Big Sugar Collection

Mua Big Sugar Collection BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

The Big Sugar Collection bundle includes the following content:

A heavy metal infused 2D action-platformer. Brutal combat. Deadly enemies. Stunning pixel art. Savage soundtrack. Get ready to rip the galaxy a new wormhole.

A colourful and cartoonish twin stick action-adventure featuring a phenomenal fox with a multitude of talents! Choose from a trio of classes – Warrior, Mage, Engineer – or mix-and-match abilities to create a tailor-made hero!

Valfaris: Mecha Therion
Pilot an advanced machine of death and destruction in this explosive 2.5D side-scrolling shoot ‘em up, and sequel to the critically acclaimed Valfaris. Strap in and unleash mecha hell!

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

  Hành động, Indie
  Hành động, Phiêu lưu
Valfaris: Mecha Therion
  Hành động, Indie
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Mua Big Sugar Collection BỘ (?)