HARD BULLET is a physics-based action game, where enemies flood the neon-lit city bringing destruction to its streets. Use slow-motion, a huge arsenal, and brutal combat to survive and unlock new weapons. Prepare for the next RIDE by mastering your skills in Sandbox and Arena modes.
Legutóbbi értékelések:
Többnyire pozitív (129) - 129 felhasználói értékelésből 76% pozitív az utóbbi 30 napban.
Minden értékelés:
Nagyon pozitív (4,499) - E játék 4,499 felhasználói értékeléséből 87% pozitív.
Megjelenés dátuma:
2020. okt. 22.

Jelentkezz be, hogy ezt a tételt a kívánságlistádhoz adhasd, követhesd vagy mellőzöttnek jelölhesd.

Korai hozzáférésű játék

Szerezz azonnali hozzáférést és kezdj játszani; légy részese a játék fejlődésének.

Megjegyzés: A korai hozzáférésű játékok nincsenek készen, és vagy változnak a továbbiakban, vagy nem. Ha nem izgat az ezzel a játékkal való játék a jelenlegi állapotában, érdemes lehet várnod, míg a játék fejlesztése előrehaladottabbá válik. Tudj meg többet.

Mit mondanak a fejlesztők:

Miért a Korai Hozzáférés?

„For almost four years, our small team of five has been building Hard Bullet, and community feedback has significantly shaped the game into what it is today. Your help is crucial in continuing to develop and refine one of the best physics-based shooters out there. We deeply value and need all the support we can get!”

Körülbelül mennyi ideig lesz ez a játék a Korai Hozzáférésben?

„After we finish our newest RIDE mode in summer 2024, we’ll focus on the next and final game mode that will bring larger locations, more randomness, new AI, and (hopefully) a more story-driven narrative to the game.

Stay tuned and join our communities for more info: Discord”

A tervek szerint miben fog különbözni a teljes verzió a korai hozzáférésűtől?

„The full version will include a new narrative mode where you, as a contract killer, can explore and operate in much bigger locations with randomly generated situations, improved enemy AI, and animations.

We also plan a story mode with various scenarios. After release, post-release support will include adding new contract locations and operations.

We have some surprises planned for the release too :-)”

Milyen állapotban van jelenleg a korai hozzáférésű verzió?

„RIDE mode: Player level progression, unlockable weapons, and challenges to unlock new weapon skins.
SANDBOX: Set your own situations and have fun with ragdolls in specially designed locations.
ARENA: Fight enemy waves or start an endless horde on any location from RIDE.
DESTRUCTIONS: Partial level destructions.
WEAPONS: Over 100 beautifully crafted firearms and melee weapons.
PHYSICS-BASED: Grab weapons from enemies, fight with your fists, climb around locations, and enjoy our physics-based engine.
RAGDOLLS: Realistic enemy interactions and, of course, lots of brutality.”

Eltérően lesz árazva a játék a korai hozzáférés alatt és azt követően?

„Price is expected to change after Early Access and maybe even during EA.”

Hogyan tervezitek bevonni a közösséget a fejlesztés folyamatába?

Join our growing Discord

Visit Discords server and share your ideas and experience with us. Join our creators, bring your suggestions about guns and gory activities, your favourite action movies and music.

Not a Discord user?

No problem, the Steam Discussions is the right place to talk to us and share your thoughts.”
Nézd meg a teljes GexagonVR gyűjteményt a Steamen.

Csak VR

Hard Bullet vásárlása

GexagonVR Blockbusters vásárlása

3 elemet tartalmaz: Nevrosa: Escape, Hard Bullet, Ultimate Booster Experience

Összes téma megnézése

Jelents hibákat és adj visszajelzést erről a játékról az üzenőfalon.


“Hard Bullet is becoming such an amazing game!”

“Some of the best gun mechanics I played in PC VR titles. It feels great! It's so very cool, they really taking the time to make this feel great to play.”
Beardo Benjo

“If you are looking for physics game rated M full mature 18+ stuff then this the one for you. You can get your John Woo On, Frank Castle Punisher On and you can get it done.”
Eyes on VR on Old HB


Join our Discord community and come hang out with us! 🙌 Find the Discord link in the sidebar.

A játékról

  • Progression and Unlockables: Dive into intense Ride runs to gain experience, money, and complete challenges.

  • Physical Interactions: Disarm enemies, steal weapons, use leg kicks, and perform one-handed reloads with our innovative physics setup.

  • Weapons: Over 100 iconic pistols, submachine guns, shotguns, and rifles, all beautifully crafted with custom skins and a collection of melee.

  • Sandbox & Arena: Use the ammo workshop, giants generator, and welding machine to build your own crazy weapons in this creative mode.

  • Locations: Explore diverse, climbable locations spread across a neon-lit metropolis filled with brutal machines and destructible elements.

  • Enemy Body Damage: Experience realistic gore with body dismemberment, bullet holes, and blood fountains.

  • Slow Motion and Tricks: Control time, perform slow-motion jumps, leg kicks, dual-wield guns, and deliver powerful punches.

  • Fast-paced Action: Inspired by classic Hong Kong action movies, bringing high-energy mature combat to your VR headset.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ G O R E ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ R A G D O L L S ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ A I ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Gore and Dismemberment

Complex dismemberment and realistic bullet damage with blood fountains all around — can it be more fun?

Oh boy it can.

Use different gory instruments like meat grinders, sharp spikes, killer stackers and electricity powers to bring world of pain to this f*****s. They deserve this.

Have your own gory ideas? Share them with us through Discussions and Discord!

Ragdolls and AI

  • All enemies have several weapons on them to use.

  • They make special attacks if the player gets too close.

  • They comment on the situation around.

AI is not perfect and we work on it every day.

Physics fun you can do:

  • Hit with any object you can find. Gun butts are good too.

  • Grab and punch enemies with your fists, throw them into the abyss, and use them as shields.

  • Shoot their limbs off or put them into a hydraulic press — gory fun is on us.

▬▬▬▬▬ W E L D I N G ▬▬▬▬▬ S P A W N E R ▬▬▬▬▬ C R E A T I V E ▬▬▬▬▬▬

Creative Sandbox Mode

For those who want to have their own brutal experience. Fight dwarves with giant pencils, build physics machines and design torture chambers with deadly machines.

  • Welding Tool
    Connect any in-game objects into one physics object! You can combine firearms, props and living enemies to make your own grotesque weapons, machines or monsters.

  • Custom Ammo Workshop
    Use any in-game asset as a bullet! Change its speed, size and rotation ability — charge your weapons with giant knives and swords to start a fantastic bloodbath.

  • Enemy Customization
    Create giant you can climb up, dwarves, immortal zombies or just change their fancy outfits.

  • Spawner Tool
    You can spawn any object from Arenas, Lobby and Sandbox levels. Unlimited grinders and Drills, dozens of props and enemies can be placed in seconds around you.

  • Location Presets
    Switchable environments with custom objects: Torture chamber, Climbing set, Shooting Range, Gym and collection of physics objects to play with.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ G U N S ▬▬▬▬▬▬ B L U N T S ▬▬▬▬▬▬ M O D E S ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Pistols, Shotguns, SMGs and Rifles

Vast collection of legendary firearms you can unlock during Early Access. Each gun has its unique sounds, damage and fire modes.

  • 13 Pistols like Gretta, G17, Greening and more!

  • 9 Revolvers to punish the outlaws.

  • 12 Submachine Guns — take one in each hand and never stop bursting!

  • 6 Pump and 6 Break Action Shotguns to shred enemies apart: Moss500 or Ram870? Why choose if you can take both?

  • 7 Lever Action and 4 regular Rifles. Ivan47 or Mark16 — the best of East and west for you.

Notice that these guns do not copy the exact design of real prototypes, but we tried to stick to reality as close as we could. You can check the full list of guns and their real-world inspirers in the Discussion topic!

Bladed and Blunt handy weapons

Different weapons — from tactical karambit and shovel to ancient Chinese swords and spears — are here and waiting for you. Don't forget some old rusty pipes and pitchforks!

Also, you can use any game object to fight enemies! Be creative!

Two Gunplay modes: Arcade and Tactical

We've prepared two different gun modes so you can feel like a powerful action movie hero as well as a tactical modern fighter:

  • Tactical Mode brings everything you like in realistic shooters: hand reloads, cool mag-hits-mag tricks, slow-mo gun swaps and all the stunts you'll come up with. Use both hands to hold handguard weapons to reduce recoil, and be fast and sharp to get out alive.

  • Arcade Mode is the one we wanted to bring to VR. Your guns do autoreloads when you bring them closer to your waist, so both your hands can have one. Make crazy dual-wielding jumps, use two shotguns at a time, or show your gun-fu skills with dual-wielded pistols.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ T O ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ B E ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ T O L D ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

*Older hard Bullet version, available in Beta's in Old2020HB tab.

Felnőtt tartalom leírása

A fejlesztők így írják le a tartalmat:

This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: Frequent Violence or Gore, General Mature Content.

You can TURN OFF gore, blood and other violent aspects in the Settings.


    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel Core i5 10400 / Ryzen 5 5600X or better
    • Memória: 8 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GeForce GTX 1070 or analog
    • Tárhely: 20 GB szabad hely
    • VR támogatás: Standing or Sitting. SteamVR or Oculus PCVR. Quest 1/2/3/pro via AirLink, Cable, SteamLink or Virtual Desktop, Valve Index, HTC Vive, Vive Pro 1/2, Oculus Rift, Rift S, Samsung Odyssey (other WMRs should work too), Vive Cosmos, Pimax.
    • Egyéb megjegyzések: CPU performance required for physics calculations. Better on SSD. Requires VR Headset to play.
    • 64 bites processzor és operációs rendszer szükséges
    • Op. rendszer: Windows 10
    • Processzor: Intel Core i7 10700 or better
    • Memória: 16 GB RAM
    • Grafika: GeForce RTX 2070Super or analog
    • Tárhely: 20 GB szabad hely
    • VR támogatás: Standing or Sitting. SteamVR or Oculus PCVR. Quest 1/2/3/pro via AirLink, Cable, SteamLink or Virtual Desktop, Valve Index, HTC Vive, Vive Pro 1/2, Oculus Rift, Rift S, Samsung Odyssey (other WMRs should work too), Vive Cosmos, Pimax.
    • Egyéb megjegyzések: CPU performance required for physics calculations. Better on SSD. Requires VR Headset to play.

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