Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,
We have added 13th mission in this update. It has a special feature. Towers are getting freezed if they stay long out of bonfire. There are 3 bonfires at the level, you can activate them any time, but be aware they have a cooldown. Another small feature that Ice Mage towers are immune to cold, so you can build them anywhere.

We slightly changed UI by moving spell buttons from right middle to left bottom corner.

We improved log system. it sends more information now, so it will be easier for us to find the mistake.

Also, we have got several reports about game difficulties. Temporarily we reduced health of monsters and armor modifiers on Easy and Hard. We increased amount of lives for all difficulties as well.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a lot of bugs which could occur black screen or didn't let the level finish. Most of them were connected with using of Fear spell.
  • Fixed the bug when using Fear ability on air units breaked their path way
  • Fixed the bug when restart the level breaked a tutorial. For example, a player didn't get Meteor spell at 7th wave if he restarted the level.
  • Fixed the bug when a player could not place a tower at mission 5
  • Fixed road paths on several maps
  • Fixed the bird boss on Mission 12. It had 100 shield stacks by mistake.
  • Flight path of spear was visually improved
  • Fixed the bug with Rank talent

Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We want to show sketches of last maps to you. It is well known Ice age. There will be a lot of map speicasl and enemies which have new unique abilities. For example, there will be a monster which will spawn small birds which attack towers and micro stun them (like carrier from Stacraft). So, we expect these mission will be a great challenged end of the game.

We are going to add a lot to the game in the next 2 months after we add sketches of 13,14,15. missions

Roadmap of Age of Defense
  • Player skills for 7-15 levels.
  • Gold abilities for each tower. 2-3 for each tower (similar to gold upgrades in Kingdom Rush
  • Updated report system. Fixing of all critical bugs (when levels don't finish)
  • Final versions of all maps with animations and easter eggs
  • Windowed mode and other game settings
  • Adjusting difficulty of all missions
  • Specials rules for each mission (similar to stars quest in Warstone)
  • Second mode for each mission
  • Animated and sounded version of all cartoon cutscenes
  • Animated begginer information in the start of the game
  • Animated explanation for each skill

Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We added just 1 new mission in this update, but it contains some intersting features. First of all, you can summon a UFO to help you in the battle. It loads enemies and unload them in cornet of the map.

Secondly, you will force a new boss at this level. It has unique mechanics. It flies around the mag and fires with ice cannon freezing nearby towers. It also summons flying birds which transport enemies. Finally, it gets 2 new abilities when it gets damaged. Big Freeze cannon allows to fires 80 projectiles per second and Shiled mode allows to neutralize incoming projectiles. In overall, the boss should be very fun. It is made with sketch animations now. Our artis is currently working on final version.

Game menu changes after comletion of 12th mission. The old mage goes to the ancient world with the boy. Game menu appears to be a part of museum exhibiton and while there is no guide it is remains closed. The place behind the old mage contains 3 last mission of the game in setting of Ice Age.

We added sketches of sketches of cinematics for being ivolvbed in the main story. Fully drawn cinematics comes in 2-3 months.

Game changes
  • Added special life bars to the Boss in the end of World #1. So players copuld understand they need to attack the eye/head of the boss.
  • New icons of resistances in the info menu which should be more clear for understanding
  • Money for devour the mob (DIno Woman tower) are given in the end of devour
  • Flying units fly more properly now

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a huge bug when levels sometimes couldn't be finish because some enemies were stuck in the beginning of the road. It was connected with big enemis like Big fish and etc. So, fixed it. The game should properly finish in Mission 4-12 now. Please, check.
  • Fixed the bug when some projectiles couldn't reach the target and were stuck on the enemy model
  • Towers look at the right side when attack flying enemies now
  • Fixed the bug when skill for Vodoo mages didn't work for Vodoo Tower Level 4
  • Fixed the bug when icon of range was displayed wrong
  • Projectile of Snake mob was fixed
  • Spearman Tower Level 4 now has animation of stuck spear in the ground
  • Visual fixes of the old mage in the main menu

Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

This update is really major. We added a lot of stuff. First of all, we added 2 missions of World #4. Enemies of this world has some cool and unique abilities. 11th mission has a special feature. There are 2 portals which spawn from previous worlds. It should be fun.

We have got several reports about levels which can't be finihsed. We found some sources which could produce this bug and fixed them. We think, there are more. We added special menu "Send bug-report", you can open it by clicking on the bug icon in top right corner. There you can write a couple of words for better understanding. We will read all reports. Thanks in advance for helping us making the game bug-free.

We added 4 new towers in this update, Upgraded Vodoo Mage Tower, Stone Tower of Max level, Axe Tower of Max level, Woman Bird Tower.
Also, we remodelled old ones like Woman towers and Ape towers to new ones. Their style fit better in the game.

Game changes
  • You can cancel the use of spell / tower building by clicking right button of the mouse
  • You can see where you can or cant' place a spike trap (some players didn't understand what the first spell does)
  • Numbers in info menu (bottom middle) becomes green if a unit/tower gets a buff. They become red if they get a debuff
  • Added information about new towers in 7,8,9,10,11 missions in the stasrt of a mission
  • Added temporarily icons for available missions
  • Woman and Woman Fish tower got a new animation for range buff

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the critical bug on mission 6. The level was never end if a player didn't kill the walking head of Giant Bug Boss
  • Fixed the bug when cast of Fear spell on static units could crash the game (black screen)
  • Fixed the bug when Stegozavrs (flying dinos) took lives after reaching the temple
  • Soundand Music settings are saved properly now
  • Movement speed of enemies are displayed properly now in info menu. Slows didn't change the number earlier.
  • Pause is cancelled in the end of transition animation instead of the beginning.

Bug Fixes of Patches #1-3
  • Fixed the bug when a tower left on amouse point after learning a skill which increases damage
  • Fixed the bug when the game crushed after upgrading Woman Dino tower to Level 3
  • Removed blue squares under whirlpools in Mission #5
  • Fixed the bug when players couldn't type several letters in the "Bug report" menu
  • Numbers of movement speed in info menu don't show decimal fractions now
  • Starting of attack animation was adjusted for Ape Towers
  • Fixed the bug when there were wave button on the level if player used unusual screen resolution

Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,
A lot of time has passed since the last update. We worked hard, so In 0.70 update we added demo version of two new missions. They end World #3.

Force 15 new enemies with different abilities. Big Stegozavr has a flight ability, it stuns nearby towers upon landing. Big Magic Dino stuns one tower while it walks nearby. Reptiloids are units with small amount of health but incredible regeneration. Tyrannosaur mini-boss roars decreasing towers attack speed, also it has damage reduction aura and etc...

Another Boss Fight brings also a lot of fun. First of all, 9th mission has several stages. The temple starts healing monsters at 11th and 16th waves. Dinosaurs get riders at 21th waves. Finally, Reptiloid transforms to ArmoredReptiloids after 26th wave.

New missions are sketches. There is no animation, explanation and etc. Our artist is currerntly working on final art. We reupload World #3 with final art when he finishes.

Game artist and programmer are working on World #4 now. We shared screenshots of this world in the previous announcemnt. it contains some new mechanics like UFO, portals from previous worlds and a huge plot twist.

Game changes
  • If you point at Skull button of new wave and hold, you will see info about upcoming enemies from that road.
  • If you hold more time, you will see a path which enemies will go
  • Added ice Mage Tower Level 3 in Mission 8
  • Added Axe Tower Level 4 in Mission 9
  • Added Dino-Woman Tower Level 3 in Mission 9
  • Cost of VodooMageTower was increased by 50
  • Projectile speed of VodooMageTower was inreased by 40%

Bug Fixes of 0.70 Version
  • Fixed critical bug when fly enemies on some air roads turned back after reaching end point in Mission #5
  • Enemies with fly abiliites lose physical size after takeoff now.
  • Fixed the bug when all towers had "spear" icon for their type damage
  • Enemies affected by stun effect can't use abilities
  • Slows of MageTower and IceMageTower don't stack anymore
  • Girl-DinoTower ate enemies of high size. Fixed
  • Fixed the bug when game speed was set to 1x after leaving pause menu
  • Info of enemy vulnerabilities now scale properly
  • Fixed the bug when some skills didn't work
  • Fixed the bug when magic birds of World #3 didn't use ab ability after being hit by ApeTower
  • IceMage fires from the right spot now and uses better projectile.
  • Towers which affected by Girl-DinoTower's aura have heart icon now
  • JumpFish die with death animation now
  • Steam achievement fixes
  • Animation of death of Big Balloon mob in World #2 shows properly
  • Fixed the bug when poison effect of ApeTower was shown even if bug dissappered

Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games

Sep 9, 2019
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We are going to upload 0.64 update with demo versions of 8th and 9th missions. It unlock a lot of new enemies, 3 new towers and another boss fight.
While we are making last tests, we want to show you sketches of World #4

it is another era. Creatures look closer to present time, but have a lot of exceptions.
First map contains 3 independent roads. Be ready to plan your defences against 35 different enemy types.

Second mission introduces unique mechanics. It spawns portals from previous worlds. So, a player will defend against creatures of all 4 worlds. it should be fun

The last mission has 4 entrances and 1 exit point. Also, it have alien artifacts, mighty hands, which can close a road and force enemies move to another way.

Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games

Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We added 7th mission. Layout of this mission is a sketch, so some objects can cover others. Also enemy units don't have animations.
It is kinda a demo of 7th mission. We did it because we want to upload all remaining levels earlier for earlier tests. For example, 8th and 9th missions comes before August ends.

New missions unlock 2 new towers. Ape tower is a siege tower which applies deadly poison on enemy units. It is great in elimination of small units. Another tower is Dino Woman tower. It has +12% damage aura (excellent in any situations) and can devouer small units instantly.

New mission introduces new world, so there is just a few new units. You will defend against units of World #2 as well.

Finally, we added first 39 achievements in the game. Most of them can be got easily. We plan more than 150 achievements in total.

Other game changes and Bug Fixes
  • If a player starts new missions earlier it will decreses spell cooldowns.
  • Spike and Meteor damages are noe pure. It deals full damage. Spike had normal damage and stone had siege damage previosly. We did duo balance reasons
  • Auto opening of 4th mission after completion 3th mission was removed
  • Fixed critical bug when enemies on hard difficulty had insane amount of armor
  • Fixed ciritcal bug when some enemy could get wrong abilities. For example, MagicBug had Jump ability of DragonFly mini boss.
  • Fixed the bug with "each time from the beginning will return to the default game speed, but still shows the speed of the last adjustment. "
  • Added right animation for MagicBug (World #2)

Bug fixes of patch #1
  • Fixed 6th mission. There were a mission enemy path, so enemies appeared in wrong spots and the game crushed at 7th wave
  • Start the game, Get the level, Pass on Hard difficulty achievements now work right.

Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games
Aug 13, 2019
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We changed a way how we are adding new missions to the game. First 6 missions were final with animation effects, mobs and etc. We have decided to upload a rest of missions as a scetches. We are going to add remain 9 missions without enemy animations or map effects. It gives less visual satisfaction, but you can play new missions earlier. Later, we will add final animations when our artist finishes them.

There you can see scetches of all missions of World #3. It is well known Jurassic era with a lot of dinoisaurs. There will be 24 new enemy units. Most of them will have unique abilities. It should be fun.

As you can see there a new huge enemy arrive, so expect a great twist in the main story with new animated cartoon cineamatic.

Finally, we added the new trailer for the game with gameplay and cinematics moments from 1-6 missions. Hope it motives new players to purchase AoD.

Seventh map should come in a week!

Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

We added several gameplay improvements and fixed a couple of critical bugs.
First of all, when a player gets a level ans skill point it also increases damage from Stone and Spike Trap spells. It doubles the damage at level 5, so these spell get more useful at late game.

Secondly, we added game speed button. You can choose between 1x, 1,5x, 2x game speed settings. We hope it make the game more pleasant.
Thirdly, we added settings for changing sound and music volume in the pause menu.

Fourthly, we added info buttons in the mission menu and skill menu which open a thread in the forum with explanations of game mechanics and skills.
Finally, we added cute animated effect for building a tower.

Other game changes
  • Players start from the last wave with saved progress in 6th mission if they lose and restart the level
  • Mission 6 became harder. BugBoss fight got easier. Difficulty of Mission 5 was increased slightly
  • Added a special road path for Dragon Fly mini boss at Mission 5
  • Damage of Spearman Level 2 was slightly increased
  • Damage of Spearman Level 3 was decreased
  • Woman tower Level 1 gives fixed amount of extra attack range now. Stronger level apply percentages values.
  • Voodoo tower damage was slightly decreased
  • Skills of Level 2, Double Attack and Spike Trap Upgrade were swapped
  • Game settings are saved now
  • Woman towers got priority of attack, they attack enemies without stun effect first

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the critical bug when Mission 3 couldn't be finished after killing the boss
  • Fixed the bug when evolution mobs could get stuck near first whirlpool at mission 5
  • Fixed the bug when a balloon mob got invulnerable after being feared
  • DragonFly miniboss could unexpectedly die in the end of the road at mission 5. Fixed.
  • Fixed the bug when some parts of UI (info menu and skill menu button) was shown at wrong places if player played with unusual screen resolution
  • Electro Fish and Big Fly enemies cast their abilities from the beginning now
  • Added animation of death for Bug Boss's cocoon
  • Fixed the bug when Big Fly mob could lay a larva at BossBug
  • Visual fixes for Dragon Fly ability
  • Big Fly mob no more can't lay a larva at air units
  • Fixed the bug when projectiles of tower tried to reach enemies who disappeared in a whirlpool
  • Visual fixes for main and settings menu
  • Visual fixes of animations of the old mage in the main menu
  • Sound of Parasite ability cast was removed
  • Visual effects are shown at balloon mobs properly now
Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games
Age of Defense - Rurik

Hello there,

The game gets closer to the original idea. We added two major things which affect whole game. It is a skill system and settings menu. Player unlocks skill tree while playing Mission 3 and can learn just 2 skills. Each new missions increases your maximum level. There will be 15 player levels in the game and 6 of them are available to learn in Mission 6.

Skills are very diverse. Some of them just increase damage, attack speed and etc. Others give special abilities to certain towers (Voodoo mage gets damage bonus on kill); improve your spells (Spike trap gets extra spikes); Allow rank system to towers (towers get extra damage bonus depending on kill count). Finally you can take third spell. We added 2 new spells: 1) Summon a rage totem which increases attack speed of nearby towers; 2) Fear spell forces enemies in the area move back. Both of spells are extremely useful in a battle.

You can learn more about skills and the game in F.A.Q

Also we added Settings menu. There is just a few options. Change sound and music volumes, disable blood effects on the map and disable terrain animations which improve fps. We are going to add more options in future. Write in comments what do you want.

Bug Fixes and other changes
  • Fixed the bug when last wave didn't start in mission 2 and 3.
  • Fixed the bug when Mission become endless
  • There were a huge bug with tower attack speed display. They were all wrong. Now info shows correct data.
  • Fixed the bug on mission 5 when some enemies got stuck in the fish skeleton after leaving first whirlpool.
  • Fixed the bug on mission 3 when one of Microbe Bosses could get stuck in the middle of the road

Play with us,
Battlecruiser Games

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