When a high school cheerleader, her genius little brother and divorced mom move to a creaky old house outside Chicago, strange things occur when her family's new home is haunted by the ghost of a punk rocker.
2017 年 4 月 4 日




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“Audience members "laughed and gasped in all the right places," Cramer said.”
Chicago Tribune

“Described as “Supernatural Family Comedy”, Teenage Ghost Punk really hits the spot.”
Bloody Flicks

“you're served with very decent fare with this one, it's well scripted with some genuinely funny jokes, it's well played, and it's just genuinely likeable.”
Search My Trash

Steam 影片

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Life changes for a high school cheerleader named Amanda when she and her family move from a small town in Michigan to a Victorian house near Chicago. While her newly-divorced mom struggles with a new job and her eccentric little brother seems to fit in effortlessly, Amanda tries to find her way in her daunting new high school. Meanwhile, weird things happen in the family’s new house. Knocking sounds. Strange guitar riffs during rainstorms. Unexplained household messes.
A quirky medium and a bumbling young paranormal investigation team search for answers but add little clarity before an unseen force meting out rough power chords scares them away.

Amanda soon discovers that her house is haunted … by Brian, the ghost of a teenage punk rock guitarist who has been jamming on the roof during rainstorms since the 1980s. He enjoys spirited poker nights with a neighborhood quintet of teen ghosts from different eras – the 1960s, 1950s, 1910s, 1870s, and 1700s. Amanda and Brian forge an unlikely friendship, but tension arises when Amanda asks him to her school’s Homecoming dance. Amanda hosts a Halloween party and invites her new school friends and Brian’s teenage ghost pals. When uninvited guests arrive, paranormal investigators clash with Chicago’s most badass spirit, and the neighborhood’s past collides with its present. How will Amanda solve her future?

Teenage Ghost Punk was shot just outside Chicago, primarily in a 126-year-old house in in Oak Park’s Frank Lloyd Wright Historic District. The owner says it really is haunted. And we can’t argue with that!
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SteamOS + Linux
    • 作業系統 *: Windows 7
    • 處理器: Intel Core 2 或是同性能的 AMD 處理器
    • 記憶體: 1 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 200 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 540p 適合 5Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;360p 適合 3Mbps。
    • 作業系統: Windows 10
    • 處理器: 推薦使用 Intel Core I3 以上或是同性能的 AMD 處理器來撥放 1080p 高畫質視訊。
    • 記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 500 MB 可用空間
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    • 作業系統: Mac OSX 10.7
    • 處理器: Intel Core 2 或是同性能的 AMD 處理器
    • 記憶體: 1 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 200 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 540p 適合 5Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;360p 適合 3Mbps。
    • 作業系統: Mac OSX 10.10+
    • 處理器: 推薦使用 Intel Core I3 以上或是同性能的 AMD 處理器來撥放 1080p 高畫質視訊。
    • 記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 500 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 1080p 適合 12Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;720p 適合 8Mbps。
* 自 2024 年 2 月 15 日(PT)起,Steam 用戶端將不再支援 32 位元遊戲或 macOS 10.14 或更舊版本。
    • 作業系統: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 或較新版本,SteamOS 2.20 或較新版本
    • 處理器: Intel Core 2 或是同性能的 AMD 處理器
    • 記憶體: 1 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 200 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 540p 適合 5Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;360p 適合 3Mbps。
    • 作業系統: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 或較新版本,SteamOS 2.20 或較新版本
    • 處理器: 推薦使用 Intel Core I3 以上或是同性能的 AMD 處理器來撥放 1080p 高畫質視訊。
    • 記憶體: 2 GB 記憶體
    • 網路: 寬頻網際網路連線
    • 儲存空間: 500 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: 1080p 適合 12Mbps 之網路頻寬環境;720p 適合 8Mbps。
