The UNFP's been kicked in the teeth by a G'ell invasion force and their last and only hope is a planetary outpost and its fleet of experimental DSP MkI Forward Assault Fighters and anyone marshal enough to strap into one and forcefully accept some apologies.
All Reviews:
Mostly Positive (225) - 70% of the 225 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
Aug 26, 2016

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Early Access Game

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Note: Games in Early Access are not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

Note: The last update made by the developers was over 5 years ago. The information and timeline described by the developers here may no longer be up to date.
What the developers have to say:

Why Early Access?

“The journey to creating Starr Mazer is one that was begun alongside fans when the Kickstarter launched. We have come a long way since then in expanding the Starr Mazer universe, but our course is yet long and arduous. Bringing Starr Mazer: DSP to bear is another leg of this adventure that we look forward to traveling with our fans and we believe it will lead to a better, more perfect prologue to Starr Mazer proper.”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“The course is plotted, the engines hot. Now the countdown to launch has begun. We brave the unknown, but do so as one.

With thrusters at full burn, we should have something like a launch by the winter holidays, 2019, or soon after!”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“In Early Access we are planning to expand and improve upon everything in the game. The first three stages should give a pretty clear idea of what form this journey will take, but you'll only know where it will take you by strapping in alongside us.

There will be...
  • more story
  • more art
  • more animations
  • more acts
  • more levels
  • more pilots
  • more enemies
  • more bosses
  • more weapons

more, more, more.”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“The Early Access launch features Act One of Starr Mazer: DSP, which consists of three levels meticulously polished and punctuated with a ferocious boss at the end. Two more levels will be available in a work-in-progress state to those who are interested in helping beta test as we develop the game for Early Access updates.

When complete, Starr Mazer: DSP will consist of 9 levels across three acts. Each act will culminate in a boss fight that only immaculate skill and the expenditure of numerous human lives can overcome.”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“It is a possibility, but we're holding tight to the Early Access price just now.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“We will be involving the Community in a number of contests and campaigns that will directly affect the development of Starr Mazer: DSP. The first of these, a contest to design a ship with two new weapons has already been undertaken by the DSP fanbase. It's been an excellent, truly motivating experience for the development team and we are looking forward to tackling the challenges that await with our loyal fans flying in formation with us.”
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“It’s great to look at and even more fun to play. Plain and simple.”

“Starr Mazer DSP was easily the highlight of my GDC.”

About This Game

Starr Mazer: DSP is a side-scrolling shoot’em up in the same vein as classics like Gradius and Lords of Thunder with a roguelike twist on the traditional lives/continues system. Players take control of a squadron of DSP pilots with different ships, weapon loadouts and voices. Your mission is to battle through nine frantic arcade levels, countless waves of enemies, 3 powerful bosses, and take down the G’ell Super Ship in a single run.

The citizens of Thersa-CPIX are at war and we’re not sending one hero to the fight, we’re sending EVERYONE!

  • Levels - Battle through nine Levels, across three intense arcade-style bullet-filled acts! Take the fight from the surface of war torn Thersa-CPIX to the Space Gate and up to the heart of the G’ell Super Ship; the Adamastor!
  • Recruit - Recruit a diverse team of humans, aliens, and a dog! Hand pick your DSP team before every mission using their weapons, stats and battle order to your advantage!
  • SK:ORE - The fight never ends with SK:ORE! There are no game overs in this battle! Use your SK:ORE from fallen enemies and Carbomite pickups to purchase a new squadron of pilots!
  • Unlock Pilots - Discover legendary pilots! Give your squadron an edge in battle with unique legendary pilots like Slimo, Bunny Killmaster, Don Thacker and many more!
  • Power Up - Power up your weapons for maximum destruction! Collect Carbomite from fallen foes to power up your primary fire or to fuel your super weapon!

System Requirements

SteamOS + Linux
    • OS *: Windows 7 or higher
    • Processor: 1 Ghz CPU
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Storage: 150 MB available space
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.
    • OS: 10.6 or higher
    • Processor: 1 Ghz CPU
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Storage: 150 MB available space
* Starting February 15, 2024, the Steam Client will no longer support 32-bit games or macOS 10.14 or lower.
    • OS: Ubuntu 14.04 or higher
    • Processor: 1 Ghz CPU
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Storage: 150 MB available space

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