Young Sepehr and his loveable dog, Baboo, set off on a harrowing quest to save their family from the mystical forces of an ancient evil. Embark on an action-adventure, story-driven journey and explore a vast, magical world caught in a battle between light and dark.


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預計發行日期: 待公告



“The game looks impressive, to say the least, with a variety of biomes for players to explore in this rich Eastern folklore-inspired world.”
Lords of Gaming

“This takes the cake for the cutest video game reveal, or at least the one with the cutest dog”
Men's Journal


Inspired by fables passed down by generations, the story of Sepehr and Baboo begins when their idyllic island is invaded by a demonic force commanded by an ancient evil. Together, with the strength of their bond, the boy and his dog set out to save their island, rescue their family, and defeat the darkness behind it all.

Two Heroes, One Legend!

Sepehr and Baboo work together as a team, each offering unique skills to overcome enemies, solve puzzles, and traverse dangerous and magical lands. Play as both heroes throughout the journey, switching between the two to progress through the game.

A Land of Enchantment

Swing, jump, climb, and ride Baboo through enchanted and breathtaking environments. Solve puzzles and platform through dangerous challenges across black forests, roaring waters, cursed wildernesses, and frozen lands.

Captivating Combat

Sepehr wields a magic staff to fight off demons, and Baboo defends with his claws and super-barking ability. Dodge, roll, and strike enemies with a variety of attacks with highly reactive, action combat. On your adventure, you’ll encounter the demon guardian of each realm - so ready yourself for otherworldly and thrilling boss encounters!

Additional Features

  • Becoming a Legend: Both Sepehr and Baboo have an RPG-inspired skill tree to power-up offensive and defensive abilities in combat- along with unlocking skills!

  • The Best Boy: Customize Baboo with various outfits and ornaments earned throughout your journey to make the loyal boy look his best!

  • Embracing the Magic: Defeating bosses will unlock special magical attacks which consume mana but take out large hordes of enemies. Equip your favorite special attacks to create a build that suits your playstyle!

  • It’s Your Story: Play at the difficulty level that best suits your needs: easy, medium, or hard mode.


    • 作業系統: Windows 10 64-bit
    • 處理器: Intel i5-8400 or AMD Ryzen5 1500X or faster processor
    • 記憶體: 8 GB 記憶體
    • 顯示卡: Nvidia GTX1050Ti 4GB or AMD RX580 4GB or Higher
    • DirectX: 版本:12
    • 儲存空間: 43 GB 可用空間
    • 備註: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • 作業系統: Windows 10 64-bit
    • 處理器: Intel i7-9700 or AMD Ryzen5 2600X or faster processor
    • 記憶體: 16 MB 記憶體
    • 顯示卡: Nvidia RTX2060 8GB or AMD 5700 8GB or Higher
    • DirectX: 版本:12
    • 儲存空間: 43 MB 可用空間
    • 備註: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
