Green With Energy and Aquarist

Acquista Green With Energy and Aquarist PACCHETTO (?)

Informazioni sul pacchetto

Bundle includes:

Green With Energy

Green With Energy - A relaxing game where you become a power engineer and iteratively design, test and build power grid designs. Balance budget and efficiency across a variety of biomes. Will you build resilient systems, or cobble something together with duct tape? It's your choice.

Aquarist - Get the best aquarium store in town! Create, renew, manage, observe. See if you can create an aquarium empire.

Articoli inclusi in questo pacchetto

Aquarist - costruisci acquari, alleva pesci, sviluppa la tua attività!
  Passatempo, Indie, Simulazione
Green With Energy
  Passatempo, Indie, Simulazione, Strategia
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Acquista Green With Energy and Aquarist PACCHETTO (?)