In a desert town in America, a young woman seeks a maverick animal cloning expert who says he can bring her deceased daughter back to life. Accompanied by an illegal Mexican immigrant companion, Susan embarks on a secret journey in order to meet the Doctor and begin the procedure.
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Release Date:
Jun 15, 2009

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“The premise, the characters and the general spirit of this movie make it more than another out-of-the-box Indie flick. It’s the sort of film that would probably be a sleeper hit if it had the money behind it. Doctor Morell has a kind of hippy-dippy attitude, the FBI agent experiences a Point Break-esque finale after an excruciating personal loss, and the immigrant even adds his own flavor of humor and morality into the mix.”
Rogue Cinema

“Jason Rosette’s no-budget tale of desolation, desperation and loss subtly weaves together the disparate lives of a group of struggling Southwesterners in “Lost in New Mexico.” Susan (Drea Pressley), grieving and aimless after the loss of her newborn daughter, thoughtlessly seeks out a rogue animal-cloning geneticist (Dr. Alan Rice) to reverse, or subvert, the most inevitable of human events — death.”
Moving Arts Journal

“This atmospheric and moody no-budget feature shot around the city of Albuquerque is aptly marketed by its resourceful director as "a sci-fi cloning road movie for the 21st century." Rosette's timely fusing of diverse genre elements involves no less diverse a cast of characters:”
Library Journal

Steam Video

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About This Video

In a desert town somewhere in the Southwestern United States, a young woman named Susan seeks a maverick animal cloning expert who claims he can bring her recently deceased daughter back to life. Accompanied by her undocumented Mexican immigrant companion, Javier Apollinaire, she embarks on a secret journey in order to meet the Doctor.

Enter new rookie federal agent Carl Wisconsin. Carl’s very first assignment is to follow Susan in order to find the elusive Doctor and take him down for his illegal activities.

Ultimately, these disparate characters and stories cross paths at one critical moment, and their lives are forever changed as a result...
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System Requirements

SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *: Windows 7
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 or AMD equivalent
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 200 MB available space
    • Additional Notes: Network Bandwidth of 5Mbps for 540p, 3Mbps for 360p.
    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core I3+ or AMD equivalent recommended for HD 1080p playback
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 500 MB available space
    • Additional Notes: Network Bandwidth of 12Mbps for 1080p or 8Mbps for 720p.
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.
    • OS: Mac OSX 10.7
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 or AMD equivalent
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 200 MB available space
    • Additional Notes: Network Bandwidth of 5Mbps for 540p, 3Mbps for 360p.
    • OS: Mac OSX 10.10+
    • Processor: Intel Core I3+ or AMD equivalent recommended for HD 1080p playback
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 500 MB available space
    • Additional Notes: Network Bandwidth of 12Mbps for 1080p or 8Mbps for 720p.
* Starting February 15, 2024, the Steam Client will no longer support 32-bit games or macOS 10.14 or lower.
    • OS: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 or later, SteamOS 2.20 or later
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 or AMD equivalent
    • Memory: 1 GB RAM
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 200 MB available space
    • Additional Notes: Network Bandwidth of 5Mbps for 540p, 3Mbps for 360p.
    • OS: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 or later, SteamOS 2.20 or later
    • Processor: Intel Core I3+ or AMD equivalent recommended for HD 1080p playback
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Network: Broadband Internet connection
    • Storage: 500 MB available space
    • Additional Notes: Network Bandwidth of 12Mbps for 1080p or 8Mbps for 720p.
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