A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
Hi everybody! You may have noticed the recent update to This small patch addresses a couple issues with the previous release including several soft locks that could occur within a new mode accessible in a hidden seed. It also fixes the bug that caused helms not to display properly.

In addition to these fixes there have been some slight tweaks to the player physics. Though reception of the game is generally positive, when negative reviews do crop up they often mention that the physics feel too "floaty". This feeling of floatiness was very much intentional, attempting to match the feel of other classic titles from the golden age of SNES. However, in an attempt to provide everyone with a more positive experience I've tweaked the player's jump phsyics ever so slightly to try and find a happy medium between the floaty physics of the titles that inspired ARNF and the more tightly tuned controls of modern platformers. These changes were tested on the beta branch by the community on Discord and Patreon and were largely met with positive feedback, so I wanted to roll them out in time for the Steam Winter Sale. Please let me know your thoughts!


Full Patch Notes Here
Dec 20, 2018
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed issue where helm sprites wouldn't change until leg sprite changed
  • Upped version number on Mac package
  • Fixed issue with ForestSlums3x1AllExits01 that could cause soft locks in Exterminator mode
  • Added check that prevents player from being locked out of rooms they've already visited in Exterminator mode

Balance Changes:
  • Decreased time until jump apex from 0.73 to 0.68 seconds
  • Decreased minimum jump height from 0.5 to 0.45 units
  • Increased starting speed from 9.5 to 10 units

  • Removed a hidey boy in Factory2x2AllExits02
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
Good news everyone! The Deathmatch Update is now live! What was once a fun secret is now a fully functioning game mode with support for over 50 items, scoreboards, new voice over, balanced maps, and tons of options to customize your matches.

Additonally the game has 10 new items, an overhauled champion system with 6 different champion types, and teleporters that link the various areas of the world.

And of course, a lot of bug fixes.


Full Patch Notes Here

Speaking of friends, a lot of work and playtesting went into this update to ensure Deathmatch is a fun, unique and intuitive experience. Many of the quality of life features are thanks to feedback from my wife, Kayla Bitner, and my friends, Andrew Kenady (Nintendrew), Clint Waters, Chad Brown, Will Kronenberger, Josh Hines and Nick "Stewie" Stewart.

I also recieve great support from Hitcents, my publisher on Switch, especially Jordan Taylor and LeAnne Farmer who teamed up with Kayla for promotional efforts.

That sweet promo art is by Zack T. Jones.

And as always, financial support from Patreon. and tons of feedback from Discord. made possible by community moderators Kroze and TheLoserLad.

I may be a solo dev, but I have a lot of awesome people behind me.

PS. There's already another update in the works. You can learn more about it on Patreon. It will be a good while before it see release as I intend to make it "quite large". Patrons will get to see it rolled out in small chunks on alpha.
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
  • Deathmatch now an officially supported game mode (no longer a secret seed).
  • Menu to set frag or time limit
  • Item Options: All, Energy Only, or None
  • Menu to add/remove levels from the map rotation
  • The following items are now supported in Deathmatch: Attractor Helm, Shield Orb, Shoot Orb, Tri Orb, AuraBolt, Fragment Shots, Buzz Orb, Health Orb, Regeneration Helm, Buzzsaw Shell, Dash, Viridian Shell, Wave Bomb
  • End game score board that shows frags and deaths
  • Option for starting items decided by slot machine
  • Fixed issues with non 16:9 resolutions
  • Fixed issue where visible weapons wouldn't work sometimes
  • Drastically reduced stutter when player picks up item
  • 2 New Deathmatch Maps
  • Activated Item Button Glyph should match controller player is using
  • Modified Camera behvior to promote better flow from room to room

New Champion Types!
  • Spore Champions - Create damaging acid clouds and explode on contact. Drop loads of scrap or 1 special scrap.
  • Blue Champions - Have higher health, improved stats, new projectile patterns. Drop loads of scrap or 1 special scrap.
  • Red Champions - Melt when killed and respawn moments later unless destroyed.
  • Ghost Champions - Transparent champions that clip through terrain. Drop Glitch Modules.
  • Cloaked Champions = Identifiable by a tell-tell shimmer. Drop Various Modules.
  • Plasma Champions - Glow with energy unleash a bioplasma nova when hit. Drop Energy Modules.

New Items
  • Cloaking Device
  • Toxin Bolt
  • Toxin Pauldrons
  • Personal Teleporter
  • Deadlock Boots
  • Tyr's Horns

New Enemies
  • Corrupted Orb
  • Mouth Meat Splitter

Other Changes:
  • Teleporters now spawn in the caves, factory and buried city
  • All menues have headers
  • Added option for numeric health bars
  • More Surface details
  • More Cave details
  • New secret seeds

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed some issues with text generated for keyboard hints
  • Fixed issue where Buzzsaw Shell could cause maps to generate with absent or inappropriate traversal locks (The "I can go straight to the Buried City from the Caves" issue).
  • Fixed ui soft lock associated with Steam API not initializing and added in game warning
  • Fixed several rare issues that could cause the layout to generate with overlapping rooms or incomplete maps in Exterminator Mode.
  • Removed stray Phasebolt power up in Factory1x1HiddenDoorRight01
  • Jet pack exhaust no longer comes out of a point above arachnomorphed player's head.
  • Fixed potential out of bounds in BuriedCity2x3AllExits01
  • Fixed issue where bouncing and deflected projectiles would calculate incorrect normals to determine bounce direction
  • Projectiles no longer collide with dying projectiles
  • Fixed missing minor item in BuriedCity2x3DamageBlocks01
  • Fixed bad tiles in BuriedCity4x1DamageBlocks01
  • Megabeast bg art no longer appears in the Megabeast Forest Slums Room
  • Fixed exploit where arachnomorphed player could easily unmorph and clip through terrain.
  • Fixed issue with Necroluminant Spray and Big Bolt
  • Fixed minor item block in ForestSlums3x2AllDirections02
  • Automap won't show rooms from environments other while in The Forbidden Place.

Balance Changes:
  • More enemies will target K1K1 in Co-op
  • Toxin Cloud deals 5 less damage initially, but deals 5 over time
  • Damage multiplier (used for effects, not projectile damage) from Damage Modules slighlty reduced.
  • Player knockback velocity increased to 14 from 12
  • 3 of each archaic scrap now spawn in a run as opposed to 4. This reduces the total number of minor items in a run from 35 to 32
  • Shoot Orbs, Explorb, and Glow Bot no longer deal contact damage to enemies or other players in Deathmatch
  • Energy Axe works when gravity flipped due to Viridian Shell
  • Buzzsaw Shell does more damage, and spin dash damage is now based on velocity

  • Fixed Surface2x1AllExits02
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
It's been one year since launch, and I feel like bragging on myself. The game has spawned a humble following and a wonderful discord community. With their feedback and support from the steam forums and Patreon the game has grown a ton since launch.

What follows is a list of all the content that's been added for free since the game launch. Keep in mind that this doesn't include the alpha content available now to Patreon supporters. They have currently access to teleporters, deathmatch improvements, more new enemies including dozens of new champion variants, and 4 new items (and counting).

Since Launch on 09/07/2018

Ported to and Launched on Switch

Added The Forest Slums
  • 2 New Bosses
  • 6 New Enemies
  • 32 New Rooms
  • New Level Music

Added A Forbidden Place
  • 10 New Enemies
  • 35 New Rooms
  • New Final Boss
  • New Ending
  • New Level Music
  • New Boss Music

Added 38 New Items!
Necroluminant Spray, Prismatic Orb, Hive Helm, Repair Kit, Buzzsaw Shell, Hover Boots, Phaserang, Power Pauldrons, Power Shield, Search Burst, Lil Tyr, Lil Zurvan, Lil Phaestus, Lil Wadjet, Lil Buluc, Lil Orphy, Phantasmal Orbs, Energy Vorb, Health Vorb, Scrap Vorb, Chrome Dome, Glitch Map, Glitch Module, Glitch Shell, The Glitched Key, Cognitive Stabilizer, The Thief, The Red Key, The Blue Key, The Green Key, The Black Key, Mega Shot Speed, Master Map, Artifice Helm, Shot Speed Module, Attack Boost Aura, Speed Boost Aura, Mothorb

Other New Features
  • Added 41 New Rooms (108 counting new areas)
  • Added 30 New Achievements
  • Added 6 shrines, each with dozens of recipes for temporary and permanent effects.
  • Added Collection Screen that shows all of the items you've collected on an individual save slot.
  • Added Seeded Runs, the automatic saving of your last 7 seeds, and a menu for secret seeds.
  • Added secret seeds for Deathmatch and Boss Rush modes.
  • Added 2 new enemies: The Moleman Shooter and Pale Sluggard (18 counting new areas)
  • Added tons of lovely friends and patrons to the credits
  • Added enhanced blood splatter fx
  • Impoved the diversity of level generation with the addition of "layout patterns"
  • Added multiple alternate palettes for environments
  • Added the ability to look up and down

    Quality of Life Improvements
  • Fixed 243 Bugs
  • Made 170 Balance Tweaks and Improvements
  • Fixed 35 Rudeboys
  • Added Other Options Menu with the option to disable Shot Charging, Blood, Flashing Lights
  • Added a Stats Menu and tracking for tons of stats like enemy kills, scrap spent, victory streaks, etc.
  • Made mutliple improvements to the co-op experience like a teleportation trail and true analog controls
  • Made countless UI updates such as confimation pop-ups, showing item names in shops and adding borders to achievement pop ups.
  • Impoved the Achievement and Collection Pages to show names / descriptions and have multiple pages.
  • Defined many more controller layouts for 3rd party contollers
  • Updated and added lots of new environment and fx art
  • Added a dozen or so new weapon synergies
  • Made many optimizations
  • Improved audio on multiple effects.
  • Added an endings menu to rewatch endings
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
Hot Fixes 7/8/18
  • Fixed bug where "more" shows up for Tutorial Smith on a new save file (even though he doesn't have any more to say)
  • Fixed issue where closing the other options menu using the Esc key would cause settings to show over the pause screen
  • Fixed missing black backgrounds on settings menus

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed bug where Repair Kit showed nanoswarm generator sprites in shops
  • Fixed bug where ForestSlums2x2BlightbarkBoss01 was missing platform leading up to top right door
  • Fixed missing tiles in ForestSlums4x1AllExits01
  • Fixed bug where Nanobots, Homing Bolts, and Hunter Killer targeted the space between Wall Smashers
  • Fixed bug where Player Laserbeam wasn on the wrong layer and clipped through shrines
  • Fixed bug where Tall Walkers rapidly changed facing while pause menu is up
  • Fixed bug where Tall Walkers couldn't walk into 3 unit high tunnels.
  • Fixed minor bug where Necroluminant Spray would jut in and out during players idle anim
  • Fixed bug where orbs that shoot with player could fire during room transitions
  • Fixed bug where enemies that shoot on a timer could shoot during room transitions
  • Fixed issue where blightbark wasn't dropping pick ups on death
  • Fixed typo in Railgun description
  • Fixed typo in Regeneration helm name
  • Fixed bad tiles in ForestSlums1x1AllExits01
  • Fixed bug where phaseshot couldn't damage the top section of Bligthbark
  • Fixed bug where offering Orphiel 9 scrap + n special scrap would cause an error
  • Fixed bug where Wall Creep slugs could spawn rotated
  • Fixed rare bug where rooms could be placed on top of other rooms
  • Fixed bug in ForestSlums2x2AllExits01 where bottom left door with gate could cause player to clip
  • Fixed non-functioning spikes in BeastGuts2x1AllExits02
  • Fixed bug where pooters could dash at you while Tutorial Smith's dialogue is up
  • Activated items can no longer be used while NPC dialogue window is open, as this could cause a variety of issues.
  • Fixed issue where player couldn't spin jump while charging phaserang
  • Fixed bug in Factory1x3DamageBlocks01 where needed damage type for the blocks would go unassigned and could lead to boss skips / soft locks

  • Tons of minichompers have a smaller impact on perfomance
  • Updated to Unity 2018
  • Identical projectile hit sounds won't play on the same frame, creating volume spikes

  • Fixed rudeboys in BuriedCity3x1AllExits01
  • Fixed rudeboy in BuriedCity2x1DamageBlocks02
  • Fixed rudeboy in BuriedCity1x1JumpUp01
  • Fixed rudeboy in Factory1x2SmallGap02
  • Fixed rudeboy in BuriedCity1x1AllExit01
  • Fixed rudeboy in Surface1x2VeryHighNoDown01

Balance Changes:
  • Attack modules decrease charge time on Electro Charge by more
  • Reduced damage dealth by Prismatic Orb
  • Polyphemus no longer flips when changing directions. Lasers won't suddely face the opposite direction.
  • Necroluminant Spray deals more damage
  • Necroluminant Spray increases light radius while equipped
  • Toxin Cloud deals more damage

Other Changes:
  • Health bar glows red when health <= 3
  • Added Other Options Menu with the option to disable Shot Charging. Blood, Flashing Lights and Look Controls have also been moved to this menu.
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB has just been release and features a brand new unlockable area that has a chance to replace the Surface City. The Forest Slums feature 2 new bosses, 6 new enemies, and 2 new unlockable items. All of this in addition to bug fixes, a couple other new items, and some needed balance changes.

If you dig this update be sure to thank all of my patrons on Patreon. They make these free updates possible with their generous montly donations. Considered donating if you'd like early access on the alpha branch.

As always, your feedback has been invaluable and I hope you all continue to provide it as more and more content gets added. I've neglected the steam forums a bit this month, but I always keep an eye on our Discord so be sure to check that out if you haven't already.

Full Patch Notes Here

Thanks! Enjoy!
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
New Area! Forest Slums
  • 2 New Bosses
  • 6 New Enemies
  • 32 New Rooms
  • New Music
  • New Achievement To Unlock

New Enemies
  • Moleman Shooter now found in Buried City

New Items
  • Necroluminant Spray (Traversal)*
  • Prismatic Orb
  • Hive Helm*
  • Repair Kit
*has new achievement

Bug Fixes:
  • Enemy flamethrowers don't destroy projectiles
  • Fixed issue with palette shader on 32-bit systems
  • Fixed potential out of bounds in BuriedCity1x1AllExits06
  • Fixed potential out of bounds in BuriedCity1x1temRoom02
  • Fixed bad tiles in BuriedCity2x2SmallGap01
  • Fixed bug where end of tentacles would be destroyed until their death completed
  • Fixed issue where title screen would continue to show keyboard hints after using controller
  • Fixed bug where lil' shrines would only provide each of their effects once
  • Fixed runaway creeper in BeastGuts2x2NoDown03
  • Fixed bug where playing a deathmatch game would break single player saves

New Rooms
  • Cave2x1Arachnomorph01
  • Factory2x1Arachnomorph01

Balance Changes:
  • Phaserang can be charged and thrown at variable distances
  • ScatterGun damage increased
  • Wave Bomb can be thrown in a 4 unit high hall without hitting the ceiling.
  • Polyphemus health increased to 330
  • Chance of negative shrine effects reduced from 33% to 20%
  • "Nothing" added to possible random negative shrine effects
  • Stalacterror hp increased from 24 to 28
  • Nanobots deal projectile damage rather than 1/2 projectile damage
  • Lil Shrine bonus stack with diminishing returns

Other Changes:
  • Game will ignore input while not in focus
  • Achievement and Collection Pages can have multiple pages and show names / descriptions
  • Defined more controller layouts for 3rd party contollers
  • Changed lightining gun effect
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
Hey guys! I just put out a new patch. It mostly addresses some big issues with the switch release and is out on Steam simply to maintain parity.

However, I did take the time to add some new functionality to the seeded run menu that will save up to 9 seeds from your previous runs.

Also, after hyping the hidden Deathmatch mode on April fools I found out it was pretty broken. The bug where shooting would cause you damage if you weren't player 1 is fixed now. I guess it turned out to be an April Fools joke after all.

To atone for my developer sins here's what very few people figured out:
DENEYE 111111

Don't try it on Switch until after Nintendo approves the patch or you'll be disappointed.

Full Patch Notes Here
May 3, 2018
A Robot Named Fight! - MattB
Switch Only Bug Fixes*
  • Fixed crash at the start of Forbidden Place boss fight (only occurred on Switch production builds).
  • Switch Pro Controller DPad can navigate menus now
  • Screenshots enabled
    *these changes won't effect Steam users.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed major issue where invalid 25 character seeds could be generated.
  • Fixed major issue with projectile damage in deathmatch
  • Fixed bad tiles in BuriedCity4x1DamageBlocks02
  • Dash and Buzzsaw Shell can no longer trigger switches
  • Changed projectile bounce logic to minimize shots clipping through walls
  • Fixed incorrect minor item location on map in Factory2x2AllExits06
  • Fixed mispelling of "Viridian" Shell on achievement pop up
  • Fixed bug where entering a partial seed on the seed menu could throw an exception.

Balance Changes:
  • The following items can be starting items again: Aura Bolt, Big Bolt, The Thief.
  • The following items can't be starting items: Power Pauldrons.

  • Fixed rude boy in Factory1x1HiddenDoorLeft01

Other Changes:
  • After entering 24 characters on seed screen go is automatically selected
  • Added UI for previous seeds to seed screen
  • Added UI for secret seeds to seed screen
  • Simple font slightly more legible
  • Jordan Taylor added to credits
  • New Patrons added to credits

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