Bulletz is a chaotic local multiplayer twin stick shooter with a plethora of wacky guns and levels. You play a series of rounds in destructible levels trying to kill your opponents with guns, items and powerups that randomly spawn. The first player to 10 kills wins the match!
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Release Date:
Apr 21, 2024

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About This Game

Bulletz is a chaotic 8 player shared screen twin stick shooter. You play a series of rounds in destructible levels trying to kill your opponents with guns that randomly spawn. The first player to 10 kills wins the match! The game has a self balancing handicap for those not as skilled. There are over 50 guns, powerups and items that can spawn in over 60 levels!

Controllers required for local pvp/coop play.

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

This game features cartoon guns, explosions, blood and gore. The primary objective of the game is to shoot and kill the other players.

System Requirements

    • OS: 10
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