Do you have what it takes to save the planet? Beecarbonize is an environmental card strategy game with climate change as your opponent.
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Meget positive (29) - 100% af de 29 brugeranmeldelser fra de seneste 30 dage er positive.
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Meget positive (1,945) - 93% af de 1,945 brugeranmeldelser for dette spil er positive.
1. aug. 2023

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Spil Beecarbonize



“I really, genuinely, enjoy this game and will continue to do new runs until I win and eliminate all the emissions.”
9/10 – Pocket Tactics

“A wonderful showcase of just how many amazing solutions to the crisis are already out there.”
Play Anthropocene

“Inconspicuous bomb!”
8/10 – Zing

Om dette spil

Your enemy: carbon emissions. Research cutting-edge technologies, enact policies, protect ecosystems, and modernize industry to avert climate catastrophe. Create your own path to victory, manage your resources well, and you might survive!

Will you favor industrial reforms, nature conservation or people initiatives? There are many ways to solve climate change and reduce pollution. But saving the planet is not an easy task. The more carbon emissions you produce the more extreme events you will have to deal with.

You have to balance the power-generating industry, social reforms, ecological policies and scientific endeavors. Will you transition from fossil fuels as fast as possible? Or will you focus on carbon capture technologies first? Experiment with new strategies and don’t be afraid to start again.

Game cards represent inventions, laws, social advancements, or industries – each designed on the basis of real-world climate science. In addition, partially randomized world events occur, forcing you to adapt your strategy. Gradually unlock new cards in the game encyclopedia and chart your path towards a new future.

The world of Beecarbonize reacts to your actions. More emissions mean more floods or heatwaves, investing in nuclear power raises the risk of a nuclear incident, and so on. Learn more with each run and you might overcome environmental catastrophes, social unrest, and even avert the end of life on earth.

We are introducing Hardcore mode, the ultimate challenge in Beecarbonize for experienced players. In Hardcore mode you will face the harsh reality of climate change. Can you defy the odds and save the planet even in this extreme scenario?

Beecarbonize is a strategic challenge that lets you experience phenomena shaping our everyday lives hands-on. Just how many seasons can you last?


    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i3, 1.6 GHz
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: HD Graphics 530 or better
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Diskplads: 180 MB tilgængelig plads
    • Kræver en 64-bit processor og operativsystem
    • Styresystem: Mac OS X v10.13 and higher
    • Processor: 1.6 GHz
    • Hukommelse: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafik: HD Graphics 530 or better
    • Diskplads: 180 MB tilgængelig plads

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