Afterlifes - Nocktion
Hey Survivors!

As we announced last week Afterlifes Road To Beta is finally live. You can access it by Right Clicking on Afterlifes in your Library > Properties > Betas and selecting roadtobeta.

Our first version is Beta-Snapshot2053a, which is a very simple update only containing the foundation of the game, the world with trees and grass and some basic decoratives. It also includes a built-in feedback system (Accessed with F1) and a Screenshot system (Taken with F2).

Update Schedule

Alongside this announcement we also implement a new update schedule. Every week on Wednesdays at 11:00AM EST, we will publish a snapshot.

Please note that these snapshots are not fully featured and tested updates, thus they may contain bugs and errors. Occasionally there may be unscheduled snapshots during the week or the weekend of the given development week.

The weekly snapshots represent our weekly progress towards our goal, Afterlifes Beta. The point of Afterlifes Road To Beta is that you can all follow along the process of creating our dream game, what Afterlifes always was supposed to be, and also you might even have some fun playing around with the weekly new features.

Once Road To Beta reaches a certain, more advanced point, we will also publish a tested, stable version on the main game branch, while continuing development. These stable versions will also be updated from time to time.

Have fun playing and see you next week with Beta-Snapshot2101a :)

Afterlifes - Nocktion
Hey Survivors!
2020 hasn't been an eventful year for Afterlifes. But today this changes slightly.

First of all, as a little Christmas gift to you we proudly announce Afterlifes Road To Beta, that will begin on December 30, 11:00 EST. Afterlifes Road To Beta will open up as a new beta branch acting as a development log. Every week on wednesdays we will publish a snapshot of the game showcasing the weekly progress made.

The Road To Beta roadmap can be seen under this post as well as on our Store Page, showing the main goals. Once we complete a large enough percent of the roadmap Afterlifes Beta will be released bringing tons of new features, a fully featured storyline, cooperative multiplayer and much much more as well as massive graphical and mechanics improvements.

Stay tuned until next wednesday until the opening of the Road To Beta branch.

Until then the Nockdev Entertainment Team wishes you a very Merry Christmas! :)

Afterlifes - Statey
Hey Survivors!

Due to the high amount of issues and bugs with the current version of Afterlifes we decided to cancel the Mine or Die update, but this does NOT mean that Afterlifes will be discontinued. Mine or Die will instead be replaced with another update.

Afterlifes wasn't going on its desired track in the last period of time. Bugs, issues, lag and lots of other problems occured. So we decided to replace our new update.

The next update will be Afterlifes Rebirth where we rework loads of things in the game. Performance, graphics, general gameplay, mechanics and fix every known issues. Afterlifes Rebirth can most probably be expected during July, but the exact release date will be published lated during June.

If you would like to participate in the development of Afterlifes Rebirth, please feel free to play the Afterlifes untested beta, and to reach back to us in our Discussions, email or any of our social media platforms.

Until Afterlifes Rebirth, we would like to thank everyone who supports us.

See you in the next wave ;)
Afterlifes - Nocktion
Hey Survivors!
According to a user report, Afterlifes could not be played properly after the Operation Starving Update. This hotfix fixes several issues and bugs and it also brings some little improvements into the game.

- Fixed Loading Screen stuck
- Fixed Mysterious Boxes opening incorrectly
- Fixed Matacina Camps
- Fixed Main Menu errors
- Fixed Map locator

- Replaced Player model to a more detailed one with 4K textures
- Performance improvements
- Removed the "What's next?" pane from the Main Menu
- Replaced sky
- Added sky HDR
- Improved Time system
- Improved Clouds and Fog

We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Afterlifes 2.2 will soon be finished, bringing you a surprise. Till then we'll continue to publish Feature Leaks in order to keep you updated on the new features of the Afterlifes: Mine or Die Update.

Thanks for playing! Have a nice day and a nice loot! :)
Afterlifes - Nocktion
Hey Survivors!
While working our way towards new updates, we decided to give you little chunks of info about upcoming features step by step. These are FL posts and announcements aka Feature Leaks.

Today's feature is a brand new Feedback system. We know that Afterlifes may contain bugs, as we cannot test every inch of the game, but we work hard to get rid of all of them. The new system lets you send us a report of the bug in just two clicks, but if you just want to share your suggestion or idea with us, then you will be able to do it through the Feedback system.

Till then, if you have any suggestions or if you found a bug, please open a thread in the Discussions or leave us a report on our Github Issues page.

What will be the next feature? You'll find it out soon. Have nice day and nice loot everyone :)
Afterlifes - Nocktion
Hey Survivors!

Afterlifes 2.0 alias Operation Starving has officially been released today. It contains a lot of changes, fixes and improvements.

Near Future

2.1 will come to you in a few days bringing several minor changes and performance improvements and as you had to wait for so long to this update, 2.2 will contain a little surprise for you. So be prepared :)

Have a nice day and a nice loot. Ohh and Happy Halloween :D
Afterlifes - Nocktion
Hey Survivors!

If you have been waiting for the Operation Starving Update, then this is your lucky day. We have finally released the Update on the Untested Beta branch.

To try it out, all you have to do is to select "development" from the Betas list and Update. That's it.

But please note that this is an Untested Beta meaning that it hasn't been tested by our Official Testers. So bugs might appear.

Thanks for playing. Have a nice day and a nice loot :)
Afterlifes - Nocktion

If you're curious on what's coming to Afterlifes in the 2.0 Update, then you're at the best place. Now I'm going to give even more details about the update and I'll show you some screenshots as well. So let's get to it.

The first and most important change is the addition of POIs (Points of Interest). And what are these? Well...

Mysterious boxes, Lumber yard, Lookout tower, Hunting lodge,

Other houses like this one:

Matacina Camps

And even a Castle, if you're a fan of the Medieval Era.

The next big change is the Farming system, but not in a conventional way. As you won't be able to plant on the ground itself, since Ducmacs (You'll meet them pretty soon) would steal your crops. So you'll have to craft Planting Boxes. All you have to do is to craft it, place it

Place an Axe on it carefully... Uh, no you shouldn't do this. Just put a seed into the box and check on it regularly as you will have to fertilize the soil and water the plants.

You can plant Potato, Wheat, Corn, Carrot, Tomato, Coffee and even Cotton. But a Farming system wouldn't be useful without the ability to Cook. So now you can use the Campfire

to cook your food. Unfortunately, there's less loot than before so... You should farm.

Ohh, and for the water. From now on you'll be able to craft and build Water Wells to fill your empty bottles. Though this water is dirty and the Well gets empty after a while, but you can build a new one and also you can clear your water in a Campfire.

In order to make Metal ingots, you will need a Campfire as well, to melt the metal or to make clay bricks.

Another new "Machine" is the Grinding Stone. This can be used to make Cement, Flour, Cornmeal, Sand and several more things.

Some little changes happened as well, like Tooltips, Container naming, Improved item movements in the inventory and so on.

And last, but certainly not least, we also improved the graphics a bit. So as closing, some screenshots about the 3 biomes.

Thanks for playing! Have a nice loot and nice day :)
Aug 5, 2019
Afterlifes - Nocktion
Hey Survivors,
Unfortunately, finishing the Alpha 2.0.0 update is taking a little bit longer than expected, but don't worry, it will be released till the middle of August and it will bring a lot of new things to the game, including over 20 buildings to loot, Matacina Camps and other new points of interest. We created mechanics for farming plants, water wells, cooking and a lot of new blocks and furniture you can craft. So keep on playing :)
Thanks for playing and have a nice loot :)
Afterlifes - Nocktion
Hey Survivors!

Today I'm going to tell you about the Alpha v2.0.0 update that will be released soon.

So several bugs has been reported that we are going to fix in the next update. Disappearing items has been reported more frequently, we are investigating the cause of this issue and in the update this bug will be fixed. Also some of you mentioned that the map is too empty. Now this is something that we are trying to find solutions for. Not having rivers or lakes in Stall Valley has a background story importance.

However we created water wells in the update that you can craft and place in order to create a constant supply of water. This update also contains a system for farming. Using Planting Boxes you can grow several crops. It's important that these Planting Boxes require watering and adding fertilizer that can be created using the new Composter.

You can use the Grinding Stone to craft coffee grounds, flour or cornmeal that can be used for different foods and of course Coffee. Cooking is also a new feature in this update. You can use the Campfire to cook different foods.

We're also replacing some of the ingame models in order to improve graphics.

There has been a feature of the game that has been removed for internal reasons, but these features will be added again. These are the Matacina Camps. Several of these camps will be placed on the map. In the middle of the Matacina Camps you can find a Soulfire. These are campfires with green flames and it is protected by 10-20 Warrior Matacinas and a Leader Matacina. The Soulfire contains precious loot as well.

Another thing added will be the Ruins. Ruins a destroyed, collapsed buildings containing some more loot.

About the future:
There is a story element that is under construction. I mean it's really under construction as it is the city of Stahlberg. Stall Valley is a huge territory around this city. Stahlberg is going to be added in another update, as it is pretty big and it takes us a lot of time to create all the buildings inside of it.

There are a lot of other features waiting in the queue to be added. Features like wildlife, ores, machinery and of course the End Game.

There will be several minor changes and fixes in Alpha v2.0.0 not listed yet. We're actively working on the update and it will be released soon.

Thanks for playing and have nice loot! :)

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