The history in our textbooks are all wrong?! In the 24th century, humankind accomplished the invention of a time machine, “Time Bokan”. As they discover the truth about history, they realize that the history written in their textbooks are all wrong!
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Дата виходу:
21 черв. 2017

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Сезон 1

1. Cleopatra Was Actually a Comedy Duo Known as Cleo and Patra!
1 жовт. 2016
24 хв.
Time traveler Calen is hopping through time, trying to get away from Akudarma Trio. After a direct hit, she is forced to crash land in 2016 and encounters a boy named Tokio. The Akudarma Trio is right behind, so she has no choice but to take Tokio with her to the 24th century to escape. There, Tokio
2. The Wright Brothers Were Actually an Only Child!
8 жовт. 2016
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen travel to North Carolina in 1903 in order to find the True History behind the Wright Brothers. The Wright Brothers they met there were not making planes, let alone bicycles, but were apparently brothers that just happened to make "lights" for bicycles. However, there seemed to be som
3. Momotaro Was Actually More of an Ogre than an Actual Ogre!
15 жовт. 2016
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen go to Onigashima to find the next True History. And then a peach came rolling down the river... wait, that's a red ogre's butt?! The red ogre tells them that he was punished by someone more ogre-like than actual ogres and starts crying. He leads them to a stage, where loud music is p
4. Dinosaurs Were Humans' Pets!
22 жовт. 2016
24 хв.
This time, they travel to the Mesozoic Era. They arrive to a jungle in the Mesozoic Era and find a True History signal. Right when they get there, a dinosaur pops out! However, it has a ribbon on and they find out that dinosaurs are pets. Tokio mentions that he wants a T-Rex for a pet but then Mecha
5. Halloween's Trick or Treat Was Actually Tottori or Shimane!
29 жовт. 2016
24 хв.
This time, it's the True History about Halloween. However, the place they arrive is the Tottori Desert in the 4th year of the Meiji Era. Tokio and Calen meet the host, Fukuzawa-san, who they think they've seen before. Apparently people mistake Tottori and Shimane quite often, so he holds a quiz abou
6. Shibuya's Hachiko Was Actually a Bee!
5 листоп. 2016
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive to Shibuya Station in the 8th year of Showa to find the True History about Hachiko. They immediately find a dog waiting outside the station. They figure it must be Hachiko and go over to him, but instead, they find... Just then, they get a True History signal, but can't seem t
7. What Columbus Discovered Was Not a New Continent, But a New Exercise Called Gymnastics!
12 листоп. 2016
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen go back to Spain in 1492 to find the true history about Columbus and his journey to find the new continent. However, when they find him, they realize he has no interest in a new continent, but is trying to discover the next new exercise...
8. Seton Animal Chronicles Was Actually Donut Chronicles!
19 листоп. 2016
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive to New York in the late 1800's to discover the True History about Seton's Animal Chronicles. When they arrive, they find out that Seton isn't trying to chronicle animals, but donuts instead...
9. Gagarin's Famous Quote Was, "The Earth Is ______"!
26 листоп. 2016
24 хв.
In order to find out the True History about Gagarin, who was famous for saying that the Earth was blue, Tokio and Calen head back to the Soviet Union in 1961. They find some astronaut trainees and immediately find that Akudarma is already there. Gagarin comes in between them, saying that it's not ri
10. The Land-taking Battle During the Warring States Era Was Actually a _____ Battle!
3 груд. 2016
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen travel back to 1560 into the Sengoku Era in order to find the True History about Oda Nobunaga. When they get to Kiyosu Castle, there were giant rhinoceros beetles decorating the roof! The guards at the gate even had dung beetle helmets and were holding bug nets rather than swords. No
11. Guns First Being Introduced to Japan Was Actually ______ First Being Introduced to Japan!
10 груд. 2016
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive to Tanegashima in 1543 to when guns first arrived to Japan. What the Europeans actually brought were... actually underwear?! However, Akudarma actually steals the underwear and at this rate, they won't be able to witness the True History. And so instead, they use... Tokio's un
12. Joan of Arc was the First ______!
17 груд. 2016
24 хв.
In search of the True History about Jeanne D'arc, Tokio and Calen arrive to Orléans, France. The encounter a thief as soon as they get there, but then a magical girl shows up. Huh? And she's Jeanne D'arc? You'd think she'd use magic but instead she just hits the thief with her wand. Apparently she'
13. Santa Claus Was Actually ______!
24 груд. 2016
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive to Greenland in 2016 and meet a very musculuar old man with a white beard and and red suit named Rudolph and his reindeer. For a moment, they thought that the True History that Santa was a macho guy, but then starts pulling the sleigh himself. However, Rudolph ends up passing
14. The Ninja Hattori Hanzo Was Actually a ______!
7 січ. 2017
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive to Suruga Province in 1585. There, they find Hattori Hanzo showing off something like ninjutsu called Hanzo Power. However, Akudarma is trying to get him to become a ninja like in the history books by revealing the secrets to all of his magic tricks. This greatly depresses Han
15. Pythagoras Was Actually a Genius of ______!
14 січ. 2017
24 хв.
Calen and Tokio travel back to Ancient Greece to find out the True History about Pythagoras. When they get there, they find rather than finding a mathmatician, they find an old man who's amazing at making trick mechanisms...
16. Galileo Galilei Was Actually a ______!
21 січ. 2017
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive to Italy in 1589. They find some slightly chubby people pushing the Leaning Tower of Pisa diagonally. Apparently it always ends up straight when no one’s pushing on it. And then, Galileo Galilei shows up swaying to some music and starts rapping. Apparently Galileo was a rapp
17. What Sanzo Hoshi Was Striving For Was the World's Best ______!
28 січ. 2017
24 хв.
Calen and Tokio travel back to Ancient China to find out the True History about Sanzo Hoshi. When they get there, they find out that Sanzo Hoshi is actually a comedy producer and Son Goku and the others are comedians. Right when they get there, they seem to be having a dispute...
18. The Nazca Lines Were __________!
4 лют. 2017
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive to Peru when the Nasca Lines were being drawn. There, they meet a young man named Nasca, who is drawing on the ground. He apparently wants to tell someone how he really feels, and that's why he's drawing on the ground, but the drawings look awful. As usual, Akudarma arrives an
19. Murasaki Shikibu Was Actually a ________!
11 лют. 2017
24 хв.
Calen and Tokio travel back to Kyoto in 1008 to find out the True History about Murasaki Shikibu. They immediately try to find her, but instead, they find a club where all the women there are dressed in purple. They also seem rather startled at the fact that Calen is wearing pink. Apparently Murasak
20. The Shinsengumi Was Actually a _________ Group!
18 лют. 2017
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen travel back to the Bakumatsu Era of Japan to find out the True History about the Shinsengumi. When they get there, rather than seeing a group of brave samurai ready to cut down those who oppose the shogunate, they find a bunch of guys wearing masks, running away from girls. Apparentl
21. Versailles Was Actually a ________ Center!
25 лют. 2017
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive to Versailles in France in the 18th century. However, when they get there, they see a sign for “Fashion Center Versailles.” When they went in, they find a young woman in casual clothes welcoming in housewives. However, the housewives get angry and go home without buying an
22. America's Moon Landing Was Staged!
4 берез. 2017
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive in America in 1969 to find out the True History about the Moon landing. However, they arrive in Hollywood and sneak into a studio... There, they find a set that looks like the Moon landing. Apparently they were preparing to deal with filming since President Nixon suddenly said
23. Nightingale Was Actually the ________ in White!
11 берез. 2017
24 хв.
Tokio and Calen arrive to Tuscany in 1820 and meet Nightingale, who had just been born. They then continue to Time Bokan looking for the True History as she grows up, but Nightingale continues to grow more and more high-handed. She then makes a white nurse’s uniform and starts posing in it. Bimajo
24. The Genius da Vinci Was the Final Episode!
18 берез. 2017
24 хв.
Akudarma arrive to the Republic of Florence in the 16th century, and meet da Vinci, who welcomes them with open arms. However, upon closer inspection, they see that there are even more hands and feet behind him... There are 24 people behind him! Tokio and Calen are also surprised, but they are sudde
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Про цей серіал

The history in our textbooks are all wrong?! In the 24th century, humankind accomplished the invention of a time machine, “Time Bokan”. As they discover the truth about history, they realize that the history written in their textbooks are all wrong! To correct their knowledge of history, the government developed an organization called JKK. Our hero Tokio is recruited by Karen, a girl from the future to join the JKK. Together they travel through time to discover the true history, along with fighting the “Akudarma” a villainous group whose goal is to prevent the discovery of the truth!

Системні вимоги

SteamOS + Linux
    • ОС *: Windows 7
    • Процесор: Intel Core 2 або аналог від AMD
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 1 GB ОП
    • Мережа: широкосмугове підключення до Інтернету
    • Місце на диску: 200 MB доступного місця
    • Додаткові примітки: Швидкість мережі: 5 Мбіт/с для 540р, 3Мбіт/с для 360р.
    • ОС: Windows 10
    • Процесор: Intel Core I3+ або аналогічний AMD рекомендуються для відтворення HD 1080p
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 2 GB ОП
    • Мережа: широкосмугове підключення до Інтернету
    • Місце на диску: 500 MB доступного місця
    • Додаткові примітки: Швидкість мережі: 12 Мбіт/с для 1080р, 8 Мбіт/с для 720р.
* З 1 січня 2024 року клієнт Steam буде підтримувати лише Windows 10 чи новіші версії цієї ОС.
    • ОС: Mac OSX 10.7
    • Процесор: Intel Core 2 або аналог від AMD
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 1 GB ОП
    • Мережа: широкосмугове підключення до Інтернету
    • Місце на диску: 200 MB доступного місця
    • Додаткові примітки: Швидкість мережі: 5 Мбіт/с для 540р, 3Мбіт/с для 360р.
    • ОС: Mac OS X 10.10+
    • Процесор: Intel Core I3+ або аналогічний AMD рекомендуються для відтворення HD 1080p
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 2 GB ОП
    • Мережа: широкосмугове підключення до Інтернету
    • Місце на диску: 500 MB доступного місця
    • Додаткові примітки: Швидкість мережі: 12 Мбіт/с для 1080р, 8 Мбіт/с для 720р.
* З 15 лютого 2024 року клієнт Steam більше не буде підтримувати 32-бітні ігри та macOS 10.14 і старіші версії цієї ОС.
    • ОС: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 або новіша, SteamOS 2.20 або новіша
    • Процесор: Intel Core 2 або аналог від AMD
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 1 GB ОП
    • Мережа: широкосмугове підключення до Інтернету
    • Місце на диску: 200 MB доступного місця
    • Додаткові примітки: Швидкість мережі: 5 Мбіт/с для 540р, 3Мбіт/с для 360р.
    • ОС: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 або новіша, SteamOS 2.20 або новіша
    • Процесор: Intel Core I3+ або аналогічний AMD рекомендуються для відтворення HD 1080p
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 2 GB ОП
    • Мережа: широкосмугове підключення до Інтернету
    • Місце на диску: 500 MB доступного місця
    • Додаткові примітки: Швидкість мережі: 12 Мбіт/с для 1080р, 8 Мбіт/с для 720р.
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