AirMech - CarbonJames

Paste that code into the game Shop and it will unlock the Osprey class if you don't already have it. Most useful for new players, since veterans likely already have it.

The Osprey is almost the opposite of the Warthog: doesn't do a ton of damage, but being able to repair Units can make you incredibly powerful. Combined with the new Follow order, you can effectively push a deadly force and help keep them alive.

Great carry capacity also makes the Osprey a great support AirMech. It plays differently than the other mechs and stands out as the only "healer" class. If you lean more towards playing like an RTS, this could be the AirMech for you.

Unlimited uses of this code all weekend, so please do share to give everyone a chance to try the Osprey!
AirMech - CarbonJames

Paste that code into the game Shop and it will unlock the Osprey class if you don't already have it. Most useful for new players, since veterans likely already have it.

The Osprey is almost the opposite of the Warthog: doesn't do a ton of damage, but being able to repair Units can make you incredibly powerful. Combined with the new Follow order, you can effectively push a deadly force and help keep them alive.

Great carry capacity also makes the Osprey a great support AirMech. It plays differently than the other mechs and stands out as the only "healer" class. If you lean more towards playing like an RTS, this could be the AirMech for you.

Unlimited uses of this code all weekend, so please do share to give everyone a chance to try the Osprey!
AirMech - CarbonJames
Tried the Warthog AirMech yet? Some new players feel it might be too powerful, since it is always on the front lines just melting everything in its path. But all that power is balanced against some drawbacks, such as slower speed, less carry capacity, and a high rate of energy drain for the minigun.

Want to try it out and see how it plays for yourself? For the next 24 hours (check the original time of this post if unsure) this code will unlock the Warthog on your account--permanently. It can be used unlimited times, so share it with your friends who are just starting out, or want a leg up unlocking all the classes:


Codes can be entered in the Shop from the Main Menu. Look for a button in the lower left.

The Warthog definitely is an awesome class and a lot of fun to use, and just like all the AirMechs it has roles it is best at--along with weaknesses. Find the AirMech that fits your playstyle best, and then find a partner to compliment that strategy.

Do you find the Warthog is balanced? Tell us your thoughts after you've had a chance to use it.
AirMech - CarbonJames
Tried the Warthog AirMech yet? Some new players feel it might be too powerful, since it is always on the front lines just melting everything in its path. But all that power is balanced against some drawbacks, such as slower speed, less carry capacity, and a high rate of energy drain for the minigun.

Want to try it out and see how it plays for yourself? For the next 24 hours (check the original time of this post if unsure) this code will unlock the Warthog on your account--permanently. It can be used unlimited times, so share it with your friends who are just starting out, or want a leg up unlocking all the classes:


Codes can be entered in the Shop from the Main Menu. Look for a button in the lower left.

The Warthog definitely is an awesome class and a lot of fun to use, and just like all the AirMechs it has roles it is best at--along with weaknesses. Find the AirMech that fits your playstyle best, and then find a partner to compliment that strategy.

Do you find the Warthog is balanced? Tell us your thoughts after you've had a chance to use it.
AirMech - CarbonJames

New Lobby Unit UI

The temporary UI we had for selecting what units went in your loadouts was pretty bad. Non-standard units were not selectable, which loadout you were editing wasn't clear and many people were having problems with it. We've started in a rework for this and already it is much better. Clicking units will bring up their stats, which is not ideal--we want to have stats displayed for selected units in the same window. You currently have to drag units from the unit panel over to the 3D units in the world. This is not how we intend the final design to work, but it works best that way at this stage. More improvements coming!

Improved Deploy and Unit Control

We have some neat new gameplay features in this patch we are testing. The need to be near an outpost to deploy things started to feel frustrating to us, because we want to get lots of units out and keep the action going and it currently slows you down. So we increased the range for Deploy--to include the entire map! The E key will deploy units from the nearest owned structure. And we added a button near the completed units.

What's this switch on the button? It's very interesting's a toggle that changes "Deploy and wait at this Outpost" to "Deploy and move to my mech location" (but not follow me). I would definitely call this feature experimental because it feels like a lot of fun to use, but we haven't really considered how it could be used for good or bad in multiplayer. We're looking for feedback from players on this feature. If the community thinks it's good then it stays--tell us what you think!

The sub-orders for Following units are also getting improvements. The "move to where I click" sub-order now has a preview line showing the path units will take to get somewhere. And units should try to stay ahead of your AirMech, so you can push with them a lot easier. These systems are being tweaked as we play with them to try and make the units do what you expect them to.

Wastelands update: soon! I'd say an exact date if I have one. I had to filter out many Wastelands specific changes to isolate the Strike patchnotes! :)

  • Lobby Unit Loadouts rework (still a few bugs, but much better)
  • Increase Deploy (E) range to infinite
  • Deploy defaults to nearest Outpost
  • Toggle button to Deploy and move to mech (experimental)
  • Testing DX11 support, /dx11 command line option for the brave
  • Fix BlackOps Angel fire points
  • Add path line when giving "move to cursor" order
  • Fix overlayed menu in Spectator mode
  • Initial Teamcolor selection voting (in progress)
  • Fixed a bug where non-VIPs had access to Sandbox mode
Known Issues
  • Paladin's ultimate cannot be activated
  • Muting preferences sometimes get reset somewhat randomly. We are looking for more info on how to reproduce this problem reliably so we can fix it.
  • Bots in Custom games is not yet implemented
AirMech - CarbonJames

New Lobby Unit UI

The temporary UI we had for selecting what units went in your loadouts was pretty bad. Non-standard units were not selectable, which loadout you were editing wasn't clear and many people were having problems with it. We've started in a rework for this and already it is much better. Clicking units will bring up their stats, which is not ideal--we want to have stats displayed for selected units in the same window. You currently have to drag units from the unit panel over to the 3D units in the world. This is not how we intend the final design to work, but it works best that way at this stage. More improvements coming!

Improved Deploy and Unit Control

We have some neat new gameplay features in this patch we are testing. The need to be near an outpost to deploy things started to feel frustrating to us, because we want to get lots of units out and keep the action going and it currently slows you down. So we increased the range for Deploy--to include the entire map! The E key will deploy units from the nearest owned structure. And we added a button near the completed units.

What's this switch on the button? It's very interesting's a toggle that changes "Deploy and wait at this Outpost" to "Deploy and move to my mech location" (but not follow me). I would definitely call this feature experimental because it feels like a lot of fun to use, but we haven't really considered how it could be used for good or bad in multiplayer. We're looking for feedback from players on this feature. If the community thinks it's good then it stays--tell us what you think!

The sub-orders for Following units are also getting improvements. The "move to where I click" sub-order now has a preview line showing the path units will take to get somewhere. And units should try to stay ahead of your AirMech, so you can push with them a lot easier. These systems are being tweaked as we play with them to try and make the units do what you expect them to.

Wastelands update: soon! I'd say an exact date if I have one. I had to filter out many Wastelands specific changes to isolate the Strike patchnotes! :)

  • Lobby Unit Loadouts rework (still a few bugs, but much better)
  • Increase Deploy (E) range to infinite
  • Deploy defaults to nearest Outpost
  • Toggle button to Deploy and move to mech (experimental)
  • Testing DX11 support, /dx11 command line option for the brave
  • Fix BlackOps Angel fire points
  • Add path line when giving "move to cursor" order
  • Fix overlayed menu in Spectator mode
  • Initial Teamcolor selection voting (in progress)
  • Fixed a bug where non-VIPs had access to Sandbox mode
Known Issues
  • Paladin's ultimate cannot be activated
  • Muting preferences sometimes get reset somewhat randomly. We are looking for more info on how to reproduce this problem reliably so we can fix it.
  • Bots in Custom games is not yet implemented
AirMech - CarbonJames

This is the 5th update to AirMech Strike since the huge reboot so we wanted to post this to the Steam news channel. Latest Patchnotes are always available ingame, and we'll consolidate them here when there is a good amount of new things or fixes. (scroll to the bottom for a bullet list of noteable changes)


After the initial work on Matchmaking and Custom rooms, then next most frequently asked for feature was the Shop. When we redid the menus, we figured one of the last things we'd need to add was the Shop. Most units and AirMech skins and customizations can be unlocked from the various setup panels, so you can preview things and then unlock them. We're keeping that in case you want to preview things, but we've also added a more traditional Shop layout to the menus.

Region Selection

Another significant new feature is the ability to include or exclude server regions, in addition to the automatic disabling of ones too far away. We'll automatically set a home region for you and select some of the areas we think will work best, but sometimes players are better at choosing where they play. For now there is a button in the Play menu called "Server Locations" where you can enable or disable regions. Green is on, Gray is off but available to be turned on, and red means it is too far away for automatic matching. Custom games are still possible however.

There have been fixes to the rendering selection to try and keep the new advanced post-process from enabling on lower spec machines including those with integrated graphics like laptops. Plus now when you select a lower than native resolution, the scaling will be smoother and look better. Definitely leave feedback if you are having any graphics problems, and include your settings and hardware if you know it.

Core Gameplay

Having units Follow you is a really cool addition to the game. Additionally, we added a way to tell units in Follow mode to go to a specific location. You'll see 3 options when units are Following--stop where you are, come to me and then stop, or go to where I click. This will also be added to gamepad with a new control mode soon.

If you haven't played AirMech Strike yet, there are many many other changes. Much of it is documented in the new ingame HUD through Tooltips and hotkeys hints (useful to turn those on in Settings). Gameplay is more in line with faster paced classic AirMech, with dynamic build queues that are not fixed to specific outposts.

New to Strike is the option to change out your Units during the game. Along with an increased build queue (8) and new Orders for your units. We're continuing to streamline the gameplay with everything focused on great 2v2 PvP gameplay.

Competitive Play

Season Zero is active and Ranking is live. This is just a test season and it won't last very long, just while we see how it is working and figure out where the tiers will settle.

Overall everyone has been super supportive, helping us identify the most critical things to fix or replace, leading to so many updates over the past week and a half. For players who weren't aware of the changes coming it was a bit confusing, but Wastelands is coming very shortly and with that everything should start to make sense again. We will of course announce it here when Wastelands access is starting to be available. It will be triggered from within AirMech Strike--more info on that soon.

Known Issues
  • Gamepad support incomplete, but coming
  • Unit setup in lobby is janky, preferrably setup units in pregame for now (being redone)
  • Spectator UI has overlayed menu (will be fixed shortly)
  • Anything missing will be available in Wastelands soon
  • Shop added
  • Simple tutorial/guided match for first time players (easy to skip)
  • Server region selection
  • Reduce Warthog's close range damage bonus
  • Rendering changes/improvements
  • Lobby menu restructure (ongoing)
  • Enter should toggle ingame chat properly
  • Fixed heads/hats not showing up on Bomber
  • Following units can be given more specific orders
  • Fortress income given a balance pass (was too high)
  • Improve target selection to prefer mechs over outposts
  • Muting should work better (was not working on names with spaces in them)
  • Mute players directly from info cards in a match (hover their mech at the top)
  • Black screen at endgame bug has been fixed
  • Teamcolor support for DeepSea Osprey
  • Improve AirMech flying and hover sounds
  • Improve Rank and XP circle progress at endgame screen
  • Update spectator UI to use new dynamic minimap (fixes missing minimaps)
  • Inviting players from their lobby player card should work right now
  • Fallbacks for various bad lobby states
  • Hopefully fix "invalid_sku" error condition
  • Saucer armor increased to 80
  • Quest updates as makes sense for Strike
  • Fixed player name not always showing in endgame screen
  • Can now invite players from Matchmaking menu
  • Custom rooms can be set to private, not browseable (you need to invite everyone)
  • Rings around player slots to help visualize size/team in lobby (temp visuals)
  • Show mailbox if you have a waiting message, even if not VIP
  • Add "power" button in menus to exit without digging in settings
  • Testing lighting changes in lobby, player selectable
  • Fixes to prevent units being dropped in salt piles on Salt
  • Make AirMechs do more cool stuff when they die in the air
  • Fix invisible enemies in lobby in Explore
  • Allow Explore during more states of ready-ness
  • More AirMech variant sounds added
  • Graphics option to disable glow effect, should help slower computers with integrated graphics
  • Change UI selection zones for units in Lobby to be more reliable
  • Disable gamepad binding to switch to "console" UI since it breaks everything
  • Adjust camera slightly up for Wreckz
  • Double-pressing E no longer deploys all pending units
  • Improved endgame sound effects
  • Hide game options that don't make sense when Spectating
  • Potential fix for sometimes getting the main menu while playing a game
  • New "Follow" Order tells units to follow your AirMech
  • Auto-repair removed, Repair mode now on Q key
  • Swap units ingame, Right
  • click to choose/swap, or Tab and drag
  • Generators reboot, can heal/fuel mechs on/off Sockets!
  • Leveler renamed Whoper, increases Upkeep limit
  • Parts are not used (used in Wastelands instead)
  • Pilots and Items also not used in Strike
  • Season 0 started, new Rank Points system
  • New Lobby design, fully 3D
  • New Menus, press Esc to toggle in/out
  • New Ingame HUD
  • New Storm and Biohazard adapted from player created maps
  • New Practice mode to battle all classic pilots in order of difficulty

One final thing to note, is that if you are a Silver VIP and did not recieve your Ancient Skull head (seen in the header image of this post) please let us know. We used this to initialy test the qualification for Wastelands access, and it didn't work as expected--but that's a good thing because it helped us fix the system to located these players. If you didn't get one, be sure to let us know either using the ingame bug report or just ask in chat if you see any devs around.

It's a busy week so we're getting right back to work!

AirMech - CarbonJames

This is the 5th update to AirMech Strike since the huge reboot so we wanted to post this to the Steam news channel. Latest Patchnotes are always available ingame, and we'll consolidate them here when there is a good amount of new things or fixes. (scroll to the bottom for a bullet list of noteable changes)


After the initial work on Matchmaking and Custom rooms, then next most frequently asked for feature was the Shop. When we redid the menus, we figured one of the last things we'd need to add was the Shop. Most units and AirMech skins and customizations can be unlocked from the various setup panels, so you can preview things and then unlock them. We're keeping that in case you want to preview things, but we've also added a more traditional Shop layout to the menus.

Region Selection

Another significant new feature is the ability to include or exclude server regions, in addition to the automatic disabling of ones too far away. We'll automatically set a home region for you and select some of the areas we think will work best, but sometimes players are better at choosing where they play. For now there is a button in the Play menu called "Server Locations" where you can enable or disable regions. Green is on, Gray is off but available to be turned on, and red means it is too far away for automatic matching. Custom games are still possible however.

There have been fixes to the rendering selection to try and keep the new advanced post-process from enabling on lower spec machines including those with integrated graphics like laptops. Plus now when you select a lower than native resolution, the scaling will be smoother and look better. Definitely leave feedback if you are having any graphics problems, and include your settings and hardware if you know it.

Core Gameplay

Having units Follow you is a really cool addition to the game. Additionally, we added a way to tell units in Follow mode to go to a specific location. You'll see 3 options when units are Following--stop where you are, come to me and then stop, or go to where I click. This will also be added to gamepad with a new control mode soon.

If you haven't played AirMech Strike yet, there are many many other changes. Much of it is documented in the new ingame HUD through Tooltips and hotkeys hints (useful to turn those on in Settings). Gameplay is more in line with faster paced classic AirMech, with dynamic build queues that are not fixed to specific outposts.

New to Strike is the option to change out your Units during the game. Along with an increased build queue (8) and new Orders for your units. We're continuing to streamline the gameplay with everything focused on great 2v2 PvP gameplay.

Competitive Play

Season Zero is active and Ranking is live. This is just a test season and it won't last very long, just while we see how it is working and figure out where the tiers will settle.

Overall everyone has been super supportive, helping us identify the most critical things to fix or replace, leading to so many updates over the past week and a half. For players who weren't aware of the changes coming it was a bit confusing, but Wastelands is coming very shortly and with that everything should start to make sense again. We will of course announce it here when Wastelands access is starting to be available. It will be triggered from within AirMech Strike--more info on that soon.

Known Issues
  • Gamepad support incomplete, but coming
  • Unit setup in lobby is janky, preferrably setup units in pregame for now (being redone)
  • Spectator UI has overlayed menu (will be fixed shortly)
  • Anything missing will be available in Wastelands soon
  • Shop added
  • Simple tutorial/guided match for first time players (easy to skip)
  • Server region selection
  • Reduce Warthog's close range damage bonus
  • Rendering changes/improvements
  • Lobby menu restructure (ongoing)
  • Enter should toggle ingame chat properly
  • Fixed heads/hats not showing up on Bomber
  • Following units can be given more specific orders
  • Fortress income given a balance pass (was too high)
  • Improve target selection to prefer mechs over outposts
  • Muting should work better (was not working on names with spaces in them)
  • Mute players directly from info cards in a match (hover their mech at the top)
  • Black screen at endgame bug has been fixed
  • Teamcolor support for DeepSea Osprey
  • Improve AirMech flying and hover sounds
  • Improve Rank and XP circle progress at endgame screen
  • Update spectator UI to use new dynamic minimap (fixes missing minimaps)
  • Inviting players from their lobby player card should work right now
  • Fallbacks for various bad lobby states
  • Hopefully fix "invalid_sku" error condition
  • Saucer armor increased to 80
  • Quest updates as makes sense for Strike
  • Fixed player name not always showing in endgame screen
  • Can now invite players from Matchmaking menu
  • Custom rooms can be set to private, not browseable (you need to invite everyone)
  • Rings around player slots to help visualize size/team in lobby (temp visuals)
  • Show mailbox if you have a waiting message, even if not VIP
  • Add "power" button in menus to exit without digging in settings
  • Testing lighting changes in lobby, player selectable
  • Fixes to prevent units being dropped in salt piles on Salt
  • Make AirMechs do more cool stuff when they die in the air
  • Fix invisible enemies in lobby in Explore
  • Allow Explore during more states of ready-ness
  • More AirMech variant sounds added
  • Graphics option to disable glow effect, should help slower computers with integrated graphics
  • Change UI selection zones for units in Lobby to be more reliable
  • Disable gamepad binding to switch to "console" UI since it breaks everything
  • Adjust camera slightly up for Wreckz
  • Double-pressing E no longer deploys all pending units
  • Improved endgame sound effects
  • Hide game options that don't make sense when Spectating
  • Potential fix for sometimes getting the main menu while playing a game
  • New "Follow" Order tells units to follow your AirMech
  • Auto-repair removed, Repair mode now on Q key
  • Swap units ingame, Right
  • click to choose/swap, or Tab and drag
  • Generators reboot, can heal/fuel mechs on/off Sockets!
  • Leveler renamed Whoper, increases Upkeep limit
  • Parts are not used (used in Wastelands instead)
  • Pilots and Items also not used in Strike
  • Season 0 started, new Rank Points system
  • New Lobby design, fully 3D
  • New Menus, press Esc to toggle in/out
  • New Ingame HUD
  • New Storm and Biohazard adapted from player created maps
  • New Practice mode to battle all classic pilots in order of difficulty

One final thing to note, is that if you are a Silver VIP and did not recieve your Ancient Skull head (seen in the header image of this post) please let us know. We used this to initialy test the qualification for Wastelands access, and it didn't work as expected--but that's a good thing because it helped us fix the system to located these players. If you didn't get one, be sure to let us know either using the ingame bug report or just ask in chat if you see any devs around.

It's a busy week so we're getting right back to work!

AirMech - CarbonJames
It is time. For too long AirMech has sat in a sad state. I covered how it got to this point, and what we have been doing in the previous months to correct this. We have been testing Strike privately, and now we need to go wider so we can move faster.

What is AirMech Strike?
AirMech Strike is the new PvP focused reboot of AirMech. Instead of launching a new game like AirMech 2, we are updating the old version so everyone has it, and everyone keeps their account and progress.

If you are just catching up, Carbon is soon launching a Coop/PvE/RPG game called AirMech Wastelands, which will be given to all Silver VIPs free of charge. Anything that is "missing" from AirMech Strike will be in there, along with a ton of new RPG focused content.

Back to Strike--what is it? To some very old players it might be familiar to see a PvP focus, but to newer players from the past year it might seem very different. The Campaign and Warzone have been removed (over to AirMech Wastelands) and we now have a 3D multiplayer lobby, a new Group/Queue system, Custom Games and Browser.

The forced tutorial and restrictions on chat have been removed. New players can try Practice to learn the basics. As of this writing the training mission is incredibly basic, but will be improved over time. It is a guided battle against an easy pilot where we check if the player has done certain actions, and if not we explain how to do these things. A pro player won't see a single message, but a new player should find it a nice soft introduction.

We now have voice chat built into the lobby. You can see other players, with whatever AirMech and Skin they are using. A huge benefit to the new Group system is you will be matched with a partner before finding opponents. This sounds obvious, but the old system located all players separately, and then would start the game, creating the impression of an empty queue. It is easier to get in a game than ever before.

Swapping units during a match is a key new feature. We are still experimenting with restrictions or penalties on this for competitive reasons, but as it takes time to do the swap it already becomes a penalty to change. The bigger benefit is that you don't need to pick units in the lobby, greatly simplifying the lobby/matching process. You choose your units during pregame (Tab or right click on a unit) while in communication with your teammate about strategy. Plus now you know the map you are playing on, making it easier to pick the right units. Don't want to put endgame units in your starting slots? Change them later, so you can use a larger variety of units for more interesting tactics.

Highlights of this Update
  • New "Follow" Order tells units to follow your AirMech
  • Auto-repair removed, Repair mode now on Q key
  • Swap units ingame, Right-click to choose/swap, or Tab and drag
  • Generators reboot, can heal/fuel mechs on/off Sockets!
  • Leveler renamed Whopper, increases Upkeep limit
  • Parts are not used (used in Wastelands instead)
  • Pilots and Items also not used in Strike
  • Season 0 started, new Rank Points system
  • New Lobby design, fully 3D
  • New Menus, press Esc to toggle in/out
  • New Ingame HUD
  • Graphical effects upgrades/improvements (ongoing)
  • New Storm and Biohazard adapted from player created maps
  • New Practice mode to battle all classic pilots in order of difficulty

There are many more micro changes to the game that have come along with development over the past year. We were focused on AirMech Command (the VR version) and lots of work from that helped the core AirMech game. We are also not finished, but we feel it is a better game than the previous forced solo campaign mode and confusing UI system, so we are launching it and moving forward with updates. You may be able to switch to the "Legacy" branch on Steam depending on when you are reading this.

Where is my stuff?
I still expect that to be the biggest question. Your account is the same and untouched. Some things might not be visible in the menus and this is intentional if they would cause problems or not be usable. Everything and more will be available in Wastelands, coming very soon. Anyone who has spent any real money (which causes you to become Silver VIP) will be given Wastelands for free. This plan has been discussed with the players on the Carbon forums for many months now, and the result is something that everyone from the biggest VIP to the non-VIPs are satisfied with. Those who love PvP get what they want, and the Coop/PvE/RPG fans will get what they want--in AirMech Wastelands.

We hope you are as excited about this new direction for AirMech as we are!

- Carbon Games Dev Team

AirMech - CarbonJames
It is time. For too long AirMech has sat in a sad state. I covered how it got to this point, and what we have been doing in the previous months to correct this. We have been testing Strike privately, and now we need to go wider so we can move faster.

What is AirMech Strike?
AirMech Strike is the new PvP focused reboot of AirMech. Instead of launching a new game like AirMech 2, we are updating the old version so everyone has it, and everyone keeps their account and progress.

If you are just catching up, Carbon is soon launching a Coop/PvE/RPG game called AirMech Wastelands, which will be given to all Silver VIPs free of charge. Anything that is "missing" from AirMech Strike will be in there, along with a ton of new RPG focused content.

Back to Strike--what is it? To some very old players it might be familiar to see a PvP focus, but to newer players from the past year it might seem very different. The Campaign and Warzone have been removed (over to AirMech Wastelands) and we now have a 3D multiplayer lobby, a new Group/Queue system, Custom Games and Browser.

The forced tutorial and restrictions on chat have been removed. New players can try Practice to learn the basics. As of this writing the training mission is incredibly basic, but will be improved over time. It is a guided battle against an easy pilot where we check if the player has done certain actions, and if not we explain how to do these things. A pro player won't see a single message, but a new player should find it a nice soft introduction.

We now have voice chat built into the lobby. You can see other players, with whatever AirMech and Skin they are using. A huge benefit to the new Group system is you will be matched with a partner before finding opponents. This sounds obvious, but the old system located all players separately, and then would start the game, creating the impression of an empty queue. It is easier to get in a game than ever before.

Swapping units during a match is a key new feature. We are still experimenting with restrictions or penalties on this for competitive reasons, but as it takes time to do the swap it already becomes a penalty to change. The bigger benefit is that you don't need to pick units in the lobby, greatly simplifying the lobby/matching process. You choose your units during pregame (Tab or right click on a unit) while in communication with your teammate about strategy. Plus now you know the map you are playing on, making it easier to pick the right units. Don't want to put endgame units in your starting slots? Change them later, so you can use a larger variety of units for more interesting tactics.

Highlights of this Update
  • New "Follow" Order tells units to follow your AirMech
  • Auto-repair removed, Repair mode now on Q key
  • Swap units ingame, Right-click to choose/swap, or Tab and drag
  • Generators reboot, can heal/fuel mechs on/off Sockets!
  • Leveler renamed Whopper, increases Upkeep limit
  • Parts are not used (used in Wastelands instead)
  • Pilots and Items also not used in Strike
  • Season 0 started, new Rank Points system
  • New Lobby design, fully 3D
  • New Menus, press Esc to toggle in/out
  • New Ingame HUD
  • Graphical effects upgrades/improvements (ongoing)
  • New Storm and Biohazard adapted from player created maps
  • New Practice mode to battle all classic pilots in order of difficulty

There are many more micro changes to the game that have come along with development over the past year. We were focused on AirMech Command (the VR version) and lots of work from that helped the core AirMech game. We are also not finished, but we feel it is a better game than the previous forced solo campaign mode and confusing UI system, so we are launching it and moving forward with updates. You may be able to switch to the "Legacy" branch on Steam depending on when you are reading this.

Where is my stuff?
I still expect that to be the biggest question. Your account is the same and untouched. Some things might not be visible in the menus and this is intentional if they would cause problems or not be usable. Everything and more will be available in Wastelands, coming very soon. Anyone who has spent any real money (which causes you to become Silver VIP) will be given Wastelands for free. This plan has been discussed with the players on the Carbon forums for many months now, and the result is something that everyone from the biggest VIP to the non-VIPs are satisfied with. Those who love PvP get what they want, and the Coop/PvE/RPG fans will get what they want--in AirMech Wastelands.

We hope you are as excited about this new direction for AirMech as we are!

- Carbon Games Dev Team


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