Preface is an immersive tech demo showcasing Melba, PLAYERUNKNOWN Productions' groundbreaking technology generating an Earth-scale world. In this project still in development, experience our machine learning agents creating a planet in real-time, directly on your GPU.
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Größtenteils negativ (63) - 36 % der 63 Nutzerrezensionen für dieses Spiel sind positiv.
5. Dez. 2024

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Early Access-Spiel

Erhalten Sie sofortigen Zugang und bringen Sie sich in die Entwicklung ein.

Hinweis: Spiele im Early Access sind noch nicht fertiggestellt und können in Zukunft Änderungen erhalten. Wenn Ihnen das Spiel im aktuellen Zustand nicht gefällt, warten Sie eine Weile, um zu sehen, wie sich das Spiel weiterentwickelt. Mehr erfahren

Was die Entwickler zu sagen haben:

Wozu Early Access?

„In order to finish our product we need feedback from our users. Because it is packed with newly developed technology, we need data generated while users explore the planet for further development.“

Wie lange wird dieses Spiel ungefähr den Early Access-Status haben?

„This product will stay in Early Access until it is ready. We expect it to take at least 1 year.“

Wie soll sich die Vollversion von der Early Access-Version unterscheiden?

„We plan for the full version of Preface to build upon its mission to showcase Melba's capabilities for planet-scale environments and seamless exploration.

Here’s what we're planning to add in the final release:
  • More Biomes: We plan to introduce a broader range of biomes, allowing users to explore and immerse themselves in diverse landscapes.
  • User Agency: In alignment with Preface's guiding principle that features serve the technology, we plan on adding interactive elements that highlight Melba's capabilities. Based on community feedback, we plan to add features that give users greater control over the world, making exploration more impactful and engaging.
  • Performance and Stability: We plan to use data gathered during Early Access to drive performance optimizations and stability improvements for a smoother experience.
  • Online Features: We plan to introduce online capabilities, expanding exploration and interaction possibilities with asynchronous multiplayer elements, allowing users to share experiences in Preface's world.

Was ist der derzeitige Stand der Early Access-Version?

„The product in it's current state is quite basic.
For full information about the features, please go to "About this game" section of the store page.“

Wird dieses Spiel während und nach Early Access unterschiedlich viel kosten?

„The price may increase once Preface leaves EA.“

Wie werden Sie versuchen die Community in den Entwicklungsprozess miteinzubeziehen?

„Community is everything to us. We won't be able to make this product without you. Join our Discord, share your thoughts and feelings, learn from us and with us about the newest tech and how it's applied in games. We're eager to hear from every one of you.“

Preface: Undiscovered World spielen

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Infos zum Spiel

Preface: Undiscovered World - A Tech Demo from PLAYERUNKNOWN Productions

Explore a World in the Making

Preface is an immersive tech demo showcasing Melba, PLAYERUNKNOWN Productions' groundbreaking technology generating an Earth-scale world. In this project still in development, experience our Machine Learning agents creating a dynamic planet in real-time, all processed directly on your GPU - with no reliance on cloud services.


A Development Journey

Join us on a journey into the future of world-building. Preface gives you the opportunity to explore a vast Earth-scale world spanning 510 million km² (200 million square miles) and be among the first to witness this new technology, as it takes shape. As we continue to build and refine Melba, your experiences and feedback will play a crucial role.


Your Feedback, Our Path Forward

We believe in community-driven development. That's why we invite you to join us on Discord, where you can engage directly with our dev team, share ideas, provide feedback, and stay informed on the latest updates.


Preface is a tech demo - not a finished product. We’re in an ongoing development phase, so check back regularly to see new features and enhancements as we continue to push the boundaries of ML-driven world generation.

Offenlegung von KI-generierten Inhalten

Der Spieleentwickler beschreibt den Einsatz von KI-generierten Inhalten in diesem Spiel wie folgt:

Terrain textures, elevations and biomes in game are ML generated. Most of the work on the terrain also uses machine learning techniques both offline (pre rendered) and at runtime.

We train our own models with our own sourced data, and it is rigorously vetted for legal concerns.


    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem: windows 10
    • Prozessor: 6-core/12-thread CPU with AVX2 support - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / Intel i5 10500
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafik: GPU with Sampler Feedback and Mesh Shaders - AMD RX 6600 / NVIDIA RTX 2060
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Speicherplatz: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
    • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
    • Betriebssystem: windows 10
    • Prozessor: 8-core/16-thread CPU - AMD Ryzen 7 3700X / Intel i7 10700F
    • Arbeitsspeicher: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafik: GPU with 8GB VRAM - AMD RX 6800 XT / NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti
    • DirectX: Version 12
    • Speicherplatz: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz

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