Dec 31, 2023
7th Sector - noskovgames35mm
Hello everyone! Another year has passed, difficult for many, filled with emotional upheavals and uncertainty. Sometimes I wonder why people continue to play scary and depressing games when there are so many similar things around us in real life. But for some reason we love to immerse ourselves in virtual worlds like these. Perhaps it’s easier for us, because there the danger is just a scenario, we can easily stop events, put them on pause. In life, unfortunately, we cannot do this.

I wish you all good luck next year, so that real danger avoids you as much as possible, strength, good health and a peaceful sky above your head!

My work continues. I had plans to update already released projects, but the current work on the Hail to the Rainbow game takes a lot of time. At the moment I am nearing the completion of the project. I really hope to complete the work by the end of 24. In the meantime, you can take a closer look at “Hail to the Rainbow” on the Steam page, and also watch a short New Year’s video based on the game.

Happy New Year!

VK Group
7th Sector - noskovgames35mm
Good day to all!

For 4 years I have been working on the indie project “Hail to the Rainbow”. The basis of the game is almost complete and there are many months of improvements and debugging ahead. I need to improve the mechanics, voice acting and localization, level design and much more.

And now, I would like to share one of the promotional videos based on the game.

Steam page

I will be glad to guests in publics

VK Group
7th Sector - NoskovFe

Greetings ! A lot of time has passed since the publication of the latest news, but the work has not stood still and I am finally happy to announce that my new project called "Hail to the Rainbow" has a page on Steam .

This is my fifth author's project, which is currently under development. The game takes place in an alternate universe. Advanced technology to improve the life of mankind, led to the collapse of mankind. Ideas about the world of the game appeared in my mind since the time of work on "7th Sector". This universe seemed to me extremely interesting and suitable for deep immersion and explore.

"Hail to the Rainbow" is a massive project with great attention to detail. The work has been going on for about 2 years and the final revision will take about the same amount (approximate forecast).

In the meantime, I will be glad for the interest shown and the addition of the game to the wishlist. There is a long way ahead, during which I will try to share materials and best practices. Some content will be published on the Patreon channel.

Good luck to all!

"Hail to the Rainbow" on Steam
VK Group
Oct 30, 2020
7th Sector - NoskovFe

Hello friends! In connection with Halloween, a 60% discount is set for 7th Sector game, and my other projects! Along with this, an interesting competition for The Light Remake game starts, in which you can win a cash prize, and a key from 35MM or 7th Sector, if you do not already have them.

To participate in the competition you need:
- repost on VK or Facebook
- update the game The Light Remake to the latest version and find some secrets: 4 TVs with frames from different horror films (you can interact with TVs, they will need to be turned on)
- take screenshots of TVs, send me a PM in VK, Facebook or by mail
- also, in the message, write which films you identified on the screens (films titles)

The first 3 participants who send correct answers will receive a cash prize of 10, 20, 30 dollars and a key from 35MM or 7th Sector (console version of 7th Sector also). As a bonus, the leading participant will also receive an electronic version of the book based on the 35MM game.

The competition will run until November 2. The results will be published on the The Light Remake game page, in the VK group and Facebook after the Halloween sale on Steam.

VK Group
Author Steam page
Oct 20, 2020
7th Sector - NoskovFe

Greetings friends! I announce the beginning of the development of a new project. Working title: "Rainbow" or "Glory to the Rainbow". I have very serious plans, the scale of the project is large, the idea is global and very detailed. Previously, I did not pay so much attention to the plot and history, I already foresee sleepless nights X)

The game is a kind of symbiosis of 35MM and 7th Sector. I decided to use my most successful tricks - an atmosphere of despondency, devastation and post-USSR, seasoned with a dramatic story. The story of a boy named Ignat and his life after the war in alternative Russia. A deep study of the character, world and events is planned. The fantastic theme provides a lot of room for ideas.

As a basis for the main character, I decided to take the image of a boy from the video ZAMILSKA "CALL" / Elektro_sonda
As soon as I saw him (the boy), I realized that this is exactly the image that I want to see in the game.
A great inspiration for the future atmosphere of the project was given to me by the amazing works of Simon Stalenhag, on which I had my eyes for a long time (I am not attaching work, you can google it)

Overall, I plan on improving the quality level a lot. I really hope that all the ideas will be implemented, although it will take a long time.

I will keep abreast of developments and find a minute to publish!

Also, I will be very grateful for support, informational and in general of any kind!

PS. In connection with Halloween, there will soon be an interesting competition with a cash prize associated with the project The Light Remake. There will be a post next week!

VK Group
Author Steam page
Sep 24, 2020
7th Sector - NoskovFe

Hello friends! It's been a long time since the 7th Sector was released. A lot of new work has been done. Despite the fact that the game did not thunder very much, it is very important for me and the experience gained will be used in a new project. By the way, the topic of the new game will probably be related ;)

Recently, I have been trying to diversify my work and switch to different tasks. I tried to refresh the skills of integrating 3D graphics into live video. Tracking with Boujou, rendering in 3d Max, and compositing in After Effects. These skills will be useful to me in future projects. I used the images from my favorite Half-Life. Alyx as a working material

Second video - workflow

PS. The Patreon page has been created. I plan to post there fresh materials on the new project in the future. The materials will be here, but with some delay. I will be glad to all guests!


VK Group
Jun 4, 2020
7th Sector - NoskovFe

Friends, my project The Light Remake, on which I worked all this year, was released!

I hope the new game will bring fresh emotions and impressions to new players, and those who have already played in the original 2012! I will be glad to read your thoughts, what details you noticed, Easter eggs, what you liked, what not, etc.

I also remind you that you can buy a DLC soundtrack if you like the music and want to support the composer!

PS. A small addition. The game has 2 finals. I will not go into details, but they are associated with light and darkness. For each ending you get an achievement. After the game ends, a bonus opens - additional color correction and a link to the original game (if someone has not played). Also, after the second finale, another bonus opens associated with the movie projector.

Have a nice time for everyone!

VK Group
May 10, 2020
7th Sector - NoskovFe

Friends, in connection with the imminent release of The Light Remake, a contest is announced!

To participate, you need to join the IndieGames group on VK and repost the last pinned post, and subscribe to my Instagram page (if you have an Instagram).

If you don’t have VKontakte or Instagram, you can subscribe to YouTube or Facebook :)

On May 14, at 12-00 Moscow time in the VK group and on the Instagram page, I will publish several screenshots from the game The Light, in which a quote from a famous person is encrypted. The first three participants who sent me the right answer in private messages will receive the key to the game!

VK Group
7th Sector - NoskovFe
Hello! Today is the 7th Sector's game birthday ! On the occasion of this date, giveaway of keys for my games started on Steamgifts .
For many, the keys are not needed, but if you win, you can give them to someone.

In addition to Steam keys, 3 people will be chosen among the winners, who will receive the key for the console version of the 7th Sector for Ps4, XBox, Nintendo Switch - to choose .

Good luck!
7th Sector

I also remind, that work on a remake of the game The Light is in progress. I will be very grateful for adding the project to the wishlist!
I will also be glad to guests on social networks.

The Light
VK Group
7th Sector - NoskovFe

Hello! The first teaser of "The Light" game is published on the page!

VK Group


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