A Fantasy Rogue-Like game with Paper thin graphics. Cut through waves of enemies and collect their souls to increase your power! Encounter a variety of enemies and events as you make your way through the DARK.
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Tải xuống Dark & Quispy Demo

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Ngày dự kiến phát hành: 2025

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Về trò chơi này

Dark and Quispy is a roguelike survival game with 2.5D paper-like visuals.

A world shrouded in darkness and danger, the ominous blood moon casts its malevolent glow upon the land. As you can probably guess that's a bad thing.

Well you're right... Especially for the Main Flame.

She was attacked relentlessly by the countless creatures that appeared during the recent blood moon and has lost her souls! Stripped of her very essence, her souls scattered to the winds, she stands on the brink of oblivion.

As the guardian of the Soul Wisps, it falls upon you. Only by venturing deep into the heart of darkness, battling fierce foes, and reclaiming the lost souls of the Main Flame can balance be restored to the world!


You have to defeat the enemies somehow! Equip yourself with powerful weapons to defeat your foes and survive as long as possible. Collect soul flames from defeated enemies to upgrade your arsenal, making your weapons stronger!


Stay alert for special events that appear randomly throughout your journey. Complete these challenges to earn valuable rewards! But beware — your enemies won’t make it easy, so tread carefully to avoid an untimely demise!


Enhance your combat strategy by applying mods to your weapons! Each mod introduces unique effects, allowing you to manage and conquer enemies more effectively. Discover powerful combos that synergize with specific weapons. Unleash your creativity!


Gold is a precious resource in your quest, so use it wisely! Resist the temptation to buy too many weapons. Instead, save your gold to upgrade Quispy's stats, ensuring you can progress further in future runs. The deeper you venture, the more gold you'll uncover!


The Blood Moon has risen! It’s time to retreat back to Camp! Enemies become increasingly dangerous during this ominous time. Make your escape swiftly to protect your hard-earned gold!

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • HĐH: Windows 10 64 bit
    • Bộ nhớ: 4 GB RAM
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