hearts (our webcomic taking place in the world of AwSW) came in. I was looking for a good way to elaborate on the world and characters of AwSW that I felt needed to be introduced to players to provide important context before playing the sequel - as carrying the story of the sequel was a big enough task on its own.

Since the game would take place in the new world, Reza's chapters in particular were a necessity so players would have the opportunity to know more about the human world and Reza's story - though of course other chapters of AwBH also play their part and not just Reza's.

Between this, a japanese translation and the console ports, my attention unfortunately became somewhat unfocused in order to make all of these things happen - further slowing the work on the sequel.

For this game, we are aiming for improvements on all fronts, meaning a lot more people to be involved (and assets to be created).

As of today, the various aspects are in very different states of completion, with music, backgrounds and character designs being mostly done - while others such as programming and CGs haven't been given much attention yet.

I am very confident in the people who are working on this game to raise the bar - and you will definitely be able to spot a number of familiar names in the credits as well.

We expect Angels with Scaly Wings, part 2 will release at some point in 2023 (hopefully sooner rather than later). When you eventually get the chance to play it, the amount of time to get through should be significantly higher compared to AwSW due to the sheer amount of content.

I don't think I can express in words how important the world and story of AwSW are to me - especially in light of all the lovely messages and reviews I have received about how much this story has meant to players.

I am very much looking forward to share this next chapter of Angels with Scaly Wings with you. Unfortunately, you will have to wait a while longer as many more days of work are ahead of us until this is possible.

However, with these news finally unveiled, I will also be able to start talking about the next game in more detail and share various pieces in blog posts just like this one throughout the year.

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