Chemistris is a tetris-like game based on chemistry equations. Let's Play fire, play water, play every elements in the universe !
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Positive (19) - 84% of the 19 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
Jul 16, 2023

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Early Access Game

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Note: Games in Early Access are not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

Note: The last update made by the developers was over 14 months ago. The information and timeline described by the developers here may no longer be up to date.
What the developers have to say:

Why Early Access?

“Generally, all games need player's feedback to evolute. It is no longer the the age a talent programer build the game in his garage and then astonish the whole world. Earlier feedback, better game.

More specifically, high school level inorganic chemistry defers in different countries, but CHEMISTRIS wanna to cover them all. The only way to achieve this little ambitious goal is relying on player's feedback.

License of Music in the Promotion Video of Early Access Version:
Music: Cyber Seoul by Brian Holtz Music
License (CC BY 4.0):”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“According to current schedule, the early access will be end in 2024.”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“According to current product roadmap :

The following WILL be implemented in Full Version
[✓] About 100 Levels in 20 Chapters cover inorganic chemistry equations in high school level around the world
[✓] An epic boss level based on Uranium 235 chain reaction
[✓] A partly hidden equipment system waits you to discover and empower you
[✓] All platform support
[✓] Game settings

The following MIGHT be implemented in Full Version
[?] Endless mode
[?] Steam achievement
[?] Controller support
[?] A level-up system related to falling speed which increase replayability
[?] A cross-level dark matter system to give player powerful benefit
[?] Publish elements in NFT

The following will NEVER be implemented in any version
[x] Levels cover organic chemistry
[x] Levels cover all periodic table of elements
[x] Localization on chemical formula”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“The following will be implemented in Early Access Version
[✓] 18 Levels in 6 Chapters
[✓] A periodic table style level select menu”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“The price of early access version is half of full version.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

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About This Game

CHEMISTRIS is a tetris-like game based on Chemistry equations, designed for geeks and science zealots like Sheldon Lee Cooper in all ages.

CHEMISTRIS is a hardcore game, and might be the hardest tetris-like game ever. Just remember the goal is to carefully arrange reactants and reaction conditions to generate specific products.


Fun of arranging and destroying tetrominoes-like molecules with:

  • A careful consideration not only about the stack of tetromino-like molecules but also the balance of chemistry equations.

  • Modifications on rule of level to create completely different experience with same chemistry equations.


We humbling embrace the knowledge architecture of chemistry with:

  • Periodic-table-of-elements-like nonlinear level select system.

  • An universal reaction algorithm equals chemistry equation itself.


Simple, clear and elegant pixel style arts with:

  • Brutalism pixel arts with KISS principle.

  • Bravely new designed chemistris.font to display element clearly in tetrominoes.


CHEMISTRIS will NEVER discount more than 20% off.


CHEMISTRIS is guided entirely by graphics, and except from universally recognized element symbols and chemical equations, it does not include any text. Therefore, the game supports all languages.


CHEMISTRIS early access version is currently with 18 levels in 6 chapters.


Due to the internal mathematical complexity, reaction algorithm might be very slow when molecules arranged badly.

System Requirements

    • OS *: WINDOWS 7
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.

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