Rescued from a black hole by a salvage ship, Captain Dylan Hunt finds himself 300 years in the future: The universe in chaos and the Commonwealth fallen. He recruits the eclectic crew of the salvage ship to aid him in restoring the Commonwealth, but finds their motives often at odds with his own.


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お知らせ: 注意:GENE RODDENBERRY'S ANDROMEDAはSteamストアで利用できなくなりました。


シーズン 1
シーズン 2
シーズン 3
シーズン 4
シーズン 5
1. Under the Night
43 分
After being left stranded near a black hole, Capt Dylan Hunt is discovered by a mercenary salvage ship to find he has been frozen in time for 300 years.
2. An Affirming Flame
43 分
Dylan protects the Andromeda from the mercenaries while Beka starts to wonder if they are fighting for the wrong side.
3. To Loose the Fateful Lightning
43 分
Dylan finds a space station full of kids who believe he is there to bring peace by killing their enemies.
4. D Minus Zero
43 分
The crew of Andromeda is still learning how to work together as they are attacked by the Restorers.
5. Double Helix
43 分
The Andromeda gets involved in a feud between a Than planet and a Nietzschean colony. Tyr must choose between his clan or his new family aboard the Andromeda.
6. Angel Dark, Demon Bright
43 分
A slipstream sends the Andromeda back in time to just before the Commonwealth fell. The crew must intervene to preserve history.
7. The Ties That Blind
43 分
Answering a distress call leads the crew to pick up Beka's brother, now a Wayist, and his friend. They are connected to environmentalists trying to prevent space travel.
8. The Banks of the Lethe
43 分
A black hole allows Dylan to communicate with his former fiancee, 300 years in the past. He can't abandon his mission to reform the Commonwealth, but can he bring her into the future?
9. A Rose in the Ashes
43 分
Dylan is imprisoned on a prison planet and must stage an escape as his crew tries to stage their own rescue.
10. All Great Neptune's Ocean
43 分
Castalians board the Andromeda to finalize the charter for the New Commonwealth. When the leader is discovered dead, Tyr is the main suspect.
11. The Pearls That Were His Eyes
43 分
Beka learns that her father's former business partner deals in a highly addictive drug called Flash. The rest of the crew holds a "garage sale" to earn money for new ship parts.
12. The Mathematics of Tears
43 分
The Andromeda discovers her "sister ship," the Pax Magellanic. The crew aboard Pax is 300 years old, but have not aged a day.
13. Music of a Distant Drum
43 分
Tyr crash lands the Eureka Maru on a Nietzschean planet and develops amnesia. He must remember what he is doing before the Nietzscheans discover him and his crate of stolen goods.
14. Harper 2.0
43 分
Harper receives the "gift" of knowledge from a dying Perseid, only to discover that the Perseid was being hunted by a bounty hunter, who has now turned his attention to Harper.
15. Forced Perspective
43 分
Dylan is arrested for assassinating a dictator 300 years ago, by the man he helped install in his place. The new dictator ended up being much, much worse.
16. The Sum of Its Parts
43 分
Andromeda is boarded by a drone from the Consensus of Parts, a mythical mechanical society. While friendly at first, the drone tries to force the ship to join the Consensus.
17. Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way
43 分
Gerentex is back, and demands Trance and Harper help him with his new scheme: finding Tarn-Vedra.
18. The Devil Take the Hindmost
43 分
Dylan and Rev Bem help a peaceful society stand up to their would-be slavers. They have to be careful because if Dylan teaches them to kill, their kids will be born knowing it.
19. The Honey Offering
43 分
Dylan attemps to bring peace to two different Nietzschean prides by escorting the princess of one to her arranged marriage to the prince of the other.
20. Star-Crossed
43 分
Rommie's avatar falls in love with what turns out to be the avatar of a warship named Gabriel. Gabriel attempts to infect Rommie with a virus that broadcasts its plans to the warship.
21. It Makes a Lovely Light
43 分
Beka takes the Andromeda to Tarn-Vedra, but extended time in the slipstream causes side effects. To combat them, Beka starts taking Flash, and soon becomes addicted.
22. Its Hour Come 'Round at Last
43 分
An old memory from the Andromeda is accidentally activated, which sends her on a mission and leaves Dylan and the crew unable to override the command.
1. The Widening Gyre
43 分
Dylan and Rommie must rescue Tyr, Harper and Rev from a Magog World ship.
2. Exit Strategies
43 分
Dylan, Beka, Rev, and Tyr crash land after escaping a gang of Nietzscheans, but soon face a new threat: Rev's need to feed.
3. A Heart for Falsehood Framed
43 分
The crew must steal a jewel that is at the center of a feud between a Drift owner and the Than. Beka falls for a security chief who was formerly a thief.
4. Pitiless as the Sun
43 分
Andromeda answers a distress call when a cargo ship is attacked. Meanwhile, Trance is interrogated after paying a visit to the people.
5. Last Call at the Broken Hammer
43 分
The crew looks for a long-lost Commonwealth leader who has gone into hiding. They find her, but one question remains: is it actually her?
6. All Too Human
43 分
Dylan, Beka, and Trance go with Rommie to find out about a weapon being developed on a planet that is distrustful of AI.
7. Una Salus Victus
43 分
Andromeda is tasked with escorting medical ships safely through Drago-Kazov space.
8. Home Fires
43 分
A planet of Commonwealth survivors, led by Dylan's former fiance, is invited to join the new Commonwealth, but when they vote not to join, the Magog are suspected of playing dirty.
9. Into the Labyrinth
43 分
An agent of the Abyss tries to lure Harper into joining the Magog.
10. The Prince
43 分
When they rescue a young prince from from an uprising that kills the rest of his family, Dylan and Tyr are asked to be his advisers.
11. Bunker Hill
43 分
Dylan and his new Commonwealth fleet take on the Drago-Kazov fleet but find it much larger than he expected.
12. Ouroboros
43 分
The Magog eggs in Harper are starting to hatch, so the team builds a Teseract Machine. After unintended time shifts, Trance is replaced by her future self.
13. Lava and Rockets
43 分
Dylan takes over a tourist barge in an attempt to escape mercenaries.
14. Be All My Sins Remembered
43 分
A body identification goes awry when it turns out Beka's former crewmate isn't dead at all.
15. Dance of the Mayflies
43 分
Andromeda rescues dying people from a drift, but they soon turn into zombies being controled by a hive-mind.
16. In Heaven Now are Three
43 分
The Engine of Creation is capable of rewriting the universe according to the owner's wishes. Dylan, Beka, and Trance must obtain it before someone with dark plans gets it.
17. The Things We Cannot Change
43 分
A black hole knocks out Dylan and sends him into an alternative reality with a wife and child.
18. The Fair Unknown
43 分
The crew rescues one of the long-lost founders of the Commonwealth, but discover she may be more trouble than she is worth.
19. Belly of the Beast
43 分
A mythological space monster tries to eat the Andromeda.
20. The Knight, Death, and the Devil
43 分
Dylan attempts to liberate a fleet of captured ships who aren't sure they want to be liberated. Their AIs fear new captains will enslave them.
21. Immaculate Perception
43 分
Genites attack Tyr's wife and colony, and he discovers that he is a father - and his son may be the genetic reincarnation of Drago Mussevni.
22. Tunnel at the End of the Light
43 分
With 50 parties on board, Dylan hosts the signing of the New Commonwealth charter, but soon discovers there are intruders intent on stopping the signing.
1. If the Wheel is Fixed
43 分
Beka and Tyr are taken over by the energy from a dimensional tunnel. Dylan, Trance, and Harper must save them before they destroy the ship.
2. The Shards of Rimni
43 分
Dylan is framed for murder and must clear his name, all while finding the pieces of a vase said to grant the owner the "blessings of the cosmos."
3. Mad to be Saved
43 分
The crew rescues a group of refugees, only to discover they have been subject to government experiments and are extremely unstable.
4. Cui Bono
43 分
Beka's Uncle Sid runs for office in the New Commonwealth, but an assassination attempt causes the crew to act as his security.
5. The Lone and Level Sands
43 分
When the Andromeda is attacked by space pirates, they are rescued by a long-lost spaceship from Earth.
6. Slipfighter the Dogs of War
43 分
The crew discovers that a rogue planet, Marduk, has been creating weapons of mass destruction.
7. The Leper's Kiss
43 分
A hitman by the name of the Leper is targeting the leaders of the New Commonwealth.
8. For Whom the Bell Tolls
43 分
The Andromeda is haunted by a mysterious creature that comes aboard during a solar storm.
9. And Your Heart Will Fly Away
43 分
When a long lost love returns, Tyr disappears from the ship to protect her from an assassin.
10. The Unconquerable Man
43 分
Set in an alternate universe where Dylan died and Gaheris Rhade is trying to reform the Commonwealth.
11. Delenda Est
43 分
The group that attacked the Andromeda during the first Commonwealth charter signing returns to wreak more havoc.
12. The Dark Backward
43 分
Trance runs through a number of different scenarios, trying to find one in which her crewmates don't die.
13. The Risk-All Point
43 分
A "more powerful" Andromeda ship explodes due to likely sabotage, forcing Dylan's crew to save them.
14. The Right Horse
43 分
Beka endangers both her crew and an entire planet when a former love shows up.
15. What Happens to a Rev Deferred?
43 分
The Andromeda receives a cry for help from Rev Bam.
16. Point of the Spear
43 分
After a Commonwealth planet is attacked by Pyrian pyroformers, Dylan is forced to fight to protect the new planet.
17. Vault of the Heavens
43 分
Dylan hears voices beckoning him to a planet of "fire and ice," so he pursues, even though it means crossing hostile Nietzschean-controlled space.
18. Deep Midnight's Voice
43 分
While caught in a battle between two Nietzschean prides, the crew captures a hostile who claims that his pride possesses a map of the slipstream.
19. The Illusion of Majesty
43 分
A wrong turn after exiting a slipstream sends the Andromeda into the Prolon system. They rescue an escape pod from certain disaster, but the pride wants it back.
20. Twilight of the Idols
43 分
The crew seeks a lost colony of Nietzscheans and discovers another crew that has been secretly helping them.
21. Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath
43 分
The crew installs a new AI in a new Commonwealth battleship, and naturally, things don't go as they should.
22. Shadows Cast by a Final Salute
43 分
Tyr convinces the Nietzscheans that he is the reincarnation of Drago Museveni, and they leave the Commonwealth.
1. Answers Given to Questions Never Asked
43 分
A message from a collector sends Dylan on a quest to rescue a hostage and find the remains of the Commonwealth fleet.
2. Pieces of Eight
43 分
Citizen Eight tries to remove Dylan from command of Andromeda.
3. Waking the Tyrant's Device
43 分
The crew must stop a world ship builder before he launches another invasion.
4. Double or Nothingness
43 分
Dylan is kidnapped by Nietscheans and forced to play mind games for the amusement of his captors.
5. Harper/Delete
43 分
Two Nietzschean siblings are in a stand-off over a weapon that can eliminate higher brain functions. The crew steps in so neither can get the weapon.
6. Soon the Nearing Vortex
43 分
Tyr returns, having joined with the Collectors and demanding the Route of Ages from his former crewmates.
7. The World Turns All Around Her
43 分
A hostage situation ensues when the crew confronts Tyr. Beka is rescued, Tyr is killed, and Trance reveals her true nature.
8. Conduit to Destiny
43 分
A wrong turn in the slipstream leads Andromeda to a prison riot. When the dust settles, they discover a prisoner missing.
9. Machinery of the Mind
43 分
The Andromeda crew steps up to find out who killed a group of scientists and locate the kidnapped one.
10. Exalted Reason, Resplendent Daughter
43 分
The crew is hired to rescue a princess from a notorious outlaw, but it is soon revealed that she was trying to escape murder at her father's hand.
11. The Torment, the Release
43 分
The Collectors now control the Commonwealth and put the Andromeda crew on trial.
12. The Spider's Stratagem
43 分
Andromeda discovers a shipment of bio-armor, with terrifying results.
13. The Warmth of an Invisible Light
43 分
An experimental cloaking device drops Dylan in an alternate universe, where he learns how to save the Andromeda - assuming he can get back to his own reality.
14. The Others
43 分
The Andromeda gets caught in a war between two ships that includes a fatal disease - one that Dylan picks up.
15. Fear Burns Down to Ashes
43 分
Dylan is tricked by Rev and kidnapped. The crew finds an "unexpected ally" in a Collector.
16. Lost in a Space That Isn't There
43 分
The Abyss has infected Beka. The crew must find a way to save her.
17. Abridging the Devil's Divide
43 分
After some of the crew is captured, Harper is forced to work on a time bridge for the Patriarch.
18. Trusting the Gordian Maze
43 分
A spy from Tri Gemma shows up on the Andromeda in an attempt to steal the Star Map.
19. A Symmetry of Imperfection
43 分
When Rommie becomes too emotional, the ship cuts her access in order to run diagnostics. This leaves the ship vulnerable to a Magog attack.
20. Time Out of Mind
43 分
The Abyss kills Beka's friend, and the crew must figure out what information they killed for.
21. The Dissonant Interval (Part 1)
43 分
Andromeda rescues a ship returning from peace talks with the Magog. The Magog sabotaged the peace talks, and an attack is coming....
22. The Dissonant Interval (Part 2)
43 分
The Magog attack has dire consequences. The Andromeda is destroyed, Trance and Dylan are presumed the only survivors, and Dylan escapes into the Route of Ages.
1. The Weight (Part 1)
43 分
Dylan ends up on Seefra, where the superstitious population has no technology. Rhade is there, none too happy to see Dylan.
2. The Weight (Part 2)
43 分
Beka is dumped on Seefra after the Andromeda is stolen, and Dylan must prove the ship is his.
3. Phear Phactor Phenom
43 分
Still on Seefra, Dylan finds Harper, who has adjusted to life there, and the mysterious Doyle.
4. Decay of the Angel
43 分
It turns out Doyle is an android, built by Harper to contain Rommie's core programming. During a battle with androids from the future, a way out of Seefra is destroyed.
5. The Eschatology of Our Present
43 分
Beka wins a prize from a radio DJ, learns the truth about Seefra, and locates the Meethus Diagram - but has no idea what it does.
6. When Goes Around...
43 分
A scientist from the original Commonwealth shows up, caught in a time loop.
7. Attempting Screed
43 分
Flavin returns, sparking a gang war, and helps Dylan develop as a Paradine.
8. So Burn the Untamed Lands
43 分
A crystal that can restore the Andromeda's power is discovered, but in order to get it, Dylan must work for the mine's owner - who uses slave labor.
9. What Will Be Was Not
43 分
Tunnels are discovered on Seefra which can be used to reach eight other Seefra planets.
10. The Test
43 分
When an old man is killed, Beka, Rhade, and Harper are the main suspects and stand trial.
11. Through a Glass Darkly
43 分
Rhade leads the rebels in battle against a warlord on Seefra-5. A scientist previously thought dead helps Harper rebuild the quantum teleporter.
12. Pride Before the Fall
43 分
Dylan discovers that Beka's boyfriend was really Drago Musevini, and he used Beka's DNA to create the Nietzscheans. She is their Alpha Matriarch.
13. Moonlight Becomes You
43 分
Beka and Rhade find a test that will either grant them great wealth, or drive them to madness.
14. Past is Prolix
43 分
Harper discovers a program that can destroy eight of the Seefra planets, killing millions. Trance tries to stop this.
15. The Opposites of Attraction
43 分
While Harper works on a way to save the Seefra system, a spy sneaks aboard Andromeda and attacks Beka.
16. Saving Light From a Black Sun
43 分
An attempt is made to fix the blinking sun of Seefra, but Trance is replaced by a doppelganger.
17. Totaled Recall
43 分
When Dylan is badly injured in a lab explosion, he travels through a series of alternate realities.
18. Quantum Tractate Delirium
43 分
Rommie is rebuilt to help evacuate the Seefra system.
19. One More Day's Light
43 分
A warlord convinces his followers that the approaching destruction of the outer planets is a plot to make it easier to loot their planet.
20. Chaos and the Stillness of It
43 分
Dylan, Rhade, and Beka work together to rescue Trance from Methus-2 and Harper from General Burma.
21. The Heart of the Journey (Part 1)
43 分
The crew finally makes it out of the Seefra system, and discover Dylan is the last Paradine; the World Ship wasn't destroyed; and Nietzscheans have begun their plan to destroy Earth.
22. The Heart of the Journey (Part 2)
43 分
In the series finale, the final battle to save the New Systems Commonwealth begins.
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Steam 動画

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Rescued from a black hole by a salvage ship, Captain Dylan Hunt finds himself 300 years in the future: The universe in chaos and the Commonwealth fallen. He recruits the eclectic crew of the salvage ship to aid him in restoring the Commonwealth, but finds their motives often at odds with his own. Based on original concepts created by the legendary Gene Roddenberry, creator of ‘Star Trek'.


SteamOS + Linux
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    • ネットワーク: ブロードバンドインターネット接続
    • ストレージ: 200 MB の空き容量
    • 追記事項: 360p での表示は3Mbps 、540p での表示は5Mbps のネットワーク帯域幅。
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    • プロセッサー: HD 1080p の再生には Intel Core I3 以上 、同等の AMD 製 CPU を推奨します
    • メモリー: 2 GB RAM
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    • 追記事項: 720p での表示は8Mbps 、1080p での表示は12Mbps のネットワーク帯域幅。
