Terry Cavanagh Collection

Mua Terry Cavanagh Collection BỘ (?)

Về bộ này

This pack contains all three of Terry Cavanagh's commercial games!

Dicey Dungeons: Become a giant walking dice and battle to the end of an ever-changing dungeon! Fight monsters, find better loot, and level up your heroes as you work together to take down the Goddess of Fortune, Lady Luck herself. Featuring art by Marlowe Dobbe, and music by Chipzel.

Super Hexagon: A minimal action game, with music by Chipzel.

VVVVVV: A platform game all about exploring one simple mechanical idea - what if you reversed gravity instead of jumping? Featuring music by Souleye.

Sản phẩm có trong bộ này

  Hành động, Indie
Super Hexagon
  Hành động, Indie
Dicey Dungeons
  Indie, Chiến thuật
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Mua Terry Cavanagh Collection BỘ (?)