This game is a simulation real-time strategy game with the theme of modern naval warfare. Players can control all kinds of active naval equipment of the three camps, and use the common tactics and tactics of the navy in reality to start a fierce confrontation with the computer.
Todas as análises:
Neutras (67) - 59% das 67 análises de usuários deste jogo são positivas.
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Jogo com acesso antecipado

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Observação: jogos em acesso antecipado não estão completos e podem ou não sofrer alterações no futuro. Caso não esteja com vontade de jogá-lo no estado atual, aconselhamos esperar até que o desenvolvimento esteja mais adiantado. Saiba mais

Aviso: a última atualização pelos desenvolvedores foi há mais de 2 anos. As informações e o cronograma descritos pelos desenvolvedores aqui podem estar desatualizados.
O que os desenvolvedores têm a dizer:

Por que acesso antecipado?

"I hope players can give more opinions to facilitate the addition of new systems to the game."

Por quanto tempo aproximadamente este jogo estará em acesso antecipado?

"About 2 month."

Como a versão completa será diferente da versão de acesso antecipado?

"The difference between the early version and the full version is the number of levels, the full version has more levels.
In addition, the full version will also have a more complete AI system and more functions."

Qual é o estado atual da versão de acesso antecipado?

"The early version doesn't have all the system functions, and only have 3 levels."

O preço do jogo será alterado após o fim do acesso antecipado?


Como vocês planejam envolver a comunidade durante o processo de desenvolvimento?

"We will select valuable information from community discussions and improve the game based on its content."
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Inclui 6 itens: 初恋日记, WATCH, MODEERN NAVAL COMBAT, Fox's Holiday / 狐の假期, CLOSER, 守护者盟约

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Sobre este jogo

n this work, high-tech confrontation has become the theme of the battle. Whether it is the world hegemony, the United States, the young China, or Russia, which has a huge nuclear arsenal, they all have their own military strengths that they are proud of. In real life, we expect there will never be a war between them. But no one will be curious about what kind of situation these three countries will have when they fight. This game allows you to discover the answer yourself.


1. Surface ships
In this work, players will be able to operate almost all maritime equipment from the three camps of China, the United States and Russia from the 1960s to the first three decades of the 21st century. They include:
Aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, conventional and nuclear submarines. Each type of ship has its own unique weapons and sensors.

2. Carrier aircraft
The aircraft carrier is equipped with main fighters and attack aircraft of various countries including F/A-18, F14, F35, Su-33, and J-15.
There are also various types of helicopters, early warning aircraft, anti-submarine aircraft, and electronic warfare aircraft available for players to trend.

3. Unique task system
Real battlefield commanders don't have to pay attention to every detail at all times. It is sometimes a good choice to plan their own tasks for the troops in their hands and let them execute them themselves.
Units on the field can perform many types of missions, ranging from air patrols to sea attacks; from air early warning to electronic jamming. If you want to win, don't learn from Chiang Kai-shek, the master of micromanagement.

4. Various sensors and unit features
This game is different from other RTS games, only the targets detected by the sensor can be found. The game provides a variety of sensors including radar, active/passive sonar, electronic reconnaissance, etc., and their reconnaissance effects are also different. For example, electronic reconnaissance sensors can often only find the general direction of the radar radiation source, and it is difficult to accurately locate it.
In order to make these sensors work effectively, the game also introduces unit features including rcs (radar reflection area), noise coefficient, and environmental features such as sea clutter.

The above settings can ensure that anyone can easily restore an ocean-going naval battle under the modern technology level. Players can also edit their own scenarios to determine the lineup of the enemy and us on the stage. I want to try the result of the Chinese fleet meeting the US military in the 1990s. ? What will happen if we meet the US military again in 2020? These can all be chosen by the player and explore ways to win. What are you waiting for, the carrier-based aircraft has already ascended to the deck, the fuze insurance has been released, just waiting for you to give orders

Requisitos de sistema

    • SO *: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
    • Processador: 2.0 Ghz
    • Memória: 4 GB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: GTX750
    • DirectX: Versão 9.0
    • Armazenamento: 8 GB de espaço disponível
    • SO *: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
    • Processador: 2.0 Ghz
    • Memória: 8 GB de RAM
    • Placa de vídeo: GTX750
    • DirectX: Versão 9.0
    • Armazenamento: 8 GB de espaço disponível
* A partir do dia 1º de janeiro de 2024, o cliente Steam será compatível apenas com o Windows 10 ou posterior.

Análises de usuários para MODERN NAVAL COMBAT

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