Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Netolic Pro League Ticket
- G-1 Courier: Added particle effects, haste animation and upgraded courier quality
- Bristleback: Fixed Quill Spray stacks being removed by Dark Pact and Kraken Shell.
- Bristleback: Fixed Warpath's oldest stack duration not getting refreshed if another spell was cast with max stacks.
- Rubick: Fixed Rubick gaining infinite no-collision if he stole another spell while following the Spectral Dagger path.

- Bots will now soimetimes use Medallion of Courage on neutrals.
- Fixed BH potentially selling a stout sheild that he needs to make poor man's shield.
- Sand King will now break Sandstorm if he's not invisible.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Bristleback!

- Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger cooldown on level 1 and 3.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Blood armor bonus not carrying over to Illusions.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Elder Dragon Form frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
- Doom: Fixed Doom damage being blocked by Pipe.
- Enchantress: Fixed Nature's Attendants lasting 1 second less than intended.
- Huskar: Fixed Life Break leap moving too fast.
- Magnus: Fixed Shockwave hitting units behind you.
- Mirana: Fixed Mirana's Leap range being slightly too short.
- Nyx Assassin: Fixed Impale traveling too far.
- Phantom Lancer: Fixed being able to have 1 juxtapose illusion too many
- Razor: Fixed Static Link break range being 25 too short.
- Shadow Shaman: Fixed Shackles doing a little less damage than intended.
- Slark: Fixed Pounce not initiating an attack order on the leashed target.
- Spectre: Fixed a case where leaving and rejoining the Spectral Dagger path could cause Spectre to temporarily lose no-collision.
- Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld buff getting dispelled.
- Visage: Fixed Familiars not getting affected by Chronosphere.
- Weaver: Fixed being The Swarm units being unable to Latch onto sleeping units.
- Weaver: Fixed The Swarm getting permanently dispelled if the enemy is invulnerable .
- Weaver: Fixed the Swarm units not doing their initial attack immediately upon latching.
- Added Psuedo Random chance for Roshan's Bash.
- Fixed Eye of Skadi frost slow getting dispelled when target initially becomes Magic Immune.
- Fixed Diffusal Blade proccing multiple damage instances.
- Fixed heroes flickering on the minimap when walking by Sentry Wards while under Smoke of Deceit.
- Fixed Shiva's Guard negative attack speed aura not working on Magic Immune units

- Pausing in a practice or tournament game now prevents the team that paused from querying units, moving the camera or accessing the shop.
- Added ability and item notes, detailed tooltips that will display only if ALT is pressed.
- Adjusted Replay Highlight scene leadin time a bit.
- Arcane Boots now has 'mana' as a shop alias.
- Wisp name change to Io.
- Added 10 second rewind button to replay controls.
- Spectator Items panel now takes up less space and shows items ordered by value.
- Steam friends can be added, removed, and friendship requests confirmed/ignored from within Dota 2.
- Added "Select unit under mouse" keybind for Spectators
- Fixed drag-selection being broken sometimes.

- New Vengeful Spirit model
- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Gem of True Sight, Observer Wards, and Sentry Wards

- Added Bounty Hunter bot.
- Significantly revised how Roam mode works internally.

- Revised Beastmaster's voice.

- Added the Treasure Key of the Cursed Wood and the Treasure Key of the Shaper Divine.
- Several old keys have returned to the store along with a very low drop rate for some older community chests.
- The current set of community crates will no longer expire, but their drop rate will be decreased over time and their rarity increased over time.
- Added new sets for Brewmaster, Lich, Riki, Juggernaut, Beastmaster, and Spectre.
- Added a couple new couriers!
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed being unable to complete the tutorial
- Fixed Random message not displaying the hero name
- Fixed Bot cheat commands not working
- Fixed Tower attack speed being too low
- Fixed Ward selection radius being too big
Dota 2 - Valve
- Clockwerk: Fixed being able to break Hookshot movement with purge/stonegaze/etc.
- Drow Ranger: Marksmanship bonus is removed when there are nearby enemy heroes (instead of just being halved).
- Drow Ranger: Reduced Marksmanship enemy detection aoe reduced from 400 to 375.
- Keeper of the Light: Illuminate manacost from increased 150 to 150/160/170/180.
- Keeper of the Light: Illuminate AOE reduced from 400 to 350.
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Mana Leak not getting removed by Dark Pact or Kraken Shell.
- Mirana: Fixed cast and attack behaviors during Leap.
- Nyx Assassin: Spiked Carapace duration reduced from 2.75 to 2.25.
- Nyx Assassin: Spiked Carapace cooldown increased from 14 to 23/20/17/14.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death debuff getting dispelled.
- Timbersaw: Fixed attack capability getting reset while Magic Immune when Chakram is used.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death stat drain not affecting Magic Immune units.
- Treant Protector: Living Armor damage reduction is now done for all instances of damage that reduce its charges.
- Tranquil Boots: Disabled speed reduced from 50 to 25.
- Tranquil Boots: Heal increased from 170 to 250.
- Tranquil Boots: Cooldown increased from 40 to 60.
- Tranquil Boots: Heal duration increased from 10 to 20.
- Tranquil Boots: Fixed being able to drop the item to reset its state.
- Tranquil Boots: Fixed damage detection threshold on Tranquil's heal.
- Heaven's Halberd: Disarm is no longer dispelled by Manta.
- Added Timbersaw to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version).
- Fixed attack acquisition range on Disruptor, KOTL, Wisp, Visage and Medusa.
- Fixed Towers sometimes attacking you too soon when moving out of range.
- Temporarily disabled Relocate camera movements

- Added Jakiro bot.
- Added Sand King bot.
- Bots that have been hit by multiple stacks of Sticky Napalm will now contemplate their misfortune further back in the lane.
- Fixed a bug where bots would try to cast stuns when being wildly out of range.

- Minimap now displays illusions for spectators.
- Fixed a bug that caused enemy-created Meepo illusions to get added to the original player's multi-hero interface.

- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Tango and Dust of Appearance.

- Updated Dagon visual effects and scaled it with level.
- Added an effect when Marksmanship is active.

- Fixed music volume bug.
- Fixed a bug preventing heroes from commenting on specific item purchases.
- Fixed AA's ult cast sounds to only play for teammates or nearby enemies that have vision.
- Added a unique sound for Viper's orb attack.
- Added sound to Diffusal Blade purge.
- Various mix tweaks across creeps, ui and the tutorial quest sounds.

- Disabled browsing & submitting in the Test Client, but allowed imports for testing purposes.
- Submissions now have the option of including a PSD containing marketing materials for the submission.
- Added Beastmaster's Hawk and Lone Druid's Bear to the Ability Import list.
- Attack animations now describe the animation timing required for the attack to match the character using them.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added region for South Africa.

- Clinkz: Fixed Death Pact healing Clinkz under Ice Blast debuff.
- Gyrocopter: Fixed Flak Cannon killing couriers
- Sniper: Fixed Headshot not working on units like Spirit Bear, Warlock's Golem, etc.
- Sniper: Fixed Shrapnel doing slightly less damage than intended to towers.
- Sniper: Fixed Headshot's physical damage bonus being blocked by Magic Immunity.
- Spectre: Added a short grace period to walking off the Spectral Dagger path before collision is restored
- Spiritbreaker: Fixed Magic Immune units being ignored by the AOE greater bash procs from Charge of Darkness and Scepter Nether Strike.
- Tusk: Fixed some cases where Ice Shards could get units stuck
- Wisp: Fixed Tether sometimes ending prematurely if Relocate was cast before Tether.
- Wisp: Fixed Relocating units sometimes walking away to do a previous behavior.
- Fixed Roshan's aoe Slam damage type being physical rather than magical (and thus hurting Familiars).
- Fixed creeps and neutrals sometimes not responding to long range spells.
- Fixed Blink Dagger self-cast to work consistently.
- Visage: Fixed a number of incorrect spell interactions with Familiars.
- Fixed Cheese not having a cooldown
- Fixed Cheese not stacking in inventory
- Enabled Timbersaw in Captain's Mode in Latest Version (Tournament Version next week)
- Local games are no longer automatically unpaused.

- Added sound effects to the Dashboard.
- Added sound effects for various Tiny deaths.
- Updated Mjollnir sound effect.
- Updated Maelstrom sound effect.

- Items held by the courier are now included in a player's Net Worth.
- Fixed the sorting of Teams List under the Community tab.
- Fixed courier and ward previewing in the backpack.
- Fixed the scrollbar being hidden when a schedule had a full page of tournaments in a single month.
- Live games list now displays the game mode.
- Fiery Soul of the Slayer's custom minimap icon only draws for the player that owns the item.
- Re-positioned end game survey to not block the chat.
- Teams that haven't played a team matchmaking game in the last 7 days will now show up as being "inactive" in WebAPI calls.
- Improved performance of chat channels in the Dashboard.

- Revised overhead Soul Assumption indicator.
- Fixed Smoke of Deceit AOE visual effect showing for enemies if the caster is hidden
- Added in-game models for when the following items are dropped from inventory into the world: Divine Rapier, Healing Salve, Clarity, Dust of Appearance, Bottle, and Bootes of Speed

- Added Lion bot.
- Added Omniknight bot.
- Made a number of adjustments to loadouts and builds based on community feedback.
- Bots now know how to use Rod of Atos, Tranquil Boots, Abyssal Blade, Heaven's Halberd, and Veil of Dischord.
- Bots will no longer go to the Side Shop with a full inventory if they aren't willing to sell anything.
- Generic summoned units (Necro units, Illusions, etc) now have basic bot AIs, so they can act independently from their owner.
- Fixed bots interrupting their teleports.
- Bots will be less aggressive when they have stacks of Sticky Napalm on them.
- Bots will now only use Refresher Orb if they want to cast big ticket abilities.
- Fixed Witch Doctor bot spam-toggling Voodoo Restoration when he simply wanted to activate it.
- Witch Doctor is less likely to use Death Ward on units that are about to die anyways.
- Bots now establish their lanes at 0:15 (changed from 0:30), which makes jungling the initial creep spawn eaiser without confusing them about what lane you're in.
- Bots will no longer go for runes that may or may not be there if it's been a while since their spawn time.
- When there are no wards up, bots are now smarter about only warding the closer rune location.

- Added general support for importing any Ability/Spell related model. Currently just supporting Beastmaster Boars.
- Reworked the "View My Submissions" page to better handle a large number of submissions (sorting/pagination/bug fixes)
- Fixed submission preview images not being set correctly.
- Fixed a bug where updating an existing submission could set incorrect tags on the submission.
- Disabled the Workshop in the Test client to prevent confusion.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Gyrocopter: Fixed Rocket Barrage firing while under effects like Disruption/Chronosphere/Doom/Hex.
- Gyrocopter: Fixed Flak Cannon hurting nightmared units without waking them up.
- Naga Siren: Fixed being able to purge Song of the Siren aura off of Naga Siren.
- Nyx: Fixed Spiked Carapace affecting Juggernaut during Omnislash.
- Outworld Devourer: Fixed Astral Imprisonment not draining enough mana from enemy heroes.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Whirling Death not doing enough damage against strength heroes.
- Fixed Maelstrom and Mjollnir being unable to proc if the initial target is Magic Immune.
- Tweaked Neutral Creep chase timings for the two small camps.
- Fixed a number of bugs in Mechanics I, including all known showstoppers.

- Fixed holding alt causing smoked hero names to be shown on minimap when near truesight.
- Fixed your status showing as playing a local bot game if you were spectating a game
- Hero performance page is now sorted by total number of games played.
- Fixed Dire wins in the Team Game History tab showing up as losses.
- Fixed bug where Team Game History wasn't refreshing properly.
- The Teams List under Community now displays Teams in order of their most recently played match.
- There's now a dialog asking the player to rate their currently-used hero build (if it's not yet been rated).

- Music now plays in spectator and replay modes.

- Added Fiery Soul of the Slayer item for Lina.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Mechanics I for new players!
- Added 7 new item sets to the Dota store.
- Immortal and Tournament items can now be traded on the Steam Community Market.

- Clockwerk: Fixed Power Cogs pulling more than just heroes inside the cogs.
- Huskar: Fixed Berserker's Blood not stacking at the proper health thresholds.
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Mana Leak accumulating mana loss during magic immunity.
- Phantom Lancer: Fixed an issue where illusions made by a player on the other team would create uncontrollable Juxtapose illusions.
- Tusk: Fixed a case where heroes with very small collision size could escape Ice Shards.
- Tusk: Fixed a rare bug where teleporting could cause Walrus Punched units to end up in odd positions.
- Fixed various aspects of Spectral Dagger logic being dispellable.
- Fixed sometimes being revealed if your projectile hits the target after you become invisible with Shadow Blade.
- Improved TP interaction with FoW
- Fixed being able to get units stuck with Telekinesis and Vacuum around the rune area

- Added the ability to examine chests.
- Added a Game History tab to the Team Profile.
- Added checkbox for filtering Live Games to just Team games.
- You can now click on Team names in Live or Recent games to view their team profiles.
- Added a post-game Match Quality survey panel.
- Added an icon to backpack slots if that item is currently equipped.
- Fixed the courier delivery icon popping when the courier collected stash items.
- Fixed courier delivery being delayed by 0.5 seconds if there were no items to get from the stash.
- Fixed courier move orders not clearing the transfer items buff icon.
- Players can now set a custom rich presence status that can be displayed on the UI.
- Fixed Lina's Fiery Soul buff not showing the correct cooldown if it was refreshed with 3 stacks.

- When a push is happening into a base, global desire to farm is significantly decreased.
- Fixed a case where bots far from the lane front could thrash into and out of Push Lane mode.
- Single-player bot games now run locally on the user's machine.
- Increased reaction time by about 50% in all modes.

- Updated Arc Lightning's visual effects and sound
- Updated Shadow Shaman's attack sound
- Updated Ether Shock's visual effects and sound
- Updated Mjollnir and Maelstrom visual effects
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added In-game Guides and Hero Builds!
- Players can now be a member of multiple teams.

- Fixed backswing behavior on some of Invoker's skills
- Fixed Last Word being dispelled by Purge/Cyclone/etc
- Fixed Last Word interrupting channeling spells if the initial duration ends during the channel
- Enabled Medusa in Captain's Mode tournament version
- Fixed Healing Ward not preserving its hotkey when leveled up.
- Added right click menu to the combat log with "Copy to clipboard" option.
- Added option to render the Co-Broadcaster's camera. Use dota_minimap_draw_cocaster_camera 0 to disable.
- Added new right click option to backpack items to equip the entire set the item belongs to.

- Added a large number of items to the random loot drop lists.

- Adjusted hero roles of Windrunner (fewer last hits) and Meepo (more last hits).
- Made Death Prophet bot more likely to use Crypt Swarm in teamfights.
- Made Necrolyte bot a bit more hesitant about using Death Pulse when laning.
- Fixed bots dropping thousands of TP scrolls at the side shops.
- Practice with Bots difficulty and team settings are now saved.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Tusk!

- Lina: Fixed Dragon Slave hitting units behind you.
- Mirana: Fixed some backswing behaviors with her spells
- Templar Assassin: Fixed Meld not removing collision.
- Troll Warlord: Fixed a case where ranged Troll Warlord can bash when attacking while transforming.
- Troll Warlord: Added a "fast" attack animation that will only trigger when his attack speed is above 210
- Fixed Orchid disabling Dagger at the end of its duration even if it was doing no damage.
- Fixed a recent bug with Poor Man's Shield that could infrequently cause it to not block hero damage
- Fixed some wave speed issues with Crypt Swarm, Dual Breath, Breathe Fire, Dragon Slave, Illuminate, Sonic Wave and Shockwave.
- Enabled Silencer in Tournament lobbies.
- Team Matchmaking now uses the Tournament lobby rules.
- Two-player Mid Only games now automatically spawn a courier.
- Enabled Medusa in Captain's Mode for Latest Version (will be enabled in Tournament Version the following week).

- Updated look of the combat log and added language localization.
- Fixed bug where players who'd set themselves as Offline in Steam would still report their Rich Presence status.
- Players no longer display what hero they're playing in their Rich Presnce if they're in a private no-spectating game.
- Added a "Add Self to Roster" button that shows up for Team Admins that aren't part of their Team's Roster.
- The Game End panel now shows team names for games with teams.

- If Keeper of the Light dies with Recall active, the visual effect is now removed.

- Fixed PL not being considered a Hard Carry for lane-selection and last-hit-deferring purposes.
- Fixed VS bot not having a large enough item build list.
- Bots will no longer dust Doppelwalk because it's sneaky.
- Bots will no longer buy invisibility detection for an enemy's item until they see that item in an enemy's inventory.
- Made Zeus bot slightly more likely to use Wrath of the Thundergod.
- When a player connects, we now only disable/make invulnerable heroes on the opposing teams (not units with bots like the Warlock Golem).
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Team Matchmaking! Teams have a public rating based on their performance against other Teams.
- Added Language setting for Matchmaking!

- Alchemist: Fixed Unstable Concoction AOE and Self impact behavior when there is a Magic Immune target.
- Batrider: Fixed Sticky Napalm being applied to Magic Immune units.
- Batrider: Fixed Sticky Napalm being removed by Magic Immunity.
- Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture damage interval.
- Bloodseeker: Fixed being able to use potions during Rupture.
- Dark Seer: Fixed being able to cast Ion Shell on special units like Spirit Bear and Warlock's Golem
- Doom: Fixed Doom's interaction with MKB and Truestrike.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Breath sometimes missing at very close range in Elder Dragon Form.
- Dragon Knight: Fixed Dragon Breath travel time being too slow.
- Gyrocopter: Fixed Call Down first and second impact slow values being swapped
- Keeper of the Light: Fixed Recall going off if Keeper died during the delay.
- Lone Druid: Fixed Spirit Bear's Entangle working against Ancients and Creep Heroes like Familiars and Warlock's Golem.
- Medusa: Fixed Split Shot hitting Nightmared units.
- Medusa: Fixed Mana Shield not blocking damage from Death Ward, Plague Wards, Serpent Wards and Wildkin's Tornado.
- Morphling: Fixed Morph transformation stopping if Morphling gets purged or cycloned.
- Shadow Fiend: Fixed Shadow Fiend gaining souls while dead
- Shadow Fiend: Fixed Shadow Fiend gaining souls from killing illusions.
- Spectre: Fixed Spectral Dagger sometimes creating invisible paths of targets it hit.
- Troll Warlord: Added Pseudo Random support for his Bash.
- Troll Warlord: Fixed Whirling Axes interaction with Roshan.
- Visage: Fixed Cleave hitting Familiars.
- Warlock: Fixed Flaming Fists hitting ethereal units.
- Weaver: Fixed various buffs Time Lapse did not remove.
- Witch Doctor: Fixed Paralyzing Casks bouncing off of couriers.
- Courier: Fixed courier not responding to deliver orders after having received a hold or stop order.
- Courier: Reduced stash interaction ranges to fix the courier not filling a bottle when entering and exiting the fountain area in a short time.
- Courier: Fixed the Deliver Items breaking if you used speed burst on the way to the stash.
- Fixed direct unit target spells having 24 less effective range.
- Fixed Dark Pact and and Kraken Shell not removing Sticky Napalm, Shadow Strike, Venomous Gale, Poison Nova and Viper Strike.
- Fixed Day/Night cycle duration as well as initial state being a bit off.
- Fixed some ability Backswing timing issues (Kunkka, Clockwerk, Timbersaw, Meepo, Pudge, Spiritbreaker, Sand King, Riki, Nyx, Lion, Pugna, Shadow Demon, Batrider).
- Orb of Venom now has the same stacking behavior with Lifesteal that Eye of Skadi does.
- Fixed Veil of Discord not getting applied to Magic Immune units.
- Fixed Veil of Discord getting dispelled by Purge/BKB/Cyclone/etc.
- Fixed Bloodstone charges incrementing while you are dead.
- Dropped, non-sharable items can no longer be destroyed by teammates.
- Fixed dominated units continuing their previous channeling spell.
- Enabled Silencer in Captain's Mode for Latest Version (will be enabled in Tournament Version the following week).

- Added Language option for Matchmaking. You will find players when matchmaking that have selected the same language(s).
- Fixed buff refreshes not showing the correct swipe.
- Made Keeper's two Spirit Form abilities always visible but just disabled until he uses Spirit Form.
- The dota:// URL handler now supports lobbyid= and accountid= for creating game spectating links.
- Fixed autocast ability border not hiding when moving from a friendly unit to querying an enemy.
- When using smart tab switching, fixed not being able to cycle to controllable units if your currently selected using is dead.
- Players that play on a league game will now have access to that league pass.
- Fixed being able to pick or random an already repicked hero.
- Added an error message when pressing the courier deliver button and there are no items to be delivered.

- Added Team query to WebAPI. Query is GetTeamInfoByTeamID, params are start_at_team_id and teams_requested.

- Players that participate in Leagues will now have access to watch all games for said league in the tournament tab.

- Made Necrolyte bot more likely to use Death Pulse to heal himself.
- When considering purchasing an item and determining whether there's room in their inventory, bots will now consider whether the item will stack with an existing item.
- Bots will no longer sell a situational item in order to retrieve a situational item from their stash (fixes purchase thrashing).
- Witch Doctor will no longer use Maledict on non-hero units.
- Slightly lowered the maximum desire to attack a non-hero unit.

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