”Sacular Defense" is a real-time tower defense game in which you intercept enemies by placing circles around them to prevent them from hitting the planet in the center of the screen. Strengthen your turrets and defend your planet from the endless enemies!
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Tanggal Rilis:
15 Feb 2024

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Game Akses Dini

Dapatkan akses instan untuk bermain; ikut terlibat dalam game seiring perkembangannya.

Catatan: Game Akses Dini adalah produk yang belum selesai dan mungkin tidak akan berubah lebih lanjut. Jika kamu tidak berminat untuk memainkan game ini dalam kondisinya saat ini, kamu harus menunggu untuk melihat jika game ini terus dikembangkan. Pelajari lebih lanjut

Prakata dari pengembang:

Kenapa harus Akses Dini?

“"Circullar Defense!!" is our first title to be released on Steam, and we need your feedback to ensure that the content volume and game balance will meet your expectations.”

Berapa lama game ini akan berada dalam Akses Dini?

“We are aiming to complete the game by the end of 2024, but depending on user response, we may take more time to make it better. We will continue to prioritize the development of a better game experience.”

Apa perbedaan antara versi penuh dan versi Akses Dini?

“The full version assumes the following changes compared to early access

- Volume of scenarios in the ADV part of the game
- Expansion of the in-game player enhancement content system (from a level-up type to a tree enhancement type)
- Expansion of in-game stage selection method (from "clear and release" type to "route selection" type)
- Enhancement of other minor production details
- Fixing bugs that occurred during early access.”

Apa status saat ini dari versi Akses Dini ini?

“At the time of early access, you can enjoy the following contents
- A total of 30 stages
- Communication with Hisyoko, and three different endings depending on stage progress
- Turret enhancements with in-game resources”

Apakah harga game akan berbeda selama dan setelah Akses Dini?

“There are no definite plans at this stage, but there is a possibility that the price may increase slightly upon official release, depending on the increase in content volume. We ask for your patience.”

Seperti apakah rencana untuk melibatkan Komunitas dalam proses pengembangan?

“We would like to receive feedback from our players through the Steam community, SNS, and by contacting official support.
Based on the feedback we receive, we will work on bug fixes, game balance, and feature improvements.”
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Bhs. Indonesia tidak didukung

Produk ini tidak didukung dalam bahasamu. Silakan tinjau daftar bahasa yang didukung di bawah ini sebelum melakukan pembelian.

Beli さーきゅらーディフェンス!!~とある辺境惑星開拓事務所、30日の記録~

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Laporkan bug dan berikan masukan untuk game ini di papan diskusi

Tentang Game Ini


"Welcome to Star-Smile Inc."

You are the new director of the Frontier Planet Pioneering Office.

Your mission is to protect the frontier planets from the looming life form "Carolian".
Deploy weapons called "Circle Turrets" to protect the planet!

How to play

.Place the 6 types of circles at any location in the stage.
Turrets placed in the circles will automatically attack enemies!
Placement of circles requires resources, so please place them systematically.

Use the stage clear rewards in the lab!
Reinforcing turrets will increase their defense!

Communication with the secretary

Communication with your secretary is an important part of the game.
You can choose to talk to her or not, and her likability will fluctuate depending on your conversation choices.
Talk as much as possible to get the best ending.

*If you fail to protect your star, your secretary will have to do extra work and will become fatigued.
If you leave her tired, you may be in trouble......

Persyaratan Sistem

    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan
    • OS: Windows 10 or Newer
    • Memori: 4 GB RAM
    • Penyimpanan: 2 GB ruang tersedia
    • Catatan Tambahan: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
    • Prosesor 64-bit dan OS diperlukan

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