A breeding simulator with monster girls.
Toutes les éval. :
moyennes (42) - 47 % des 42 évaluations des utilisateurs et utilisatrices pour ce jeu sont positives.
Date de parution :
31 mars 2021
Développement :
Édition :

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Jeu en accès anticipé

Commencez à jouer dès à présent et impliquez-vous pendant son développement.

Remarque : les jeux en accès anticipé ne sont pas terminés, ils peuvent changer de façon significative. Si ce jeu ne vous intéresse pas dans son état actuel, vous devriez attendre pour voir s'il se développe davantage. En savoir plus

Remarque : la dernière mise à jour a été publiée par l'équipe de développement il y a 2 ans. Les informations et le calendrier présentés ici peuvent être obsolètes.
Ce que l'équipe de développement a à dire :

Pourquoi choisir l'accès anticipé ?

« It's important that I get external feedback so that I may steer the game into the right direction while I still can – as more code is written, as more of the game's story is completed, the game has a tendency to "set" in the same way that concrete does if left alone to dry.

Therefore, the goal of making my game early access now, is to constantly utilize the players' feedback to shape and continuously mold the game through each update.

Likewise, Early Access complements my style of releasing smaller, but more frequent builds; player feedback has a chance to directly influence the game with a much shorter turnaround time. »

Pendant combien de temps environ ce jeu sera-t-il en accès anticipé ?

« Until the core game loop develops a substantial level of replayability and depth. »

En quoi la version finale sera-t-elle différente de la version en accès anticipé ?

« I consider the Early Access version to be a microcosm of the full version – that is, I do not expect any major changes to the framework, rather there will be much more content, interactions, minigames, etc in the full version.

As I work towards the full version, I plan to have:

  • better level designs that are more aesthetic and pleasing to explore

  • increasingly intimate minigames that further immerse the player into the experience

  • even more monster girls than are currently in the Early Access version

Quel est l'état actuel de la version en accès anticipé ?

« All the features in the "About This" section are already implemented, please refer to that section for further details »

Le prix du jeu sera-t-il différent pendant et après l'accès anticipé ?

« No. The game will always be free / free-to-play. »

Comment comptez-vous impliquer la communauté dans le processus de développement ?

« I can only playtest the game so many times before my mind becomes numb to what I'm experiencing; I need other people to play my game and tell me if it sucks or not so that I may have a chance to improve it.

With the feedback from the community, I'll be able to tell what exactly needs to be worked on / changed / removed, as opposed to trying to figure out the game's direction by myself.

Instead of wasting time on issues that may end up not having as large of an impact as others, I can always use the community feedback as a compass to make sure I'm always working on the right thing. »
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Description du contenu pour adultes

Voici la description de l'équipe de développement à propos du contenu du produit :

Monster Girl Dungeon depicts full nudity and various other sexual interactions.

DISCLAIMER: Every sexual interaction is fully consensual on all sides, and all characters are 18 years of age or older

À propos de ce jeu


For many centuries, Monster Girls were ostracized and rejected from much of society. They were thought of as strange demonic beings that didn't have any sort of place in normal human life, but as time passed, so did this rigid stereotype slowly dissolve with it. Fast forward to the present time, Monster Girls have become an integral and irreplaceable part of human life, and can be found in many difference facets of society. One particular aspect that has drawn much attention (and criticism), is that of the domestication of Monster Girls as pets. In this game, the player will be able to experience what it would be like to have a monster girl as a pet for themselves.



There's the standard slime girl, nekomata, mouse girl, sheep girl – but there are also the more exotic and rarer ones as well: a caterpillar girl, a mandragora, a spriggan, with many more to come in the future.

Gameplay / Features

The core gameplay loop revolves around having conversations with the monster girls, seeing them in various situations (embarrassing, funny, lewd, etc), and interacting with them by way of a minigame.

  • 3D monster girls that you can talk to and interact with

  • open world to explore

  • In-depth dialogues, with the option to skip them

  • Headpatting minigame, as well as many others

  • Encounter many cute and adorable scenarios with the girls


I currently have the game organized by episodes, starting with number 0000. Initially, I was using that system arbitrarily just to keep track of different pieces of code that belonged to an earlier or later part of the game, but now I intend to structure the entire game's design and story by individual episode numbers – with each episode being one interaction (something like a story beat in screenwriting) that takes place with one or more monster girls.

Configuration requise

    Minimale :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires
    • Système d'exploitation : Windows 10
    • Mémoire vive : 4 GB de mémoire
    • DirectX : Version 9.0
    • Espace disque : 800 MB d'espace disque disponible
    Recommandée :
    • Système d'exploitation et processeur 64 bits nécessaires

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