This game is a fun-filled casual adventure where players take on the role of an adorable little duck.
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Release Date:
Nov 24, 2024

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About This Game

This game is a fun filled casual adventure, where players take on the role of a cute little duck. Use the A and D keys to control left and right movement, the W key to control jumping, and the space bar to control attacks. The game features bright and colorful visual effects, with a warm and child friendly environment design. The design of the duck is very cute, making it instantly adorable. Players must guide ducks through various obstacles such as fast-moving water currents and sudden obstacles by jumping onto floating logs to avoid falling into the water. The game is complemented by beautiful backgrounds to create a relaxed and enjoyable gaming atmosphere.

System Requirements

    • OS: win 10
    • Processor: all can
    • Graphics: all can
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