Reclaim your empire as a Sci-fi cyberpunk syndicate.
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Về trò chơi này

Cyberpunk 3099 is the story of Jake: A Syndicate arrested and sent to cryo jail for crimes on Space Station 4528.

Jake awakes 300 years later with his empire lost to smaller factions within Sector 19 (sin city). Sector 19 is the Jail sector of the space station which is Run by Syn Corp, a large syndicate which was hired by the space station to keep order. Sector 19 is home to ex convicts and criminals who chose a life of crime or simply don't have the credits to leave the sector.

Jake's only option is to reclaim his empire, starting with Sector 19. If he can defeat the factions within the sector then he will gather enough credits for a space station citizen pass and earn his freedom.

You play as Jake with one goal. Reclaim your empire ! Take on the other syndicates to occupy the establishments once controlled by you 300 years ago. Earn protection credits from each block you reclaim. Bribe and fight your way to freedom.

Use credits to expand your armoury. Purchase epic weapons to defeat the other syndicates. But be careful, challenging powerful syndicates without the proper defences, alliances and weapons will only get you killed.

Jake is a cyberpunk with a bio tech arm. Once you leave sector 19 the bio arm is activated. Beyond Sector 19 the entire space station is up for grabs.

The year is 3099. You have just been released from Cryo prison after serving seven life sentences for committing multiple crimes on station 4528 in the Andromeda Galaxy. You are suffering memory loss from the sentence. You carry just the items you were arrested with.
You start on station 4528 having just been released. You don’t yet fully remember who you are but you know you used to be a big deal on the station.

Before being incarcerated you owned the whole penal sector (Sector 19). Offering protection to all the local businesses.

Gameplay guide

Meet the characters:

The first thing you see is a police officer in uniform. You talk to him to get your bearings.

Kane is a fellow Cyberpunk Syndicate - He is a Luytenian. Luytenians live for a thousand earth years.


Hectar is a descendent of one of Jakes old enemies. He controls a tiny block within sector 19. This is the best place to start as you will meet the least resistance from this syndicate.

Hectar's Brother. Ray also occupies a small block in the sector. But he is better armed than his brother. So be sure to upgrade your weapons before approaching him.

Flyn is a corrupt Syn Corp Marshal. How will you deal with him? Bribe or fight?

A pleasure droid who desperately wants to get out of the sector and off the space station.

Typhon is the strongest cyberpunk syndicate in the sector. You must be fully armed to defeat him. He employs muscle too, so be careful.

Alicia is the most powerful syndicate in the sector. She is well connected and has links to Syn corp.

Mô tả nội dung người lớn

Nội dung theo lời tả của nhà phát triển:

Trò chơi này có thể chứa nội dung không phù hợp với mọi lứa tuổi, hoặc không phù hợp để xem tại công sở: Thường có bạo lực hoặc máu me, Nội dung người lớn

Yêu cầu hệ thống

    Tối thiểu:
    • HĐH: 10
    • Bộ xử lý: i5
    • Bộ nhớ: 8 GB RAM
    • Đồ họa: GPU
    • Lưu trữ: 1 MB chỗ trống khả dụng
    • Card âm thanh: On board
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