Warning! This is not a game for the faint-hearted.Everything you can imagine will turn into a Zombie's nightmare, The zombies have kidnaped you while you slept, Do you think you can pass all the missions and escape from the forest in a total darkness??
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20. juni 2020

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Kjøp The Zombie's Horror


Om spillet

About the game

  • Warning! This is not a game for the faint-hearted
  • Everything you can imagine will turn into a Zombie's nightmare,
  • The zombies have kidnaped you while you slept, do you think you can pass all the missions and escape from the forest in a total darkness??
  • In the game the zombies will try to attack you and your main objective is surviving, for that you'll have a single weapon and limited amount of ammo.
  • The only way to know whare the zombies come from is to hear their voices.
  • In the game your objective is to pass all the missions, and survive the scary forest, and then you can unlock the second gameMode.
  • IN the second gameMode your objective is to get the highest score and claim to the top 100 in the leaderboard.

Game Features

  • Online leaderboard – the game itself isn't online, but if your score will be high enough, you'll see it in the online leaderboard.
  • Total darkness – In the game you can only see with some tiny flashlight, otherwise it's complete darkness.
  • different types of objectives- each mission features a different goal the player need to achieve in order to progress the game. For example: thare is a misson that you have to destroy the zombie's spawners, and only if you destroy the all 13 spawners you can move to the next level. Each mission got a different difficulty mode, The hardest one is fighting againts the zombie's boss.
  • Limited ammo- you start the game with limited ammo for your rifle, and in order to find more you will need to search the levels for the ammo
  • MedKits- in order to heal yourself, you will need to find MedKits scattered around the map

Beskrivelse av voksent innhold

Utviklerne beskriver innholdet slik:

This game can might be scary to some audiences that to trying to avoid blood and guns, Also this game is recognized as a horror game, so if you dont like horror, its not for you


    • OS *: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, vista
    • Prosessor: 1GHz or faster processor
    • Minne: 512 MB RAM
    • Grafikk: 1GB VRAM
    • DirectX: Versjon 9.0
    • Lagring: 1760 MB tilgjengelig plass
    • Tilleggsmerknader: Keyboard and Mouse
* Fra og med den 1. januar 2024 kommer Steam-klienten kun til å støtte Windows 10 og nyere versjoner.

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