Git Gud at FPS games with RAYZE & KovaaK's

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You can play FPS games casually, or you can excel at them! You're a click away from scenario #2!

When you're serious about games, getting yourself in top-shape for first-person shootouts has never been easier, and there are two approaches we'd like to propose. Either get yourself into a daily training routine with aim training app such as KovaaK's, or discover RAYZE, that takes aim training gamification even a step further, in a neon-filled world full of the sound of synths and electronica.

KovaaK's is an aim trainer, trusted by top pros, streamers, and players like you. Upgrade your FPS skills with over 24,000 player-created scenarios, in-game map editor, infinite customization, cloned game physics, sharable playlists. NEW: share your profile and stats on!

RAYZE is an AIM RACER. Hit a target to accelerate. Miss and you slow down. Hit a wall and lose. Find the fastest route. Get to the finish line. Simple? Yes. Easy? Hell no. Ready? 3... 2... 1... Let's RAYZE!

Get them both, or complete your collection with a special discount!

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