A Robot Named Fight! - MattB

A major update was just release for my new game Kapital Punishment 22XX. Currently in early access the game is on sale for $3.34 cents until June 22nd. The update adds ACT I of story mode. It's the first of 3 Acts: Act I, Act II and Act III.

Kapital Punishment 22XX tells the story of a humble miner, arrested trying to steal medicine for their dying community. The game begins when they're sold to the highest bidder for human experimentation.

It takes place in the 23rd century when a vile conglomerate of oligarchs lord over the fractured territories of the Americas from a floating fortress-city known as KAPITAL. This de facto cartel-state maintains control over the populace with brutal cyborg thugs known as KAPITAL OPERATIVES (KOPs).

This fist act of story mode sees you escape the W.A.R.R.I.O.R brainwashing program. Now augmented with KAPITAL cybernetics you have to escape Homan Corrections. Homan is a private prison that auctions off its inmates to defense contractors, media conglomerates hosting blood sports, and nefarious research companies like Terra Futurus.

Every level has secrets to discover as you recruit comrades and bash your way through waves of KOPs.

It's got puzzles...

...and sick boss fights!

If you're a fan of A Robot Named Fight (especially if you're a fan of the lore ;-) ) you should check it out! It's only $3.34.

Apr 20, 2023
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB

Today saw the launch of new update for KK22XX! It introduces a new combo systems and 6 new associated items for even more Arcade/Roguelite chaos. It also includes some new enemies that might pique the interests of ARNF fans.

You can find out more here.

A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
I have a new game in Early Access! It's called {LINK REMOVED}. I'll give you three guesses what it's about! It's not subtle.

Then again...

I've been working on this new game for nearly two years now, co-developing it with my close friend Dr. Shameless Cat. It was strange to develop it alongside the far more accessible and wholesome C.A.R.L. My wife gave birth to our first child in that time. I'd let my kid play C.A.R.L.. I would not let them play {LINK REMOVED}... yet.

So aside from the obvious, what is KOP KILLER 22XX about? It's about a possible future. A hopeless, cyber-punk, hyper-capitalist future where violence is the only avenue of escape. A future where no state has a monopoly on violence, but violence is instead the domain of a cartel. A future where everything is owned, sold, or destroyed.

It's also about a transhumanist future. A future where the line between human-beings and machines has begun to blur. It's a game about crimes we cannot yet conceive of, as the technology to commit them does not yet exist.

And in that way, it's very much a companion piece to A Robot Named Fight!. If ARNF is a subtle game about fascism and the myth of the lone hero saving the day, KK22XX is an overt game about opposing fascism through collaboration and comradery. It's a game about the near future that would lead to the distant fantasy-nightmare of A Robot Named Fight!.

Also like A Robot Named Fight!, KOP KILLER 22XX has a very silly, arguably bad, name. It's a name that has turned off quite a few streamers and public facing influencers. In sending out press key, we've gotten quite a few responses akin to "I agree with your point of view, but I don't want to invite drama to my channel."

We expected that, but I am a bit surprised by the extent of it. Steam is home to all kinds of taboo games... games about sex, games about violence, games where you play as Nazis, and TONS of games where you kill police... games where you kill human police in modern day, not cyborg police in some far-flung dystopian future. Well shucks... some people are really scared by the name. We might have to change the name... We've had a lot of conversations about it.

But I digress. Long story short. We need your help to tell this story. If you're a fan of A Robot Named Fight! I think you'll really like this story. Right now the game is limited to a Roguelike Arcade Mode. You fight in procedurally generated arenas against hordes of cyborg cops. They swarm from all direction and have really cool AI. Like A Robot Named Fight, there are tons of cool power ups and stat boosts. You'll like it. But Story Mode is coming soon, and we need your support to make it happen! The game is $2.00 right now. Easy buy. Leave a review. Tell your friends on Reddit. Tell your friends on discord and on web forums.

Because {LINK REMOVED} is ultimately a game about friendship.

A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
OpenARNF is now available on GitHub

A Robot Named Fight first launched on Steam on September 7th, 2017. Since then we've built a large, wonderful fan-base, released multiple free updates, and more than doubled the amount of content featured in the game. It's been an amazing 5 years of A Robot Named Fight.

As of September 30th, 2022, I'm releasing the unity project files for A Robot Named Fight to the public. The game and the source code are being provided for aspiring game developers and hobbyist to explore, learn from, and innovate upon.

I can't wait to see what y'all create!

OpenARNF was built using Unity 2019.4.0f1

It contains stripped-down, partial code from two middleware Unity assets. This code has been included with permission from the creators. For full functionality you'll have to either replace these assets with something of your own creation or purchase them from the links below.

Rewired by Guavaman
Super Tilemap Editor by Creative Spore

If you'd like to support me (Matt Bitner) and Morningstar Game Studio please purchase any of our games from the links below:

A Robot Named Fight (Switch)
A Robot Named Fight (Steam)

C.A.R.L. (Switch)
C.A.R.L. (Steam)
C.A.R.L. (PlayStation)
C.A.R.L. (X Box)

Or donate to the A Robot Named Fight Patreon

Please read the full Licence.md contained in the Git Repository before diving in. By downloading any file / copying any code from said repository you're agreeing to the text contained in Licence.md including the following caveats:

(1) You may not alter or redistribute Covered Works in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation. This includes, but is not limited to, selling altered or unaltered versions of the game, the source code or including advertisements of any kind in altered or unaltered covered works.

(2) You must display an appropriate copyright notice somewhere in the beginning of all Covered Works and in any documentation accompanying such Covered Works.

(3) If you share a modified version of either the Game or its Source Code with others, you must not present it as an unmodified, or official, version of the Game or the Source code. Please make it apparent that it is a mod.

Update 10/5/22
In the original post from September 30th the headline was: "I'm making A Robot Named Fight Open Source!" Several people have made me aware that this release doesn't strictly follow the official definition of "Open Source" due to the clause in the license that prohibits redistribution of covered works for commercial gain. I've altered the headline to avoid any confusion this might cause.

For the time being I've decided not to rename the repo, as quite a few people are already using it and it's linked in several locations that would have to be updated if the name were changed.

My intent is for the license to be as nonrestrictive as possible while prohibiting a few scenarios. For instance, I don't really want a person of company to just take the game as is, make a mobile port with a bunch of ads and terrible controls and put it on mobile stores for profit.

There are other scenarios I'd personally be fine with, like someone using modified portions of the level generation code in their own commercial game. The current license doesn't explicitly allow for this, but I'll look into ways to make these scenarios more generally permissible. In the meantime, if you're interested in using these files in a way outside those allowed by the license, email contact@morningstargamestudio.com and we can probably work something out.
Jul 15, 2022
A Robot Named Fight! - arobotnamedfight
Patch Notes

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Controller Settings not saving
  • Fixed Rare Soft Lock in BuriedCity1x1AllExit02

New Rooms
  • Surface1x1IgnoreTerrainUp02
  • Surface2x1DamageBlocks02
  • BuriedCityTeleporterRoom02
  • CoolantSewers1x1AllExits06
  • CoolantSewers1x3SmallGap01
  • CoolantSewers1x2WaterJump02
  • Cave2x2DamageBlocks02
  • Cave1x1IgnoreTerrainUp02
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
September 7 marks THREE YEARS since I first launched A Robot Named Fight! on Steam. Since then, the game has more than doubled in size and scope through the release of 20 FREE updates. Version is the 21st update and has a lot to offer players, new and old. (It's affectionately known as the "Girthy Update" among the ARNF Discord community.)

None of this would be possible without the continuing support of all ARNF players, especially my Discord community members and supporters on Patreon. It's extraordinary for a solo developer to be able to release free content for THREE YEARS, and I could not have accomplished this without your support.

Now, on to the good stuff. What's in the latest update?

New Unlockable Game Modes
Three new game modes unlocked through achievements, each with their own NEW ending!
  • Boss Rush - Face 14 Bosses and a NEW Final Boss while managing your resources, purchasing boosts and shrines and crafting weapons and allies.

  • Exterminator - Clear the map of meat! Rooms lock down until cleared and the Avatar of Buluc Chabtan unlocks map regions as you collect items.

  • Mega Map - Every environment in the game crammed into one extra large map!

New Items

  • Sedative Cloud
  • Twin Orb
  • Hive Shell
  • Bolt Helm
  • Troll Helm
  • Wraith Shell
  • Toxin Orb
  • Rotary Bolt
  • Spontaneous Generator
  • Pulse MGL
  • Empire Helm

Quality of Life Improvements
  • Temporary Stat Bonuses
  • Weapon Wheel
  • Improved Stat UI
  • Automap Improvements
  • Talk option for Allies

See all of the updates, bug fixes, and improvements in the Patch Notes.

To celebrate the third anniversary, I’ve discounted the game to 50% until September 21. I’m really excited about all this update has to offer, and I look forward to hearing your feedback!

Join the A Robot Named Fight! Discord community.
Become a Patreon supporter.
Follow A Robot Named Fight! on Twitter and Facebook.

A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
Patch Notes BETA

This massive update is now ready for your feedback! The biggest new addition are 3 new game modes, Boss Rush, Megamap, and Exterminator. Each mode features its own new ending.

Additionally there are 40+ new rooms, 11 new items and tons of Quality of Life improvements.

Updog is Less annoying. There's a weapon wheel for when you have tons of energy weapons. No more enemy i-frames. Completely overhauled automap with the ability to scroll using the right stick and color coded environmental hazards. A re-balance of shrines and champions feature a new temporary buff system. Item descriptions in shops and NPC dialogue!

Full details below:

New Unlockable Game Modes!
3 NEW Game Modes unlocked through achievements, each with their own NEW Ending!
  • Boss Rush - Face 14 Bosses and a NEW Final Boss while managing your resources, purchasing boosts and shrines and crafting weapons and allies.
  • Exterminator - Clear the map of meat! Rooms lock down until cleared and the Avatar of Buluc Chabtan unlocks map regions as you collect items.
  • Mega Map - Every environment in the game crammed into one extra large map!

New Items

  • Sedative Cloud
  • Twin Orb
  • Hive Shell
  • Bolt Helm
  • Troll Helm
  • Wraith Shell
  • Toxin Orb
  • Rotary Bolt
  • Spontaneous Generator
  • Pulse MGL
  • Empire Helm

New Transition Rooms
SurfaceToCave01, SurfaceToCoolantSewers01, SurfaceToForest01,
ForestToCoolantSewers01, ForestToSurface01, ForestSlumsToCaves01,
CavesToCoolantSewers01, CoolantSewersToCave01, FactoryToCrystalMine01,
FactoryToCrystalMine02, CrystalMinesToFactory01,

New General Rooms
BeastGuts1x1AllExits04, BeastGuts1x1DownRight01, BeastGuts1x1DownLeft01, BeastGuts1x1LeftRight01, BeastGuts1x1UpDown01, BeastGuts1x1UpLeft01, BeastGuts1x1UpRight01, BeastGuts1x1NoDown01, BeastGuts1x1NoDUp01, BeastGuts1x2AllExits02, BeastGuts1x2AllExits03, BeastGuts2x1AllExits04, BeastGuts2x2AllExits02, BeastGuts2x2AllExits03, BeastGuts2x2AllDirections02, BeastGuts3x1AllExits02, BeastGuts4x1AllDirections01, BeastGuts4x1AllExits01, CoolantSewers2x2AllDirections02, CoolantSewers2x1AllExits03, CoolantSewers2x1AllExits02, CoolantSewers1x1UpDown01, CoolantSewers1x1LeftRight01, CoolantSewers1x2IgnoreTerrain02, CoolantSewers2x1IgnoreTerrain03, CoolantSewers1x2Jump02, CrystalMines1x2AllExits03, ForestSlums1x2Jump02, ForestSlums2x3AllExits03, Surface3x1AllExits02, Surface1x2IgnoreTerrain02, Surface1x1AllExits05, Surface4x1AllExits02, Surface1x2DamageBlocks02

Revised Rooms
BuriedCity1x1AllExits02, BuriedCity1x2AllExits02
Cave1x1JumpUp, Cave1x1IgnoreTerrainUp01, Cave1x1AllExits01
CoolantSewers1x1AllExits01, CoolantSewers1x1AllExits02, CoolantSewers1x1AllExits03, CoolantSewers1x1AllExits04, CoolantSewers2x1AllExits01,
Surface1x1AllExits02, Surface1x1IgnoreTerrainUp,

Temporary Stat Bonuses
  • Temporary stat bonuses awarded by shrines, power ups, etc. have been completely overhauled.
  • Previously each bonus existed discretely, on its own. If you recieved a temp damage bonus that provided (A) bonus for (B) seconds and another damage bonus that provided (C) bonus for (D) seconds the bonuses would stack, but each expire in their own time, providing a large bonus for short period of time.
  • Now each effect that would grant a bonus adds to a cumulative "rank" between 0 and 1. This rank determines the amount of the bonus and its duration. When a new effect grants a bonus it resets the time left on the effect. The time will be set to a number of seconds between 60-480 depending on the cumulative "rank".
  • Most effects increase rank by 0.05f. Shrines increase rank anywhere from 0 to 1 based on the amount of gray scrap donated.
  • Champions now drop temp bonus pickups. Champions' chance to drop minor items has been reduced to 10%, but the chance for Champions to appear has been increased.
  • When pick ups or shrines grant temp buffs they reset the timer on the cumulative bonus.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed OOB in Surface2x1AllExits02, Cave1x1ItemRoom02, Glitch3x1AllExits02, CoolantSewers2x1SmallGap01
  • Fixed Wall Jump frames in player animation
  • Fixed bad Fadeaway in Factory2x2AllExits02
  • Fixed enemy placement in ForestSlums2x1LeftRight
  • Fixed issue where transition rooms from environment A to B could lead back into environment A from the B side of the room.
  • Fixed issue where layout generator could create paths that render minor items unobtainable.
  • Fixed misplaced minor item in BuriedCity4x1DamageBlocks02
  • Corrupted Miner drops items on death now
  • Baby Latchers spawned by Corrupted Miner no longer drop items
  • MouthMeat Boss no longer stuck in Forest
  • Fixed Abomination that would walk out of bounds in BuriedCity4x1DamageBlocks01
  • Fixed potential Buzzsaw Shell soft lock in CrystalMines1x1AllExits02
  • Fixed delayed Skin Deviler death when skin deviler dies on right side of room
  • Fixed issue where Layout Pattern 7 wasn't getting used as often as other Patterns.
  • Stalkus now effected by Web Bolt (and slowing fx in general)
  • Temporary effects no longer count down during transitions, npc dialogue, boss intros, etc.
  • Fixed issue where maps could generate in a way where the first boss is skippable.
  • Many more minor bugs

  • Added Weapon Wheel
  • Redid Stat UI and added option to have it always on screen
  • Right Stick allows you to move automap
  • Automap overhauled to show dark,hot,confusion and water rooms. All new art, etc.
  • Allies show item descriptions and now have a talk option
  • Buzzsaw Gun is now a traversal item
  • Reduced difficulty of Skin Deviler
  • Pick ups stay on screen for ~twice as long before disappearing (15 seconds)
  • Display options now include Pixel Perfect option (to turn of sub-pixels)
  • Stalkus Health Reduced
  • Railgun max damage reduced from 64 to 48 (can still be higher based on played damage mod)
  • Negative Shrine effects far more rare and predictable
  • Hand of Hephaestus and Zurvan's Pentangle now activated items that change drops on screen into scrap / health respectively.
  • Increased health of Tutorial Smith boss from 1800 to 2500
  • Updog's spring has been changed. The spring is lowered by default. Pressing jump while on the ground raises the spring for 0.65 seconds. Having jump pressed while in the air will keep the spring up for at least 0.1 seconds (if the spring has 0.3 seconds left being up from the initial press it won't reduce that, but if it only has 0.05 seconds it sets it back to 0.1f). Pressing down will cause the spring to lower and it won't raise again until you press jump.
  • Orb positions reset when Player Respawns

Item Cost Rebalance:
Item costs have been adjusted so that fewer items require 2 archaic scrap and the archaic scrap types needed are more evenly distributed.
  • Mothorb, Vorb costs reduced to X scrap, 1 red scrap
  • Hive Helm, Mechapirote costs reduced to X scrap, 1 blue scrap
  • Repair Kit cost reduced to 15 scrap
  • Module Transmogrifier cost change to 25 scrap
  • Scatter Gun, Machine Gun, Hazard Shell, Crystal Shell, Chrome Dome and Burst Pauldrons cost changed to X scrap, 1 blue
  • Lasorb cost changed to 15 s, 1r, 1b (was 15s,1r,1g)
  • Wave Bomb added to Gun Smith Pool
  • Machine Gun and Scatter Gun gray scrap cost reduce to 10

Under the Hood
  • Items now have "restricted environments" setting. Area 1 Map won't show up in the Factory, Buried City, etc. This replaces earlier logic that accomplished the same thing but was based on traversal item order.
  • Logic for the expected traversal capabilities needed for gates leading to bonus items has been altered to be based on restricted environments rather than a specified "maxItemOrder"
  • Chance of unnecessary phase shot doors generating reduced
  • Overly straight paths are now "bent" by layout generation
  • Got rid of invulnerability frames on enemies. Multiple projectiles hitting enemies on the same frame will now all cause damage.
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
The meatiest metroidvania around, A Robot Named Fight!, is back with another FREE UPDATE! Explore a new alternate area, complete with two new bosses, new enemies, and new items. Plus, you can face off against molemen with friends or alone with new options for deathmatch mode. The update is now available!

New Area, Bosses, and Enemies
The update introduces the Crystal Mines: a shiny alternate area featuring two new bosses, 80 new rooms, new music, and eight new enemy types. There are 11 new items to snag, including the Hellfire Cannon, a fireball gatling gun that sets enemies and terrain ablaze. Unlock new achievements to discover items like the Phase Shell, which allows you to phase through thin floors and walls.

Molemen in Deathmatch
This update also introduces the ability to add AI-controlled molemen opponents to games of deathmatch. With the fall of robot civilization, molemen have started infesting every nook and cranny of the robots’ domain. The number and spawn rate of molemen is customizable, and this addition allows for single-player deathmatch mode. (But, trust us… it’s even more fun to team up with friends to face these foes!)

Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple issues that would cause projectiles to twist on the z axis causing them to draw skewed.
  • Added space to "Bounce Bolt" in menus
  • Fixed bug that prevent explosions from damaging destructible blocks
  • Many enemies that didn’t drop pickups drop pickups now
  • Fixed issue with boss backgrounds not fading out after boss is defeated
  • Tall Walkers Spawn pick ups when killed now
  • Confusion Effect now cause music to slow down rather than reverse to fix issues with streaming audio.
  • Fixed issue with traversal paths that would allow user to circumvent locks or on rare occasions generate unsolvable maps
  • Fixed issue where phaserang wouldn't appear after explosive bolt or rocket launcher
  • And Many More! (I didn’t do a great job of issue tracking this time)
New Area! Crystal Mines
  • 2 New Bosses
  • 8 New Enemies
  • 80 New Rooms
  • New Music
  • New Secret Achievement To Unlock
New Bosses
  • Skin Deviler
  • Corrupted Miner
New Enemies
  • Bioplasma Flesh Cherub
  • Pipe Spitter
  • Riser
  • Wandering Slimer
  • Baby Latcher
  • Gross Pillar
  • Shelled Eye Chomper
  • Flame Spewer
New Items (*has achievement)
  • Kaboomerang*
  • HTS Chip
  • Crystal Shell*
  • Hazard Shell*
  • Scrap Booster
  • Health Booster
  • Hellfire Cannon*
  • Hive Bolt
  • Orphiel's Altar*
  • Burst Pauldrons
  • Energy Boots
Balance Changes
  • Joystick controls made closer to d-pad controls.
  • Deadlock Boots stop the effect of ice.
  • Bursts from Bright Shell and Heat Shell scale with damage stat.
  • Chomp Frogs only spawn 2 enemies at a time.
  • Gravitator Behavior tweaked (Ooze Hart Form 2, Flesh Cherubs, Beast Guts Eyes)
  • Improved AI for Molemen
  • Molotov Moleman now targets player
  • More details in Buried City
  • Sine Fish no longer appear in the Buried City (many have been replaced with molemen)
  • Options to add AI molemen to Deathmatch
  • Attack Delay now formatted as ".NN" as opposed to "N.N" if it is less that 1
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
Hey all! A new beta build for the Crystal Mines update is up. Below are the working patch notes. I've been quite bust so they're less thorough than previous patch notes (I've fixed more bugs than whats listed).

To access the beta branch follow these steps:
-Right click on A Robot Named Fight in your library and select properties
-Go to the tab labeled BETAS
-Enter this code and change the drop down to beta: abracadabra4
-The game should now appear as A Robot Named Fight [beta] in your library

Please report bugs on Discord or here!


Bug Fixes:
-Fixed multiple issues that would cause projectiles to twist on the z axis causing them to draw skewed.
-Added space to "Bounce Bolt" in menus
-Fixed bug that prevent explosions from damaging destructible blocks
-Wall Smashers drop pick ups now
-Fixed issue with boss backgrounds not fading out after boss is defeated
-Tall Walkers Spawn pick ups when killed now

New Area! Crystal Mines
-2 New Bosses
-8 New Enemies
-80 New Rooms
-New Music
-New Achievement To Unlock

-New Bosses
-Skin Deviler
-Corrupted Miner

New Enemies
-Bioplasma Flesh Cherub
-Pipe Spitter
-Wandering Slimer
-Baby Latcher
-Gross Pillar
-Shelled Eye Chomper
-Flame Spewer

New Items
*has an achievement
-HTS Chip*
-Crystal Shell*
-Hazard Shell*
-Scrap Booster
-Health Booster
-Hellfire Cannon*
-Hive Bolt
-Orphiel's Altar
-Phase Shell

Balance Changes:
-Joystick controls made closer to d-pad controls.
-Deadlock Boots stop the effect of ice.
-Bursts from Bright Shell and Heat Shell scale with damage stat.

-Gravitator Behavior tweaked (Ooze Hart Form 2, Flesh Cherubs, Beast Guts Eyes)
-Improved AI for Molemen
-Molotov Moleman now targets player
-More details in Buried City
-Sine Fish no longer appear in the Buried City (many have been replaced with molemen)
-Options to add AI molemen to Deathmatch
-Attack Delay now formated as ".NN" as opposed to "N.N" if it is less that 1

Beta Known Issues:
-The Forbidden Place Boss Fight does not require keys. Will be fixed ASAP
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
Just released a small patch that fixes several game-breakers introduced in the Big Wet Update. It also adds support for 2 more co-op orbs and a new deathmatch map. Enjoy!

Full Patch Notes

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