"Otaku's Adventure" is a different kind of AVG.The story tells of an Otaku who has been single for many years and thirst for love. While he inadvertently embarks on a fantastic journey, he eventually wins girls' love. The game combines storytelling with alternative TAKAGISM, and mini-games.
En Son İncelemeler:
Çok Olumlu (52) - Son 30 gün içerisindeki 52 kullanıcı incelemesinden %92 kadarı olumlu.
Bütün İncelemeler:
Çok Olumlu (7,367) - Bu oyun için yazılan 7,367 adet kullanıcı incelemesinden %94 kadarı olumlu.
Çıkış Tarihi:
20 May 2019

Bu öğeyi istek listenize eklemek, takip etmek veya yok sayıldı olarak işaretlemek için giriş yapın

Türkçe desteklenmemektedir

Bu ürün sizin dilinizi desteklememektedir. Lütfen satın almadan önce aşağıdaki desteklenen diller listesini gözden geçirin.

Otaku's Adventure Satın Alın


Yeni Güncellendi

Version 1.0.5

Sincerely thanks to Zero Force Translations, we add Brazilian Portuguese localization to this game.
Group Sub-Leader & Supervision / Vice-líder de Grupo & Supervisão

Güncelleme Notları

Version 1.0.3

Sincerely thanks to Solomon, we add Russian localization to this game.

Güncelleme Notları

Version 1.0.4

Sincerely thanks to Hazardous & Opt7mu5, we add Spanish localization to this game.

Bu Oyun Hakkında

"Otaku's Adventure" Is A Different Kind Of Avg.
The story tells of an Otaku who has been single for many years and thirst for love. While he inadvertently embarks on a fantastic journey, he eventually wins girls' love. The game combines storytelling with alternative TAKAGISM, and includes a variety of mini-games, as well as different types of battles, which brings players different experience and fun in compare to previous games.

Game Features

  • Simple operation: easy to use, just click, drag and drop with the mouse.
  • Different types of stories: Every girl has their own thrilling stories, so that players can enjoy endless.
  • Mysterious TAKAGISM: It is like TAKAGISM, but it is not like the traditional TAKAGISM. This game is filled with puzzles.
  • A collection of mini-games: different types of mini-games are interspersed in the game.
  • Multiple game endings: There are many unexpected and interesting endings that can be collected during the game.

When you play some ending, some of the previous plots can be quickly skipped by holding down the mouse.

Sistem Gereksinimleri

    • İşletim Sistemi *: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit
    • İşlemci: Intel Core 2 Duo or greater
    • Bellek: 2 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or greater
    • DirectX: Sürüm 11
    • Depolama: 3 GB kullanılabilir alan
* Steam istemcisi, 1 Ocak 2024'ten itibaren yalnızca Windows 10 ve üstünü destekleyecektir.
    • İşletim Sistemi: Mac OS X 10.7 or later
    • İşlemci: 2.0 Ghz single core or faster processor
    • Bellek: 2 GB RAM
    • Ekran Kartı: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or later
    • Depolama: 3 GB kullanılabilir alan

Otaku's Adventure için müşteri incelemeleri

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