Scavenger's Deep is an underwater 3rd person action roguelike game, with an emphasis on player movement for traversing the game world and encounters.
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26. maj 2022

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Spil Scavenger's Deep

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Om dette spil

Scavengers deep is an underwater 3rd person action roguelike game, with an emphasis on player movement for traversing the game world and encounters.

The player character is among the poorer inhabitants of a flooded future earth and is looking to join the upper class. On one fateful day, Damien heard a rumour about a legendary treasure with untold riches however, a monster lies in the depths. Damien equips his high-power diving suit along with his water booster and dives into the depths to begin his journey. The high-power diving suit allows Damien Jones to descend to the deepest parts of the ocean. The suit is equipped with aqua jets which allows for better mobility underwater to assist against unwanted predators. Damien also carries his knife and harpoon gun to aid against hostile marine life.

Scavenger’s Deep is an action game with a system of permanent death and a loss of items, making the player start the game again with nothing. Belonging to the beat-em’ up or brawler subgenre, the game uses hordes of enemies to give the player multiple targets resulting in an intense, almost overwhelming combat experience.

The roguelike elements exist in the form of a “permanent” death system. This means that in each playthrough or “run” of the game, if the player is defeated (health reaches zero), they will have to begin again from the first level. Upon dying, the player also loses all items and increases to stats they had obtained over the course of that run.


    • Yderligere bemærkninger: TBD
    • Yderligere bemærkninger: TBD

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