Stacking - (Colm Ahern)

Two Russian dolls from Stacking having a conversation

In Stacking, you’re too small to do what you need to do. You can often be two or three people too small. To solve the game’s puzzles, you’re forced to assume the identities of some bigger people by donning their wooden skin. It sounds a little like a Castor Troy wet dream, but it’s much sweeter than anything that fella thinks of when he goes to bed.


Stacking - Spaff
Stacking turns 7 today, can you believe it? Time really flies when you're a tiny nesting doll puppeteering a larger, more official doll for your own delight and selfish purposes eh?

Pick up this Double Fine classic for 80% off this weekend to celebrate 7 years of Stacking!
Stacking - Spaff
Stacking turns 7 today, can you believe it? Time really flies when you're a tiny nesting doll puppeteering a larger, more official doll for your own delight and selfish purposes eh?

Pick up this Double Fine classic for 80% off this weekend to celebrate 7 years of Stacking!
Stacking - (Alec Meer)

What's that Lassie? Little Timmy's head has fallen down the well?

Headlander is the next game from Double Fine, and with news that the project lead from the wonderful Stacking is in charge I’m definitely paying attention. Borrowing the body-swapping concept from that Russian Doll-themed game, Headlander applies it more of a Metroidvania structure, with some lovely 70s sci-fi trappings and the option to graft your head onto anything from dogs to dancers. Take a look below.

… [visit site to read more]

Costume Quest - (Nathan Grayson)

I, for one, think it's pretty obvious what's going on here.

Hey! Did you hear the news about Stacking and Costume Quest? No? Oh, right, that’s because I’m still in the process of reporting it. Well, the short version is, Double Fine – after what Tim Schafer describes as “a daring and top-secret midnight raid” on Nordic Games HQ – has reclaimed full rights to both Stacking and Costume Quest. Distribution, production, whatever else goes into making a game – all that good stuff. So what happens now? I got in touch with Double Fine to (double) find out.


Stacking - Ricey012
Stacking! It's the heroic tale of Charlie Blackmore, the world's smallest Russian stacking doll. We can learn a lot from Charlie's journey, and his triumph. For example, child labor is generally considered to be bad. And stacking dolls can be surprisingly flatulent.

Also, things that are small are often very good. Like prices! Stacking has now received a permanent $5 price cut on Steam to $9.99. Huzzah!
Stacking - Ricey012
Stacking! It's the heroic tale of Charlie Blackmore, the world's smallest Russian stacking doll. We can learn a lot from Charlie's journey, and his triumph. For example, child labor is generally considered to be bad. And stacking dolls can be surprisingly flatulent.

Also, things that are small are often very good. Like prices! Stacking has now received a permanent $5 price cut on Steam to $9.99. Huzzah!
Psychonauts - (Nathan Grayson)

“Double Fine?” someone somewhere has probably said at some point maybe. “Who do they think they are, claiming to be twice as fine as the rest of us? I’m no fool. I don’t believe it for a second.” But, Mr Somewhere, what if you’re wrong>? Then you’ll just look silly, your only solace coming in the fact that going off the grid in shame would be simple, given that you have the least Google-able name of all time. Clearly, the only solution to your conundrum is a test. You need to play most of Double Fine’s back catalog, but your gleaming shield of skepticism must be kept aloft. Buying these games full price would only create suspicion that you might harbor legitimate interest. We can’t have that. The solution? A new Humble Double Fine Bundle. It’s offering all of the laugh factory’s PC games except Iron Brigade on a pay-what-you-want basis, and a pre-purchase of Broken Age if you’re willing to part with $35. Exceedingly strange, vaguely arousing video after the break.


Stacking - Valve
This patch lets you toggle the film projector effects in cutscenes and the in-game vignetting. These still default to on, but some players have asked for a way to turn them off. You can find the new options in the graphics settings page.
Stacking - Valve
This patch adds an option to adjust the field-of-view (FOV). There’s now a slider in the camera settings (under Help & Options… Settings… Camera) that adjusts the FOV anywhere from 40 degrees to 120 degrees.

The patch also increases the size of a memory buffer that was causing some out-of-memory crashes for a few players.

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