Build a community of dreamers and save ’em from big mean veggie mutants in this upbeat action RPG with quest-driven sim elements.
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Về trò chơi này

Moonshell Island is a story-driven action adventure where laid-back island living meets heroic ambition as you journey to bring together a community of dreamers and get to the root of the produce mutation that threatens their way of life.


You wake up on Moonshell Island and are taken in by club founder Crabby, but your arrival coincides with the beginning of a dangerous mutation turning produce across the island into 'Nomsters’.

As the new ambassador for Crabby's Cabana Club, your responsibilities will include:

  • Bring together the community of Moonshell Island and expand Crabby’s Cabana Club
  • Restore produce and safe passage between regions by defeating Nomsters
  • Community service in each region to recruit new club members, resources and features
  • Solve the Nomster problem at its source


  • Beat giant monster veggies with a whisk?!
  • Keep track of quests with your planner
  • Grow club membership and unlock new amenities
  • Collect and cook recipes
  • Celebrate milestones with club events
  • Play minigames and solve puzzles
  • Find and pet all the dogs


Sam is a young protagonist with a strong connection to nature and animals. Having moved far away from the small island community she grew up in, Sam longs for the home she once knew when all her dreams seemed so possible.

Though Sam never gave up hope of returning to island life, waking up on an undiscovered island populated by talking animals and giant killer produce… well she didn’t see that coming!

Crabby is a candid hermit crab with big dreams for Crabby’s Cabana Club. But Crabby is going to need some Sam’s help to establish a thriving community hub celebrating all that Moonshell Island has to offer.


Legend has it there is an island you can visit only in your dreams. You can search the world over and never find it, but the same place has been described by dreamers throughout history.

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    • HĐH: TBD

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