Dyscourse is an interactive choice-based narrative adventure game where you journey through a stylized world of choice and consequence. Choose wisely.
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W większości pozytywne (184) - 77% z 184 recenzji użytkowników dla tej gry jest pozytywnych.
Data wydania:
25 marca 2015

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Kup Dyscourse

Kup Dyscourse Special Edition

Dyscourse Special Edition DLC


“The style and quality of the visuals are top-notch”
Indie Statik

“Definitely worth it”
Rock, Paper, Shotgun

O tej grze

Dyscourse is an interactive choice-based narrative adventure game where you journey through a stylized world of choice and consequence. You play as Rita, an unfortunate art school grad turned barista, who is now stuck on a desert island with a crew of oddball travelers after a plane crash. That last choice you just made? It may end up being integral to your group’s survival, or it may lead you down a path to murder and cannibalism!

Stories in Dyscourse are emergent, and choices made in the game directly tie to the survival or downfall of the group. As players get to know their fellow castaways and make critical and interpersonal decisions, drama dynamically unfolds, and your choices author your own unique story.

We've designed Dyscourse so that players will end up with vastly different stories forged from their choices - everyone’s playthrough will have a unique story to tell. With over 120,000 words and many hours of replayable content, each playthrough allows players to explore more of the overall “story space” and learn more about the crash and their fellow survivors. There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ choices and endings to Dyscourse - how to best survive the island is a decision left up to the player. Choose wisely!


Yes, it's true. Dyscourse is a Kickstarter success story! Thanks to over 2,000 backers, we hit our $40,000 goal back in November of 2013.

Special Edition!

We're offering a Special Edition of Dyscourse which includes:
  • The 77-song Dyscourse soundtrack (Yes, 77 unique songs! We're crazy!)
  • Dyscourse mid-development documentary video
  • Digital art-book of the making of Dyscourse
  • Dyscourse wallpaper

Indie Island!

Now available! Indie Island is a bonus story for Dyscourse that features 10 prominent indie game developers stuck on an island together. After a GDC-bound flight took a turn for the worse, these ill-fated indies must now survive together, for better or for worse.

Indie Island contains the likes of Tim Schafer (Double Fine), Edmund McMillen (Super Meat Boy), Phil Tibitoski (Octodad), Alexander Bruce (Antichamber), Ron Carmel (World of Goo), Robin Hunicke (Journey), Ichiro Lambe (Aaaaa!), Adam Saltsman (Canabalt), Will Stallwood (Auditorium), and Rami Ismail (Ridiculous Fishing).


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Wymagania systemowe

SteamOS + Linux
    Konfiguracja minimalna:
    • System operacyjny *: Windows XP and up
    • Pamięć: 2 GB RAM
    • Miejsce na dysku: 600 MB dostępnej przestrzeni
* Począwszy od 1 stycznia 2024, klient Steam będzie obsługiwał wyłącznie system Windows 10 i jego nowsze wersje.
    Konfiguracja minimalna:
    • System operacyjny: 10.7
    • Pamięć: 2 GB RAM
    • Miejsce na dysku: 600 MB dostępnej przestrzeni
* Począwszy od 15 lutego 2024, klient Steam nie będzie obsługiwał już 32-bitowych gier ani systemu macOS 10.14 lub starszych wersji.
    Konfiguracja minimalna:
    • System operacyjny: Ubuntu
    • Pamięć: 2 GB RAM
    • Miejsce na dysku: 600 MB dostępnej przestrzeni

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