Always dreamed to be the operator of your favorite fairground ride? This is your change to take the control! Our Polyp Simulator will let you operate the ride completely yourself in a realistic way.
Reseñas generales:
Positivas (16) - El 93 % de las 16 reseñas de los usuarios sobre este juego son positivas.
Fecha de lanzamiento:
2 DIC 2022

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Comprar Fairground Polyp Simulator


Acerca de este juego

Always dreamed to be the operator of your favorite fairground ride? This is your change to take the control! Our Polyp Simulator will let you operate the ride completely yourself in a realistic way. It will work the same way as it does in real life.

This simulator will give you full control on the ride. You'll be able to do the same as in real life since the control panel and the way the ride works, are the same as the real deal.

Ride features
  • Control the gondolas
  • Control the main engine speed
  • Control the crosses speeds
  • Turn both the compressor and electronic motor on or off
  • Control the excenter
  • Control the lift
  • Real recorded sounds from the ride itself

Environment features
  • Time slider for day/night
  • During night the buildings will turn on their interior lights
  • First person control, able to walk around and get into the cash box

What else?
  • Give it your own touch by enabling or disabling 6 type of lights. Make it more cool by using the fog machine
  • Updated the Game Engine to Unity 2021.3 for better performance and graphics

    Reminder: This is a simulator game, there are no goals or achievements to complete. Be aware of this before making the decision to buy it with the wrong expectation.

Requisitos del sistema

    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • SO *: Windows 8.1 64-bits, Windows 8 64-bits, Windows 7 64-bits Service Pack 1
    • Procesador: Intel core i5 6400 / Other processor with the same specs
    • Memoria: 4 GB de RAM
    • Gráficos: NVIDIA Geforce GTX950 2GB GDDR5 / AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB
    • DirectX: Versión 11
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible
    • Tarjeta de sonido: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
    • Notas adicionales: Keyboard with NumPad and mouse are required.
    • Requiere un procesador y un sistema operativo de 64 bits
    • Memoria: 8 GB de RAM
    • Almacenamiento: 2 GB de espacio disponible
    • Tarjeta de sonido: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
    • Notas adicionales: Keyboard with NumPad and mouse are required.
* A partir del 1 de enero de 2024, el cliente de Steam solo será compatible con Windows 10 y versiones posteriores.

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