Creating an audio visualizer has never been simpler and faster than with Easy Audio Visualization, an easy to use, all-in-one software to get the perfect audio visualization for your music. Create professional music videos just like popular music channels on YouTube do, with ease and at a low price.
Reseñas generales:
Mayormente positivas (95) - El 77 % de las 95 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este software son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
21 JUL 2018

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Software con Acceso anticipado

Involúcrate con este software mientras se desarrolla.

Aviso: Este software con Acceso anticipado no está terminado y puede o no cambiar más adelante. Si no te entusiasma usar este software en su estado actual, entonces deberías esperar a ver si avanza más en su desarrollo. Más información

Nota: La última actualización realizada por los desarrolladores fue hace más de 2 años. Es posible que la información y los plazos descritos por los desarrolladores aquí ya no estén actualizados.
Lo que dicen los desarrolladores:

¿Por qué Acceso anticipado?

“The software already works great but is not fully developed yet. With the users' help we want to develop more features as we go on and most importantly easy to use.”

¿Cuánto tiempo va a estar este software en Acceso anticipado aproximadamente?

“The development process will probably be completed by the end of this year.”

¿Qué tan diferente será la versión completa de la versión de Acceso anticipado?

“We will sort out the last few bugs and add one or two more features before full release. Currently its functionality is almost fully developed.”

¿Cuál es el estado actual de la versión de Acceso anticipado?

“Will be fully released when ready.”

¿Variará el precio del software durante el periodo previo y posterior al Acceso anticipado?

“After Early Access the price will not be changed.”

¿Cómo tienes planeado involucrar a la comunidad en tu proceso de desarrollo?

“During the development process we would like the users to give feedback and tell us what functions need to be optimized and what features should be added in the updates. You can do so in the steam forum or at . We will try our best to answer the email within 2 days.”
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Acerca de este software

⚠️Warning: This program has settings that contain flashing lights and quick color changes that may cause discomfort and/or seizures for those with photosensitive epilepsy. User discretion is advised.⚠️

Easy Audio Visualization is made for everyone who wants to make a high quality music video with nice visual effects that reacts to their music.

Import your very own backgrounds, logos and your own audio files. Be creative with combining as many visualizers and effects as you want, to create your unique style for your music videos. There are multiple elements that you are able to customize:

Audio: Mode, File/s, Audio speed, Bass analysis smoothness, Music analysis smoothness, Use microphone (not available when rendering)

Camera effects: Light brightness, Light flickering, Light color, Camera shaking, Vignette intensity, Vignette color, Film grain intensity, Film grain type, Chromatic aberration, Saturation, Saturation shift, Frequency range

Visualizers: Type, Style, Shape, Thickness, Cube width, Shader, Color/Gradient, Glow intensity, Analysis, Height, Segments, Frequency range, Samples, Mirror, Inverse, Reverse, Method, Delays, Delay colors

Graphics: Image/Video file, Shader, Color/Color transition, Glow intensity, Glow color, Circular cutout

Particles: Type, Amount, Amount boost, Size, Speed, Boost, Color/Gradient, Color cycle time, Glow intensity, Glow boost, Frequency range

Texts: Text, Size, Color, Font, Shadow Color/Position

Time stamps: Type, Style, Color, Size, Flip time

Dancers: Model

Rendering: Resolution, Framerate, File size, Audio bitrate

What these features do is described in detail inside the application and there's also a video tutorial playlist.

Once everything is set up as prefered, the video can be rendered to a .mp4 (or other video format) file of up to 4K resolution.
This software is still under development, so more features will be added as time goes by.

Requisitos del sistema

    • SO *: Windows Vista SP1+
    • Procesador: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3217U @ 1.80GHz
    • Memoria: 500 MB de RAM
    • Gráficos: HD Graphics 4000 or above
    • DirectX: Versión 10
    • Almacenamiento: 250 MB de espacio disponible
    • Notas adicionales: You will need more disc space depending on the length of the video you want to render.
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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