AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Prerelease/Expans 2.001ZJ (9 Control Nodes, Transports+, Fixes, AI Logic+)

The pre-releeases continue for New Year's Eve!

Please see,2804.0.html for more information upon ZG, as I have missed it, and it contains a "Control Node" feature that re-allows players to control one another's units, and with a impressive new skin for Fortresses made by community member, I-KP.


What's new since 2.001ZG:

-The way that the names of technologies are loaded is now more efficient for localization, and also prevents a redudancy in the notification-of-unlock message text that is now shown.

-New Control Node: Auto-Build Engineers Mark II. Each command station you control will automatically maintain one Mark II Engineer at each planet you control. Building multiple of this control node causes multiple engineers to be maintained at each planet. Replacement engineers will only be built if there are fewer than 100 mobile enemy ships on the planet.

-New Control Node: Auto-Build Engineers Mark III. Each command station you control will automatically maintain one Mark III Engineer at each planet you control. Building multiple of this control node causes multiple engineers to be maintained at each planet. Replacement engineers will only be built if there are fewer than 100 mobile enemy ships on the planet.

-New Control Node: Auto-FRD Engineers. Automatically places all of your engineers (including secondary engineers such as remains rebuilders) into Free-Roaming Defender mode if they are on planets you control.

-New Control Node: Auto-FRD Mobile Military. Automatically places all of your mobile military ships into Free-Roaming Defender mode if they are on planets you control.

-New Control Node: Auto-Build Remains Rebuilders. Each command station you control will automatically maintain one Remains Rebuilder at each planet you control. Building multiple of this control node causes multiple rebuilders to be maintained at each planet. Replacement rebuilders will only be built if there are fewer than 100 mobile enemy ships on the planet.

-New Control Node: Auto-Rebuild Harvesters. Automatically rebuilds metal and crystal harvesters on all planets you control. Replacement harvesters will only be built if there are fewer than 100 mobile enemy ships on the planet.

-New Control Node: Engineers To Not Auto-Assist Queues. Prevents your engineers from automatically assisting build queues (keeping them on repair duty only, unless they are given explicit orders to accelerate a queue).

-New Control Node: Engineers To Not Auto-Assist Allies. Prevents your engineers from automatically assisting any allied ships (though you can still manually assign them to assist specific allied ships).

-The intel summaries on the galaxy map now include labels for all of their icons to make it easier to tell what planets might deserve more investigation without having to use the help palettes in the planetary summary.

-Ships that are rebuilt from remains now start out with 50% health when they are starting to be rebuilt.

-Previously there was a bug that would sometimes cause AI ships -- most notably bombers -- to act indecisive when they are generally outnumbered but also still have a target of value that they can kill. This is now fixed.

-On difficulty 7 and up, the AI is now smarter about taking out key targets when it is outnumbered; now sometimes managing suicide runs instead of always falling back in this situation.

-The list of scouts in the scouts button now only includes the specific scout ships (Scout I-IV) and the Scout Starship.

-Fortresses now provide scout data.

-Transports move away from the wormhole to avoid taking so much direct fire.

-When transports are destroyed they now safely eject their cargo, rather than losing all of it.

Please see the topic on the changes since prior releases, and changes since 2.001ZJ.
AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Prerelease/Expans 2.001ZJ (9 Control Nodes, Transports+, Fixes, AI Logic+)

The pre-releeases continue for New Year's Eve!

Please see,2804.0.html for more information upon ZG, as I have missed it, and it contains a "Control Node" feature that re-allows players to control one another's units, and with a impressive new skin for Fortresses made by community member, I-KP.


What's new since 2.001ZG:

-The way that the names of technologies are loaded is now more efficient for localization, and also prevents a redudancy in the notification-of-unlock message text that is now shown.

-New Control Node: Auto-Build Engineers Mark II. Each command station you control will automatically maintain one Mark II Engineer at each planet you control. Building multiple of this control node causes multiple engineers to be maintained at each planet. Replacement engineers will only be built if there are fewer than 100 mobile enemy ships on the planet.

-New Control Node: Auto-Build Engineers Mark III. Each command station you control will automatically maintain one Mark III Engineer at each planet you control. Building multiple of this control node causes multiple engineers to be maintained at each planet. Replacement engineers will only be built if there are fewer than 100 mobile enemy ships on the planet.

-New Control Node: Auto-FRD Engineers. Automatically places all of your engineers (including secondary engineers such as remains rebuilders) into Free-Roaming Defender mode if they are on planets you control.

-New Control Node: Auto-FRD Mobile Military. Automatically places all of your mobile military ships into Free-Roaming Defender mode if they are on planets you control.

-New Control Node: Auto-Build Remains Rebuilders. Each command station you control will automatically maintain one Remains Rebuilder at each planet you control. Building multiple of this control node causes multiple rebuilders to be maintained at each planet. Replacement rebuilders will only be built if there are fewer than 100 mobile enemy ships on the planet.

-New Control Node: Auto-Rebuild Harvesters. Automatically rebuilds metal and crystal harvesters on all planets you control. Replacement harvesters will only be built if there are fewer than 100 mobile enemy ships on the planet.

-New Control Node: Engineers To Not Auto-Assist Queues. Prevents your engineers from automatically assisting build queues (keeping them on repair duty only, unless they are given explicit orders to accelerate a queue).

-New Control Node: Engineers To Not Auto-Assist Allies. Prevents your engineers from automatically assisting any allied ships (though you can still manually assign them to assist specific allied ships).

-The intel summaries on the galaxy map now include labels for all of their icons to make it easier to tell what planets might deserve more investigation without having to use the help palettes in the planetary summary.

-Ships that are rebuilt from remains now start out with 50% health when they are starting to be rebuilt.

-Previously there was a bug that would sometimes cause AI ships -- most notably bombers -- to act indecisive when they are generally outnumbered but also still have a target of value that they can kill. This is now fixed.

-On difficulty 7 and up, the AI is now smarter about taking out key targets when it is outnumbered; now sometimes managing suicide runs instead of always falling back in this situation.

-The list of scouts in the scouts button now only includes the specific scout ships (Scout I-IV) and the Scout Starship.

-Fortresses now provide scout data.

-Transports move away from the wormhole to avoid taking so much direct fire.

-When transports are destroyed they now safely eject their cargo, rather than losing all of it.

Please see the topic on the changes since prior releases, and changes since 2.001ZJ.
AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Looks like AI War fit in as the #40th best metacritic PC game of 2009! Well deserved!
AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Looks like AI War fit in as the #40th best metacritic PC game of 2009! Well deserved!
AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Prerelease/Expans 2.001ZF (Large number of bugfixes and rebalancements)

Tons of changes have been done in ZF--you will have to see the topic yourself to get in on the latest pre-release! Amongst the more significant is the change of the core ships:

-The core Fighter -> Cruiser -> Bomber -> Fighter relationship has been redefined to Fighter -> Bomber -> Cruiser -> Fighter.

Remember as usual, many of these balance changes affect the base game, even if you don't own the expansion. To install the expansion, all you need to do is head on over to the forum topic, download the latest pre-release, copy and paste it into your directory, and you are done. Try the new features and units in Zenith Remnants, and when you are done, simply disable the expansion in-game to return to the base game--nothing else! Your install won't be corrupted, or be eaten by Golems; and again, your game will retain any free DLCs for no cost!

Have a wonderful Christmas [Eve], as this will be the last release for a few days!

AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Prerelease/Expans 2.001ZF (Large number of bugfixes and rebalancements)

Tons of changes have been done in ZF--you will have to see the topic yourself to get in on the latest pre-release! Amongst the more significant is the change of the core ships:

-The core Fighter -> Cruiser -> Bomber -> Fighter relationship has been redefined to Fighter -> Bomber -> Cruiser -> Fighter.

Remember as usual, many of these balance changes affect the base game, even if you don't own the expansion. To install the expansion, all you need to do is head on over to the forum topic, download the latest pre-release, copy and paste it into your directory, and you are done. Try the new features and units in Zenith Remnants, and when you are done, simply disable the expansion in-game to return to the base game--nothing else! Your install won't be corrupted, or be eaten by Golems; and again, your game will retain any free DLCs for no cost!

Have a wonderful Christmas [Eve], as this will be the last release for a few days!

AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Chris of Arcen Games has posted an article about Arcen's progress so far, consisting of the following sections:

- Recent Press information, who has endorsed AI War so far in the year, our upcoming digital partners, along with our upcoming retail deals,

- Expansion Update, what is in the expansion so far, and has yet to be added,

- December/November Free DLC, what's in them and when will they be released officially for those who haven't obtained them with the pre-release expansion at no cost, along with our future DLC release,

- ...and our best wishes for your holidays.

Follow up on the full article at,2698.0.html .
AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Chris of Arcen Games has posted an article about Arcen's progress so far, consisting of the following sections:

- Recent Press information, who has endorsed AI War so far in the year, our upcoming digital partners, along with our upcoming retail deals,

- Expansion Update, what is in the expansion so far, and has yet to be added,

- December/November Free DLC, what's in them and when will they be released officially for those who haven't obtained them with the pre-release expansion at no cost, along with our future DLC release,

- ...and our best wishes for your holidays.

Follow up on the full article at,2698.0.html .
AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Hey everyone! During Steam's Holiday Sale, AI War is currently on sale at an unbeatable 50% off; you can own your own copy for only $9.99 for the duration of this sale!

This is the perfect opportunity for those who were considering buying AI War--to well, buy it! It makes the perfect gift to the gamer over the holidays. Hop on over to the Steam page below to purchase, download, ????, and profit!

$20.00 USD, 50% Off=> $9.99 USD.
AI War: Fleet Command - Josh "Spikey00" Y.
Hey everyone! During Steam's Holiday Sale, AI War is currently on sale at an unbeatable 50% off; you can own your own copy for only $9.99 for the duration of this sale!

This is the perfect opportunity for those who were considering buying AI War--to well, buy it! It makes the perfect gift to the gamer over the holidays. Hop on over to the Steam page below to purchase, download, ????, and profit!

$20.00 USD, 50% Off=> $9.99 USD.

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