Streets Ablaze is a 3D side-scrolling beat em' up inspired by the arcade and console games we played growing up.
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Spíše kladné (42) - 73 % z 42 uživatelů ohodnotilo tuto hru kladně.
Datum vydání:
6. zář. 2018

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Hra s předběžným přístupem

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Poznámka: Tato hra ještě není dokončená a během vývoje se může výrazně změnit. Pokud Vás nyní nezaujala, zkuste počkat, než se dostane do další fáze vývoje. Více informací zde

Zpráva od vývojářů:

Proč předběžný přístup?

„Currently, Streets Ablaze is being developed by our small team of two people. We've been working hard on it for months, but it is still a side-project for us. We hope to one day develop full-time and grow as a company. In the meantime, we hope that with Early Access we will be able to involve the community in the conception of this first game. Our current focus is on developing the core of the game and getting it to feel solid.

We've shown the game at Penny Arcade Expo, and since then we've been looking for inspiration from the community to figure out what elements to focus on refining. Early Access is a perfect way to involve our community in making Streets Ablaze a great first entry in our portfolio.“

Přibližně jak dlouho bude tato hra v předběžném přístupu?

„We anticipate the remaining development of this game to take approximately a year, barring any unforeseen complications. We've kept the scope in check and hope that will help us deliver in that time-frame. Obviously, things may not go as planned, but we fully intend on being open about our process. This is our first game and our primary goal is to do things as efficiently as we can and learn from any mistakes we make along the way.“

Jak se bude plná verze lišit od předběžného přístupu?

„We plan to include a narrative that contains 15+ levels and sub-levels. We also plan to include extra modes, refined menus and interfaces, and polished models. The current focus of development is on functionality and building the content, and then we plan on transitioning to polishing elements like the interface.“

V jaké fázi vývoje se hra nachází?

„The current state of the Early Access version is that of a playable alpha demo. The first few levels of the game are playable. We plan on adding some of the extra challenge modes and limited map access as we tune the game's systems. The individual combo and combat systems are still works-in-progress as well. Meshes and animations are preliminary. We want to nail the game's functionality down and then move on to polishing it visually.

Multiplayer is also currently experimental.“

Změní se cena hry po skončení předběžného přístupu?

„We didn't plan on changing the price of the game once we leave early access. However, our end goal is to make sure we can stay functional. We lowered the price for the early access version over time, and it is possible we may go to a slightly higher price on release. Everyone that buys the game will have access to all of the features and content we develop for the game.“

Jak plánujete zapojit komunitu do vývoje této hry?

„We know what content we plan to include in the game, but we will be taking Community feedback into consideration for tuning the systems and functions of the game.“
Zjistit více
Čeština není podporována

Tento produkt nepodporuje Váš místní jazyk. Seznam podporovaných jazyků je k dispozici níže na této stránce.

Hrát Streets Ablaze

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Informace o hře

Streets Ablaze is a 3D side-scrolling beat em' up inspired by the arcade and console games we played growing up. Take control of one of the three heroes and hit the streets. Fight alongside a friend in this side-scrolling adventure. Fight against cronies and minions, unleashing powerful combos and special attacks.

Streets Ablaze takes you on a wild ride that spans different dimensions, eras, and environments. Chase down the evil Lord Blackhorn and battle a wide range of foes.

Systémové požadavky

    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Procesor: 3.5Ghz
    • Paměť: 4 GB RAM
    • Grafická karta: GTX 1080
    • DirectX: Verze 10
    • Pevný disk: 12 GB volného místa
* Od 1. ledna 2024 bude klient služby Steam podporovat pouze systém Windows 10 a novější.

Co říkají kurátoři

5 kurátorů zrecenzovalo tento produkt. Kliknutím zde si prohlédnete jejich recenze.

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