Bang-on Balls Chronicles & Tools Up

Αγορά: Bang-on Balls Chronicles & Tools Up ΠΑΚΕΤΟ (?)

Σχετικά με αυτό το πακέτο

Roll out to adventure or roll on some paint in this bundle!

In Bang On Balls: Chronicles, take on an open world adventure solo or team up with up to 3 other people! Unlock customizable items through gameplay, use your skills in combat to complete missions and collect items, including new weapons to destroy your enemies!

In Tools Up!, the objective is fix, paint, move furniture and otherwise have a chaotic time! Take on the task solo, but 4 player co-op is where the action is. Team up with friends and work against the clock to finish the renovations!

Αντικείμενα σε αυτό το πακέτο

Tools Up!
  Δράση, Περιπέτεια, Χαλαρό, Indie, Προσομοίωση
Bang-On Balls: Chronicles
  Δράση, Περιπέτεια, Χαλαρό, Indie
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Αγορά: Bang-on Balls Chronicles & Tools Up ΠΑΚΕΤΟ (?)