This global strategy sends you to the Victorian age that was imbued with the spirit of rivalry for tasty colonial lands. The Scramble for Africa is just about to start - select a country and help it to take its rightful place in the sun!
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Negative (42) - 19% of the 42 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
May 18, 2018

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Early Access Game

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Note: Games in Early Access are not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

What the developers have to say:

Why Early Access?

“We have an intention to turn this project into an elaborate and deeply detailed game on the theme of colonial Africa. So we have released the game in early access to evaluate the popularity of this setting among the fans of global strategies and to find the most appropriate direction of the development of this project. Players' feedback is taken into account for the sake of maintaining the game closer to the expectations of community.”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“We expect that the early access period will last about six months.”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“According to our plan, version 1.0 will contain the following:
  • More detailed map consisting of a large number of provinces with historically authentic borders;
  • More playable countries, including African and Asian (Ethiopia, Liberia, Boer republics of South Africa, Sahelian kingdoms, Ottoman Empire, Persia), and unique gameplay features for different countries;
  • Advanced mechanics of research expeditions;
  • More various events (both random and historical);
  • Significantly improved mechanics of wafare;
  • A technology tree, focused on adapting to the harsh African natural conditions;
  • System of diplomatic relations between countries (including the possibility of negotiating with African and Asian powers);
  • Improved economy and the addition of trade mechanics;
  • Steam trading cards.
  • Modding support.

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“Currently these features are already implemented in the game:
  • 8 playable countries;
  • Mechanics of the province colonization and colonial rivalry;
  • Colonial development - building and improving ;
  • Possibility to buy, demand or conquer territories belonging to the Europeans of local rulers;
  • Basic mechanics of population happiness and unrest;
  • Dozens of events (historical and random).

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“We suggest that the price will be increased after the game is significantly enriched with new content.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“We intend to listen to the players' suggestions and take them into account during the further work on the project. Also, in the long term, we will consider adding the support of user modifications.”
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Notice: Imperialism: The Dark Continent is no longer available on the Steam store.
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About This Game

You are in 1870s. The New World and Asia are divided among the European colonizers. There is only one continent, which mysterious depths still have never witnessed the presence of any European traveler. But everything will change very soon. The Scramble for Africa is just about to start.
In the game you act as the Minister for Colonies of any of the available countries. You send expeditions to explore new territories, and then you have to commence colonization, build colonial facilities and extract valuable resources.
There are 8 playable great powers: Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and even Russia. Historically, some of them got a solid piece of the African pie, some others limited themselves to crumbs from the table, and some did not participate in the colonial race at all.

Colonial Rivalry

One province can be simultaneously colonized by two or more powers - but there can be only one winner. There’ll be many situations where you will have to choose whether to spend an increased amount of your influence and grab the desired province at any cost, or leave it and concentrate on other regions.

Economy and Development

Africa is full of natural resources and trade goods. Coffee, diamonds, peanuts, rubber... Some goods are ubiquitous, some are very rare. Expect that the richest regions can become the arenas of fierce struggle.
While expanding, do not forget to develop those lands that are already under your control. When you build new plantations and mines, you increase your income. When you build schools, hospitals, railways and cultural institutions, you increase the growth of your colonial influence, thus earning even more legitimate moral rights for further expansion!

Goals of the Game

The game goes until the 20s of the 20th century, and when the time is over, the results are summed up. There is no any strict final goal in the game - you define your goal by yourself. Conquer the whole continent? Build a railway from Cairo to Cape Town for Her Majesty Queen Victoria? Banish everyone from Central Africa, playing as Germany? Create New Brazil by uniting the Portuguese colonies? Or maybe suddenly emerge on the continent as Russia?

History repeats itself - but not always and not in exact way

Virtual Africa lives its life: you will encounter a large number of events - both historical and random. All your actions and choices have consequences!

Variety of Actions

When the entire continent is divided into zones of influence, what should you do if, in your opinion, the boundaries were established unfairly? You have three ways of dealing with your European rivals:
You can attack the enemy who occupied the desired province and capture it by force. Without any doubts, it will lead to hostile and vengeful response. Or you can play on the greed of your rivals and try to buy out the colony you need. Finally, you can perform miracles of diplomacy, trying to negotiate the transfer of the desired colony, spending points of influence on it. Choose your actions wisely!

System Requirements

    • OS *: Windows 7(x64)
    • Processor: 2GHz Dual-core CPU
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Graphics: 1Gb DirectX 9.0c compatible
    • DirectX: Version 9.0
    • Storage: 512 MB available space
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.
    • OS: Mac OS X 10.7
    • Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo or better
    • Memory: 512 MB RAM
    • Graphics: 512 MB
    • Storage: 512 MB available space
* Starting February 15, 2024, the Steam Client will no longer support 32-bit games or macOS 10.14 or lower.

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