Toki Tori - (John Walker)

More bright, cheery games, please.

Kieron had big love for this year’s Toki Tori, a fiendish puzzle game by indie developers Two Tribes. They’ve got a new game that’s due out in two days, and just received a debut trailer: RUSH. It’s a puzzle game, but completely different from their previous game. This time it’s a 3D cube-rolling affair, which at first glance made me think of the iOS game Edge (the one that suffered from Tim Langdell’s impotent attacks.) But it quickly becomes apparent that it’s not the same at all. It’s about guiding multiple blocks to their targets, creating paths for the perpetually moving cubes. And from the trailer below, it looks pretty lovely.


Toki Tori - (Kieron Gillen)

When the lovely puzzle game Toki-Tori’s demo was released, I decided to drop a line to Two Tribes to have a little exchange about their debut on the PC after years working primarily on the hand-held. Co-founder and creative director Collin Van Ginkel took a little time to share some thoughts… (more…)

Toki Tori - (Kieron Gillen)

Oddly, Toki Tori reminds me of Walker. I mean that affectionately. No, really.

First thing: keep reading. Second thing: We’ve written about Toki Tori before, in passing, but with a demo released, it’s now time for you to pay proper attention. Third thing: keep reading. Fourth Thing: despite its hyper-cute styling, this is a devilishly smart little puzzle game which recalls me of the intricate post-Lemmings stuff which appeared on the Amiga. You simply have a limited number of tools and have to collect all the eggs on the level. The level doesn’t want you to. Who will win? It’s just lovely pure game design. Fifth thing: It’s also dirt cheap. The game’s five dollars (aka Three-quid-fifty) from all your favourite digital download places (Steam! Impulse! Gamers Gate! And – er – Mac Game Store!). Sixth Thing: Demo’s on the steam page (or the Mac Game Store page) and you can watch some actual little footage below. (more…)


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