A comedy manga, "Shonen Ashibe," that follows the friendship between baby spotted seal Goma-chan and first-grade student Ashiya Ashibe. First serialized in 1988 and adapted to anime in 1991, the adorable Goma-chan created a massive following and a spotted seal boom. This spring, Goma-chan returns to "Tentere Anime.
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第 1 季

1. Goma-chan Is Here!
2016 年 4 月 5 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe-kun and his Pa are starving after moving to their new place. Wondering where Ma is, Ashibe-kun goes outside to look for her when a mysterious fish falls from the moving truck...
2. Swim! Goma-chan!
2016 年 4 月 12 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe-kun goes to the public bath with his pa, Yuma-kun, Mao-chan, and Goma-chan. Paying the old lady, Goma-chan is allowed to enter. The boys get excited about the spacious bath, but Goma-chan is even more excited! It’s warm, but Goma-chan is happy to swim in the bath. But, make sure you don’t
3. I Want to Eat an Ice Pop!
2016 年 4 月 19 日
9 分鐘
That white and square thing… Ice pop. I want to eat it! Goma-chan cannot forget about the ice pop at the public bath. Even the clouds look like ice pops and Goma-chan sighs by the window. Ashibe-kun is worried, so he decides to take Goma-chan for a walk. During the walk, they see an ice pop store!
4. I Want to See Ashibe-kun!
2016 年 4 月 26 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe-kun made lots of friends in his new town, but he still thinks about Sugao-kun. “I wonder how he is.” Meanwhile, Sugao-kun cries everyday thinking about Ashibe-kun. One day, his Papa tells him they’re relocating to Ashibe-kun’s town!! Now, Sugao-kun cries every day from happiness. Whil
5. Exciting Aquarium!
2016 年 5 月 10 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe-kun’s class is going on a field trip to the aquarium! There are so many sea creatures to see and Goma-chan is excited. Ashibe-kun hears the announcement about the killer whale show and decides to watch with his friends.
6. I Want Goma-chan!
2016 年 5 月 17 日
9 分鐘
Sakata’s big brother wants Goma-chan and is always daydreaming about the baby seal. Sakata suggests giving Goma-chan a present so Goma-chan will want to be his pet instead of Ashibe’s. His plan to give Goma-chan a chocolate covered fish goes awry when he gets splashed with cold water by Goma-cha
7. Sugao-kun's Teacher
2016 年 5 月 24 日
9 分鐘
Realizing Sugao-kun needs to learn a new language due to the relocation, Sugao-kun’s dad hires a private tutor. However, Sugao-kun’s parents are concerned if they hired the right person. One day, Sugao-kun and his dad finds a camera crew from Japan investigating a Yeti...
8. Peppeppe-san's Blues
2016 年 5 月 31 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe-kun has given all the food in the fridge to Goma-chan. He even gave Goma-chan the canned crab which was a gift! How should they keep feeding Goma-chan? That’s right! They can go ask help to Grandpa who owns a large company! Ashibe-kun makes friends with Grandpa’s secretary, Peppeppe-san,
9. Liangliang of Wang Wang Ken
2016 年 6 月 14 日
9 分鐘
Ryanryan is in trouble during her route back to her restaurant, Wang Wang Ken, after her delivery. Ashibe-kun saves her with his awesome(?) singing ability. Ryanryan invites Ashibe-kun to her restaurant to thank him, but her fiancé(?) shows up, much to her dismay...
10. A Letter from Ashibe-kun
2016 年 6 月 21 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe-kun’s ma is surprised to see Goma-chan in the mailbox. Ashibe-kun tells Goma-chan that the mail is not an ice pop, but he is sad when he realizes there’s no letter from Sugao-kun. Ashibe-kun has sent a postcard to Sugao-kun earlier, but he has yet to hear back from him...
11. It's Summer! It's the Pool! It's Goma-chan!
2016 年 6 月 28 日
9 分鐘
The 1st day of the swimming lesson! Even Goma-chan looks happy to be swimming in a large pool! Sakata-kun decides to cheat and grabs on Goma-chan’s tail to win the race, but the surprised Goma-chan starts to swim fast! Mr. Tendou tries to help Sakata-kun, but he starts to race Goma-chan instead. M
12. Everyone's Sleepy
2016 年 7 月 5 日
9 分鐘
As usual, Goma-chan tries to wake up Ashibe-kun in the morning. But Ashibe-kun is having a tough time waking up. Even at school, Ashibe-kun keeps yawning. Ashibe-kun asks Mr. Tendou, “why do people yawn?” Mr. Tendou gets sleepy thinking about that question. Ashibe-kun’s grandpa and even Wang-s
13. It's Summer! It's the Sea! It's Goma-chan!
2016 年 7 月 12 日
9 分鐘
To help Goma-chan cool down, the Ashibe Family decides to go to the beach with the Wang Wang Ken staff. Pa has built the beach house, but they’re only allowed to use the attic space. However, the attic turns out to be spacious and luxurious! Goma-chan is happy to swim in the sea. The group is read
14. Ashibe's Open House
2016 年 9 月 6 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe-kun’s school is having an open house and both ma and pa are there to watch his class. Mr. Tendou enters the class to teach math, but it’s not going so well. Instead of using the blackboard, Mr. Tendou uses Goma-chan and stuffed animals. With all the Goma-chan look-alike stuffed animals, w
15. Goma-chan vs. Cat
2016 年 9 月 13 日
9 分鐘
Goma-chan is taking a nap when a cat drops by. Goma-chan remembers being used as a scratching post and tries to run away, but it’s too late. Ashibe and Pa try to come up with a solution for Goma-chan’s cat problems so Goma-chan can have a peaceful nap.
16. Say Cheese!
2016 年 9 月 20 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe and his friends are on a field trip to the mountains. Looks like Yumiko-chan’s dad has followed them to take pictures of his daughter. Not being able to take good pictures, Ashibe is determined to learn...
17. Fly! Fly! Goma-chan!
2016 年 9 月 27 日
9 分鐘
Goma-chan wants to fly after watching the birds, but Ashibe doesn’t understand. Once Ashibe finds out what Goma-chan wants to do, he tells Goma-chan that seals can’t fly... Meanwhile, Sugao-kun is stuck in a hole with his friends. What will they do...?
18. Ready, Go!
2016 年 10 月 11 日
9 分鐘
It’s Sport’s Day in Ashibe’s school. While Ashibe is getting excited, Sugao’s teacher is getting ready for his own Sport’s Day with his master. For some reason, Sugao and his family needs to participate in the event too...
19. Mr. Tendou's Marriage Meeting
2016 年 10 月 18 日
9 分鐘
Mr. Tendou is going to a marriage meeting, but Ashibe and his friends are concerned it won’t work out. They team up with Ms. Minami to teach him etiquettes on meeting new people, but Mr. Tendou seems to know them already... Will it work out?
20. Smile! Kanji-kun!
2016 年 10 月 25 日
9 分鐘
Goma-chan is being used as a scratching post by cats again. Ashibe heads to see his grandpa to ask for some guard dogs, but encounters a man getting picked on mean looking men. Before Ashibe can go save him, a grumpy looking man appears...
21. Come Back Home, Ma!
2016 年 11 月 8 日
9 分鐘
It’s late and Ma is still not back yet. Ashibe starts getting worried she may never come back. Ashibe, Pa, and Goma-chan try to remember if there was anything Ma was upset about that made her want to leave...
22. Yuma-kun's Family Secrets
2016 年 11 月 15 日
9 分鐘
Yuma-‘s mom is a famous actress, but she can’t do any housework. She bakes cookies per Yuma’s request, but Yuma quickly regrets it. While she doesn’t want anyone to know about her flaws, Yuma seems to have a secret of his own...
23. I Wanna Be Goma-chan!
2016 年 11 月 22 日
9 分鐘
Sakata makes a Goma-chan suit to make his brother happy, but before he can put his plans to action, Big Bro takes the suit to show it to Goma-chan. As he walks the neighborhood wearing a Goma-chan suit, everyone thinks he’s the real Goma-chan. Meanwhile, Sakata finds the real Goma-chan but thinks
24. Goma-chan Goes to the Fish Market
2016 年 12 月 6 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe’s class is taking a field trip to the fish market. Even though Ms. Minami told Ashibe not to bring Goma-chan, Goma-chan is right next to Ashibe, as usual. Goma-chan goes missing and Ms. Minami is in desperate search for the baby seal!
25. Goma-chan and the Snow
2016 年 12 月 13 日
9 分鐘
Peppeppe is on her way to make a delivery to Ashibe’s house, but she drops her cell phone in the river. Meanwhile, Ashibe is playing with his friends at the park and finds Mao-chan’s uncle making a snow sculpture. While they admire his creation, they see Snow Queen walking by…
26. Year's End! Goma-chan's Singing Competition!
2016 年 12 月 20 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe enters a singing competition with Goma-chan. He practices to sing loud every day, loud enough for Sugao-kun to hear. But on the day of the competition, Ashibe is unable to sing!
27. I Really Hate Goma-chan!
2017 年 1 月 10 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe gets angry when Goma-chan doodles over his drawing and they get into a fight. Sakata and Big Bro finds Goma-chan on the street. Big Bro gives Goma-chan ice pops and suggests Goma-chan should stay with them to which Goma-chan agrees...
28. Teacher's Training
2017 年 1 月 17 日
9 分鐘
Sugao-kun’s teacher realizes he has gained weight since he started living with the Anan Family. He decides to train in the mountain to get rid of his worldly desires, but he cannot win against hunger... Meanwhile, Pa notices Goma-chan is gaining weight too and decides to put Goma-chan on a diet.
29. Everyone Goes to a Hot Spring
2017 年 1 月 31 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe’s grandpa takes everyone to the hot springs. Saotome-kun wants to get closer to Peppeppe-chan, but he’s too shy. Ashibe and Goma-chan to the rescue!
30. Make It to Ashibe-kun!
2017 年 2 月 7 日
9 分鐘
It’s almost Ashibe’s birthday and Sugao wants to send him a present. It turns out Sugao is a very talented woodcarver and Teacher is unusually eager to support him. But Chit and Yeti feel left out...
31. Ashibe's Birthday
2017 年 2 月 14 日
9 分鐘
Grandpa is hosting Ashibe’s birthday party and everyone is invited! There’s even a raffle to determine the next president of Grandpa’s company?! Meanwhile, Sugao meets a man who’s returning to Japan...
32. Let's Go See Sugao-kun!
2017 年 2 月 21 日
9 分鐘
Ashibe’s Grandpa brings Ashibe and all the employees to see Sugao, but they get lost along the way. Unable to wait, Sugao and his father go looking for them but they get lost as well. Ashibe finally arrives at Sugao’s house only to find out Sugao is not there...
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A comedy manga, "Shonen Ashibe," that follows the friendship between baby spotted seal Goma-chan and first-grade student Ashiya Ashibe. First serialized in 1988 and adapted to anime in 1991, the adorable Goma-chan created a massive following and a spotted seal boom. This spring, Goma-chan returns to "Tentere Anime." A cute, pleasant story of Ashibe and Goma-chan and their unusual school and their neighbors. Sometimes endearing, sometimes bizarre, it's a fun anime for the whole family!


SteamOS + Linux
    • 作業系統 *: Windows 7
    • 處理器: Intel Core 2 或是同性能的 AMD 處理器
    • 記憶體: 1 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 200 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 540p 適合 5Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;360p 適合 3Mbps。
    • 作業系統: Windows 10
    • 處理器: 推薦使用 Intel Core I3 以上或是同性能的 AMD 處理器來撥放 1080p 高畫質視訊。
    • 記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 500 MB 可用空間
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    • 記憶體: 1 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 200 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 540p 適合 5Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;360p 適合 3Mbps。
    • 作業系統: Mac OSX 10.10+
    • 處理器: 推薦使用 Intel Core I3 以上或是同性能的 AMD 處理器來撥放 1080p 高畫質視訊。
    • 記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 500 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 1080p 適合 12Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;720p 適合 8Mbps。
* 自 2024 年 2 月 15 日(PT)起,Steam 用戶端將不再支援 32 位元遊戲或 macOS 10.14 或更舊版本。
    • 作業系統: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 或較新版本,SteamOS 2.20 或較新版本
    • 處理器: Intel Core 2 或是同性能的 AMD 處理器
    • 記憶體: 1 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 200 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 540p 適合 5Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;360p 適合 3Mbps。
    • 作業系統: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 或較新版本,SteamOS 2.20 或較新版本
    • 處理器: 推薦使用 Intel Core I3 以上或是同性能的 AMD 處理器來撥放 1080p 高畫質視訊。
    • 記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 500 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 1080p 適合 12Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;720p 適合 8Mbps。

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