The Haunting is a first person horror adventure game in where you fight ghosts using a camera and explore the mysteries of The Red Water Woods through cinematic storytelling.
Reseñas generales:
Mayormente negativas (15) - El 26 % de las 15 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
23 DIC 2020

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Juego con acceso anticipado

Obtén acceso inmediato e involúcrate con este juego mientras se desarrolla.

Aviso: Los juegos con acceso anticipado no están terminados y pueden o no cambiar más adelante. Si no te entusiasma jugar en su estado actual, deberías esperar a ver si el juego avanza más en su desarrollo. Más información

Nota: La última actualización que realizaron los desarrolladores fue hace más de 4 años. Es posible que la información y el cronograma que describen aquí los desarrolladores ya no estén actualizados.
Lo que dicen los desarrolladores:

¿Por qué ofreces acceso anticipado?

«Players help us create the game by providing feedback to add or remove certain features in the game.»

¿Cuánto tiempo va a estar este juego en acceso anticipado aproximadamente?

«Estimate 3 to 4 months as we will collect user feedback and data to add or remove features in the game. The game will receive content updates every 1 or 2 weeks. We are active with our community through in-game, email and forums and we're always looking for feedback and ideas that would improve the experience.»

¿Qué diferencias habrá entre la versión completa y la versión de acceso anticipado?

«The difference between Early Access and full is that the Early Access version contains a smaller play area within the open world and contains features that could be added or removed from the final release version. Such as:

    [Smaller playable area within the open world (This will expand during content updates)]
    [Contains experimental in-game loot with a player inventory (This could be removed from the final version) ]
    [Contains placeholder camera and camera UI during battle mode (This will be replaced with a full animated camera UI)]
    [Currently the game contains 15% story (Due to open world limitation during early access This will grow during new content updates every 1 - 2 weeks)]
    [Experimental communication mode. Communicate with ghosts and human characters. (This could be removed from the final version)]
    [Experimental side quests to play. (These could be edited, removed or added in the final version)]
    [Possibility for a online/co-op mode during Early Access in a later stage. This could be removed from the Final version. ]

¿Cuál es el estado actual de la versión de acceso anticipado?

    [Smaller playable area within the open world]
    [Fewer enemies then the release version]
    [Contains experimental in-game loot with a player inventory ]
    [Contains placeholder camera and camera UI during battle mode]
    [Currently the game contains 15% story (Due to open word limitation during early access This will grow during new content updates)]
    [Experimental side quests to play]
    [Feedback mode. This allows players to provide early access feedback during gameplay]
    [Experimental communication mode. Communicate with ghosts and human characters.]

¿El precio del juego será diferente durante y después del acceso anticipado?

«The Early Access version will be 50% cheaper then the release version.»

¿Cómo tienes planeado involucrar a la comunidad en tu proceso de desarrollo?

«Users can enter the feedback forums on our official website forums. Users can also use the community page on Steam to provide feedback. We also receive emails:»
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Aviso: The Haunting: Blood Water Curse (EARLY ACCESS) ya no está disponible en la tienda de Steam.
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Acerca de este juego

This game is still in development and only a part of the game is playable. More playable content are added through it's development course. You purchasing the product helps us fund the development project and helps us understand your gameplay experience through your early access feedback.

The new content update is on the way, this update changes the game into a cinematic gameplay experience. The game is no longer first person. The gameplay perspective will be presented in cinematic third person.

There will be content updates on regular basis. Major updates will be released monthly, adding new content in story and additional gamemodes. Minor updates like hotfixes will fix bugs and will be released whenever bugs are reported during early access.

Please be aware that the game is currently in early development.

Sarah Fineman is a journalist who in search of her brother, Josh, visits the Red Water Woods. Hoping that she would find her brother there, she finds the woods being haunted with ghosts and comes across an occult who want to sacrifice her and her brother to complete their ritual.

Experience the game in cinematic third person perspective and fight ghosts with a camera.

Provide the dev team your feedback as the game develops and start playing early.

Health Warning!
This game contains flashing images.

A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or when playing video games may trigger epileptic seizures or blackouts in these individuals. These conditions may trigger previously undetected epileptic symptoms or seizures in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family has an epileptic condition or has had seizures of any kind, consult your physician before playing.

Requisitos del sistema

    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO *: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required)
    • Procesador: Intel® Core™ i5-4460, 2.70GHz or AMD FX™-6300 or better
    • Memoria: 8 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: Nvidia GTX 260 1GB VRAM / ATI Radeon HD 4870
    • DirectX: Versión 11
    • Almacenamiento: 55 GB de espacio disponible
    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO *: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required)
    • Procesador: Intel® Core™ i7 3770 3.4GHz or AMD equivalent or better
    • Memoria: 8 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 with 3GB VRAM
    • DirectX: Versión 12
    • Almacenamiento: 55 GB de espacio disponible
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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