25 dec, 2019
A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte

In 2019, we announced and released A Year Of Rain! This was an incredible journey for us. We'd like to thank everyone involved in A Year Of Rain - ranging from Game- and Daedalic Staff, their families, our Business Partners, our helpful MvPs to all our players and loyal fans (that's you)! A big thank you from the whole team.

See you in 2020!
For those who celebrate these days, like our Staff team does: Happy Holidays!

A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte

Like in any other business, job or organization, staff and members are always excited to see the results of their work. Especially in games, after months of work, staff often can't wait to see how players react.

Again, we'd like to thank everyone for the constant feedback flow on our channels, giving us great insight into what you guys feel is important for A Year Of Rain. It reflects in our Roadmap and we do our best to deliver improvements as fast as we possibly can.

Though, written feedback is not the only thing we take a look at when it comes to evaluating our last 2-years design choices: We got some anonymized stats that show us how certain features are used. Some of you, who enabled the optional GameAnalytics on registration or in the Options menu - also get a voting from time to time, asking to rate the last played map with 1-5 stars. We're keeping track of this.

So without further ado, we'd like to share some
Key Statistics of the first week of A Year Of Rain Early Access!
Let the show begin:

9.6 times more damage was dealt than healed!
Apparently the Shattered South has a lack of supporters. Or do they? Because:
All three roles (Damage, Tank, Support) are selected evenly as often. Tank just slightly less.

Echo Glades was rated avr. 4.2/5 stars!
Thanks to everyone who give regular feedback via the ingame voting, only for players who have the optional Game Analytics enabled in the Options menu.

Echo Glades was played as often as Thirsty Sands and Desiccated Forest summed together!

TOP 3 selected Heroes in Skirmish
  1. Paladin
  2. Fallen Marshal
  3. Gnoll Chief
Comparing to the stats from our BETA Test in October 2019: 1. Wraith, 2. Spark Mage, 3. Paladin

Boss Action
The boss who got killed the most is: Pangoboss on Desiccated Forest!
The least favorite boss is Emerald the Invincible on Echo Glades.

We hope you liked our stats insights!
Followers of our Social Media channels and members of our Discord Server got these news first. Want to be the first one getting news about A Year Of Rain? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or join our Discord Server.

Until next time,
Your A Year Of Rain Team

A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte

November 15, 2019
In case of questions, please join our Discord server.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented a Pathfinder from moving away from the bridge in mission 2.
  • Fixed a server crash/client disconnect that could occur fighting the first boss in mission 5.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Anorium pickups to be visible after a cutscene although they shouldn't in multiplayer in mission 5.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from crossing the tree bridges in mission 6.
  • Fixed a visual issue that caused the column not to be appearing as blocking the boss arena although it did in multiplayer in mission 6.
  • Fixed an issue that caused AI players to send Builders to unoccupied goldmines in enemy bases in mission 7.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players not to receive as many Gnolls as were freed in the second commando mission in mission 9.

User Interface
  • Fixed an issue that caused OculusVR to be initialized.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the attack-move key to be locked after ALT+TABing out and in.
  • Fixed an issue that caused debug information to be shown after pressing the Apostrophe key.
  • ALT+TABing out of a multiplayer match will no longer bring up the ingame menu.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from being promoted from Bronze to Silver, or from Silver to Gold league.

What's Next

While we have fixed a critical issue in campaign mission 5, the issue in mission 9 still persists. We didn't want you to wait any longer for these fixes, so we decided to release it immediately anyway.

Apart from that, we're still focusing our development resources on finishing the new navigation system, and improving the performance of the game. We're planning to roll out the next update as soon as there's enough progress in any of these areas.

For more details, please refer to our public roadmap and join our Discord!
A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte

November 8, 2019
In case of questions, please join our Discord server.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Fungal Growth area of effect not to be visible in multiplayer matches.
  • Fixed some visual issues related to water and bridges in mission 1.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Lizardmen to spawn on top of the cliff next to Morrig in mission 2.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from unlocking the Waste Not Want Not achievement after finishing mission 2 in singleplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented one player from fighting enemy units while the other was watching a cutsccene in mission 2.
  • Fixed several audio issues in missions 1-4.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the boss bar not to be properly updated after the Pangoboss has been defeated in mission 5.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Anorium pickups to be visible after boss cutscenes in mission 5, while they actually shouldn't be.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Windless achievement to always be triggered in mission 7.
  • Fixed a potential blocker that occasionally caused Gnolls get stuck during the last stand in mission 9.
  • Fixed several issues with the outro cinematic of mission 9.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from unlocking the Tempest achivement after finishing the campaign.
User Interface
  • Fixed an issue that allowed users to access various debug view modes through hotkeys.
  • Fixed an issue that caused rank 9 to be missing from the ladder.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the region selection dropdown not to be disabled after logging out of the game.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while a unit was trying to acquire a target (while being idle, attack-moving or autocasting) that was just killed.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while killed units with buffs selected.
  • Fixed a crash/disconnect that could occur when engaging creep camps in specific locations and/or compositions.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while fetching the friends list in the main menu.
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused players to observe enough players in the loading screen while there actually weren't (e.g. Waiting for players ... (2/2)).
  • Fixed an issue that occasionally allowed players to control creeps instead of their own units.
  • Fixed various other potential crashes and some of the performance issues throughout the game.

What's Next

We're currently focusing our development resources on improving the overall stability, improving the performance of the game, and finishing the new navigation system. We're planning to roll out the next update as soon as there's enough progress in any of these three areas.

For more details, please refer to our public roadmap and join our Discord!
A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte

Wow! Thank you! We had a great first day and really appreciated all the new players in our game. Shoutout and congratulations to player NoXOuT, who is currently leading the competitive ranking by MMR points! Well done! Find NoXOuT and other players on our Discord Server and challenge them for a match. ːsteamhappyː

We'd like to thank you for helping us prioritize our Roadmap. Our Development team is working hard to deliver the most important changes, according to our community:
Exchanging the current Pathfinding System with an improved one
We're working on this for over half a year now and can't wait to roll it out. It needs some more testing and tweaking. Be patient with us!

Further optimizing the performance in-game
There are some performance hits, especially on specific hardware configurations and in some campaign mission/difficulty combinations. We know how to improve that and we're onto it.

Let us additionally share some Tipps and Tricks, that makes diving into A Year Of Rain even easier for you:
  • A Year Of Rain is best when playing with a friend. Add each other to the in-game friend list and start a party! In a party, you can play the Co-Op campaign together or start a Custom Game Match. Click the "Party" button in the friend list after you both added each other to the list to start a party.
  • Here is a YouTube video from us explaining how it works: To YouTube.
  • Got technical issues like Crashes on game-startup? We got answers to the common issues HERE!
  • Need a buddy or answers to your questions? Our Discord is full of players and MvPs, happy to help!

We're looking forward to the next weeks and months with you! If you'd like to know what is coming next in A Year Of Rain, we highly recommend checking out our Roadmap!

See you in-game!
Your A Year Of Rain Team
A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte
We're releasing the ambitious new team RTS A Year Of Rain onto Steam Early Access for Windows PC today.

A Year Of Rain unites classic strategy elements like expansive base building and deep campaign storytelling with full cutscenes and voiceover, as well as a strong focus on hero units and co-op teamplay. For a limited time only, A Year Of Rain will be available in a 2-player pack on Steam for a discounted price!

A Year Of Rain’s story and multiplayer modes are built from the ground up with teams of two in mind, whether the second player is human or AI. At launch, early access features an expansive story campaign, fully playable in either single-player or two-player co-op. The classic 2v2 “Skirmish” mode is made to encourage competition - and teamwork - across the entire spectrum of skill levels. At the beginning of a match, both teammates choose between three different roles: Tank, Damage, and Support. Each comes with different bonuses for the respective armies and the overall team, allowing for a multitude of strategic combinations and synergies.

Set in a world of fantasy and danger, A Year Of Rain features three playable factions. The wealthy House Rupah is eager to stake its claim to uncharted lands in the name of civilization. The unliving Restless Regiment is a bloodthirsty army of warlords, soldiers, beasts and souls driven by mindless obedience and zealous devotion to their dark leader. And the Wild Banners are an amalgam of fierce survivalists, reclusive nomads, monstrous humanoids and more ready to fight for every scrap of their harsh domain.

  • The ultimate Team RTS. Play together across all game modes
  • Ambitious campaign, designed for co-op experience
  • A 2v2 skirmish mode that is truly designed for team play
  • Unique asymmetric 2v2 multiplayer mode “Against All Odds”: Two heroes face two entire armies! (To be added during Early Access)
  • Three unique factions: House Rupah, the Wild Banners and the Restless Regiment
  • Compelling, multi-layered story spanning all factions
  • Elaborate, stylized art
  • Powerful iconic heroes to lead your army
  • Soundtrack by award-winning composer Neal Acree

Get your version of A Year Of Rain TODAY!

A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte
On September 19th, we started the Closed Beta phase for A Year Of Rain. Our goal was to find bugs that we're unknown, test Matchmaking and make sure our servers offer the right performance to handle the release.

Today, we're closing the Closed Beta Test and prepare for our Early Access Release on November 6th, 2019. We're now focussing on fixing bugs you reported during the Closed Beta phase, make slight improvements based on your feedback and getting the first Campaign ready for Early Access.

We're not ending Beta without sharing some fun facts:
  • Echo Glades was played double as often as Thirsty Sands. Desiccated Forest runs out of competition since it was released mid-beta.
  • TOP Hero Ranking: #1: Wraith, #2: Spark Mage, #3: Paladin. AOE FTW.
  • People selected "Damage" as their role 4 times more often than the Support role.
  • Amount of players reported during Beta: 4.
  • Amount of player reports send by staff to troll community management: 3.

The Closed Beta Phase was very helpful for us. A few words from some of our Staff:

The prolonged beta phase was incredibly useful for us, as players kept reporting issues we never had encountered before or that were very hard to reproduce on our end. Also, we were able to find (and fix) a set of issues that didn't occur before hundreds of players started playing. Without the support of our players, our small team would not have been able to encounter these issues before release.
- Nick, Technical Director

The beta community really helped us to find additional flaws and they came up with great ideas on how to improve the game as well. Uh! And analyzing the online matches was a great tool to find imbalances. 10/10! Would beta again.
- Christoph, Lead Game Designer

We'd like to thank every beta participant for playing, their feedback (written or through our analytics tools) and all the bug reports that we received! Get excited for Early Access release now!

Wishlist A Year Of Rain on Steam today to not miss the Early Access release on November 6th!

A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte
Today is the day. We'll invite a great bunch of players to play our Beta Version of A Year Of Rain. If you signed up in the previous weeks, check your email inbox (and spam folder) if you are one of the lucky ones to play the beta!

If you received the beta invitation email, it contains a Steam Key. The Steam Key can be redeemed in the Steam software. It unlocks the Steam App "A Year Of Rain Test". This is our official Beta Test Steam App. Install and start it to play. You are required to create a new account upon startup to be able to connect to the game.

Beta Runtime
The Closed Beta Test will run for some weeks - from today on until October 21st, 2019. After that, the servers might not be available anymore for online matches.

Where to give feedback
We really want to hear your feedback about the game! What you like as well as what you don't like. We're especially interested in bug reports and small feature ideas that could improve the game. Please join our Discord Server and give us your feedback there: https://discord.gg/ayearofrain. Alternatively, send us an email to community [at] ayearofrain.com. Keep in mind that, due to the high amount of emails we might receive, we can't answer every single feedback email. We appreciate every message though!

FAQ: Am I allowed to live stream the A Year Of Rain beta?
Yes, you are! If you're posting stream announcements on Social Media, make sure to tag us on Facebook and/or Twitter for a chance to get your message shared!

We're looking forward to play with you!

Best regards,
Your A Year Of Rain Team
A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte
Our closed beta test is right around the corner. We're preparing everything to get it started. That also means, now is the LAST CALL for Beta Registrations! Not yet signed up? Better do it now!

Use this special URL to sign up last minute:

Experience the team RTS A Year Of Rain first in the closed beta phase! Play Skirmish versus real other players or versus the AI. Choose from two factions, the noble House Rupah or the Restless Regiment, and six heroes for play. More information about A Year Of Rain and the first faction House Rupah can be found here: https://www.ayearofrain.com/en/game/.

A Year Of Rain - Cleverbyte
At this year's gamescom, we're showing A Year Of Rain with a 2x 4-players Skirmish setup. If you are around, visit us at the LOOTBOY booth, Hall 10.1, B-078 and play the second faction "The Restless Regiment" for the first time.

More pictures on our brand new website: https://www.ayearofrain.com/en/news/gamescom2019.html.

It is the second gamescom day for us right now. Yesterday, press, business- and trade visitors we're already in the holy halls of gamescom, trying out the latest games - also A Year Of Rain. It was moderate. Today, while private visitors are coming in, our booth is always full of players. Shout-out to everyone who dropped by at the LOOTBOY booth (10.1, B-078) already to play A Year Of Rain. We have a great time introducing you to the game. For everyone else planning to go to gamescom this week, come by and say hello! We're looking forward to meeting you!

For the first time, you can play the second faction "The Restless Regiment" at our booth. Three new heroes are selectable in this faction. In the next couple of weeks, we'll introduce the Restless Regiment further. Follow our social media channels or join our Discord Server to stay up to date!

Beta Test Sign-Ups open!
Finally! The registration for the Beta Test opened on https://beta.ayearofrain.com. Fill out the form, remember to use a valid email address, and we'll mail you a Steam Key once the Beta Test starts.

Upcoming in our Event Summer: PAX WEST

You can't attend gamescom because you are from the USA? No worries. Your chance to play A Year Of Rain and the Restless Regiment comes with PAX WEST in Seattle, Washington State Convention Center, August, 30th to September 2nd 2019, Booth Number 6508.

More Gamescom Updates
We got a brand new website! We'll update the website article with more stories and impressions from our gamescom booth next week. Drop by: https://www.ayearofrain.com/en/news/gamescom2019.html.


Until next time,
Your A Year Of Rain Team

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