Fat combat is a changeable terrain, can jump between buildings, players play butcher, catch other players with hooks, the map contains a variety of traps, players need to skillfully avoid pits, rankings to win first!
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1 uživatelských recenzí - Pro vygenerování hodnocení je potřeba více uživatelských recenzí
Datum vydání:
30. led. 2019

Abyste mohli tento produkt přidat do svého seznamu přání, začít ho sledovat nebo ho zařadit mezi ignorované, musíte se nejprve přihlásit.

Hra s předběžným přístupem

Získejte okamžitý přístup, začněte hrát a zapojte se do vývoje této hry.

Poznámka: Tato hra ještě není dokončená a během vývoje se může výrazně změnit. Pokud Vás nyní nezaujala, zkuste počkat, než se dostane do další fáze vývoje. Více informací zde

Zpráva od vývojářů:

Proč předběžný přístup?

„Preemptive experience first lets the player be familiar with this kind of game, may be a little different from the previous MoBa game, the game can hook different obstacles, but also can run into different terrain, players need to be familiar with the skills of various hooks and combat methods, can better in the future MoBa version of the confrontation.

The game hasn't had any commercial funding yet, and we have to find ways to keep the team running properly for two years. Preemptive experience is very in line with the current situation of our team, can give us financial support, can also better improve the game, is a good choice. Please join the ranks of Moba game improvement.“

Přibližně jak dlouho bude tato hra v předběžném přístupu?

„Within 1-2 years, the official version of the MoBa game will continue to update, optimize the experience, and adjust the game balance according to the combat game.“

Jak se bude plná verze lišit od předběžného přístupu?

„Preemptive experience is relatively simple, there may be some minor problems, gradually joining the network battle MoBa and game matching mode

Full Edition, Massive Multiplayer Combat Game“

V jaké fázi vývoje se hra nachází?

„1. Players can throw out chains and fight in full.

2. The scene has three obstacles, 1, Tower 2 Ice Column 3 Stones.

3. For the time being, there are already two roles available for users to play.

4. Players can jump in different terrain, different from the general MoBa game.

5. AI is very smart and can win or lose with human beings“

Změní se cena hry po skončení předběžného přístupu?

„After the end of the preemptive experience, the price of the game will rise as the content of the game increases and the cost of all aspects increases.“

Jak plánujete zapojit komunitu do vývoje této hry?

„There may be undetected bugs in the game, which require players to experience and maintain together, as well as the balance of battles between games, which requires a large number of player data optimization. You are welcome to participate and grow with fatbattle.
You can add our official QQ group: 8141206, or you can send your suggestions by contacting 83406079@qq.com.“
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Informace o hře

Fat combat is a changeable terrain, can jump between buildings, players play butcher, catch other players with hooks, the map contains a variety of traps, players need to skillfully avoid pits, rankings to win first!

AI is better than bull, brothers will start to work.

Official QQ group: 8141206

1 skill system

Game begins to give players three skills Q hook W attack E jump
Q: Can you dizzy the players and jump between different terrain with the pillars hooked? Is there a kind of Mount Tai? I'm Mount Tai next door, catching the vines of love, whispering 65
W: Vertigo attack the other side immediately with W skill, no! You can also choose to run away.
E: Jump according to the direction of mouse click
Then 130 skills, such as optional skills, will be added to enrich the battlefield form.
2 scenario obstruction

For the time being, there are only three obstacles in the scene, which make it easy for players to familiarize themselves with the new fighting style. But with these obstacles, it is still a bit difficult to defeat ai.
Pillar: Players can pull the hook skill to the post
Icepillar: Icepillar can rebound when players cast hooks
Arrow Tower: Arrow Tower targets the nearest player
3 props system
Every other time in the scene, different props will appear randomly on the map. Run, No. Come and look for it. I hide all my treasures in front of you.
4 terrain system
At present, there are only 2 topographies, 1. Land topography, 2. Water topography.
Grassland will also be added for invisible, mountainous and other magical terrain.
5 victory conditions
Simple, the number of killings ranks first
6 role system

The full version will feature 50 different combat-style characters
7. Combat Rules

Players will be killed if they are hooked by two people at the same time.

Players can pick up boxes on the ground to increase blood volume, experience

Every time you kill an opponent, you gain 15 experience, and every time you hook an opponent, you gain 10 experience.

Player's top level is 30, each level increases the corresponding life, attack chain length, attack range.

The hook can only reach the lower half of a human being

Systémové požadavky

    • OS *: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 64 bit
    • Procesor: 1 Ghz or faster processor
    • Paměť: 512 MB RAM
    • Grafická karta: 1GB VRAM
    • DirectX: Verze 9.0
    • Připojení: Širokopásmové připojení k internetu
    • Pevný disk: 1 MB volného místa
    • Dodatečné poznámky: Keyboard and Mouse
    • OS *: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 64 bit
    • Procesor: 3.50GHZ
    • Paměť: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: Nvidia GeForce GT520
    • DirectX: Verze 11
    • Připojení: Širokopásmové připojení k internetu
    • Pevný disk: 6 GB volného místa
* Od 1. ledna 2024 bude klient služby Steam podporovat pouze systém Windows 10 a novější.

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