eCheese Zone! A punishment game like no other, a hardcore digital escape room, an activity to get mad at. Featuring lots of text to read, an hour long punishment timer, secrets, and easy directions to follow (you will not read them and you will mess up). Are you up to the eCheese challenge?
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2023 年 7 月 19 日







“As a punishment game, eCheese Zone requires a lot of feedback and playtesting -- both in person and remote. Yet it has been over 5 years since the first version of eCheese Zone was made, and it's time to release the game into the wild. Early Access will allow the community to engage with eCheese Zone, leave feedback, and help us patch-up weaknesses to make it the best game it can be!*

*No, the 1-hour punishment wait-timer is not being removed.”


“We plan to have the final and complete version released by the end of 2024.”


“The early access version is about 1/3rd the length of the planned final version. Keep in mind that, on average, it took players between 15 and 20 hours to complete this version of eCheese Zone. But there are many more secrets to be uncovered within... eCheese Zone.

As we playtest and gather feedback, it's important to us to keep the game as purposefully driven as possible. With such a high punishment, it needs to be absolutely clear that the player is at fault for any mistake, and that there are no actual bugs or confusion. Because of this, while the content is generally complete and ready for action, we are taking the implementation process slowly to ensure it all comes together smoothly.

The core of the game will remain the same throughout the development. This includes current music, mini-games, and timers. Art may be modified to fit the theming better, instructions may be reworded to be clearer, and other changes may be made to increase quality of life.”


“The current eCheese Zone feels like a complete game. It has a nice slick menu with options for play, it has a hand-full of mini-games, and if any player reaches the end, it contains clues and hints for the next section that will be added. Ultimately, this Early Access could be the game, but there's more that we want to explore and more eCheese to share!”


“Outside of discounts, the game's price will not change greatly between Early Access and full release. The goal of Early Access for us is to share the current version of eCheese Zone with the community, and gather feedback on the game as we continue to develop further sections.”


“Cliffy Cheese loves all his fans and he loves eCheese products too!

We plan to interact with the Community to learn how they feel about various features and content. Given that this is a punishing game, it is important to us to listen to feedback. We wouldn't complain about any Cliffy Cheese fan art either. (But no Rocco the Rat fan art please).”


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“Nobody has any concrete idea of what The eCheese Zone actually is and yet, people were drawn to it so clearly that you couldn’t help feel wonder at this tiny corner of human achievement.”


Do you enjoy bad mini-games, boring rules, and brutal consequences?

Hold onto your hats, because we've got some wild news for you! Introducing the eCheese Zone: the ultimate punishment game! A digital escape room, it’s perfect for suffering alone or enduring with some pals.

But hey, punishment timers build character. Playing alone and don't know what to do while you're waiting through your punishment? Go walk your dog. Call your mom. Embrace your punishment. Playing eCheese with others? It's a party game that let's you enjoy the party! During your punishment wait, go talk to with your friends, use the bathroom, eat some cheese snacks.

So, think you're hardcore enough to take on... the eCheese Zone? Gear up, gather your crew (or not), and get ready to chow down on cheese-themed content. Are you ready for the challenge of a lifetime? Prepare to struggle with simple directions!

Q: I keep seeing this game and I want to know what’s beyond the opening wait timer.
A: Guess you’ll have to play and find out!

Q: Can you guys remove the 1-hour opening wait timer?
A: No, it’s tied to other important code and removing it crashes the whole game.

Q: What about the 5 hour time limit per play session?
A: No.

Q: Can you make it so it saves my progress at least?
A: No.

Q: Can you at least reduce the timer or make it less punishing.
A: Listen here you little puke, if you want to play a videogame that doesn’t have a 1-hour long punishment wait timer for every time you mess up, or a videogame that doesn’t make you read a bunch of boring directions, or a videogame that doesn’t close out on you and forget all your progress after every 5 hours, you can play any other game on the internet. We spent a lot of time making this videogame and our parents are very proud of us and our friend Peter said it is a good game so it doesn’t matter what you think and we’re not going to change anything.


    • 操作系统: 7
    • 处理器: 2 GHz
    • 内存: 2 GB RAM
    • 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce 330 or higher
    • 存储空间: 需要 100 MB 可用空间


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