Dota 2 - Valve
- Enabled equipped Pennants showing up in your base.

- Fixed Illuminate going 400 further than intended.
- Fixed Psi Blades being slightly too wide in its spill.

- Fixed range cursor always using the player's main hero instead of the currently casting unit.
- Fixed bug where connecting during CM pick stage resulted in a broken pick/ban view.
- Added control groups 7, 8, 9, and 10.
- Added team profile page, accessible from the profile page of any player in a team.
- Filtering live games by hero now matches on localized hero names and supports keyboard shortcuts.

- Added custom sounds when Tiny has an ultimate scepter equipped and is attacking with a tree.

- Added Luna bot.
- Added Dazzle bot.
- Only use suggested heroes if we have bot implementations for them.
- Lich bot will now use Frost Nova when laning to harass, if he has plenty of mana.
- Fixed bug that would cause Viper to use Poision Attack on creeps when laning.
- Bots will now sell TP scrolls if they need the inventory space to buy an item from the Secret Shop.
- Made Bane bot less likely to use abilities when doing a mild retreat.
- Fixed Razor's Plasma Field usage in-lane which was just completely broken. He should spam it less now.
- Tiny will now Avalanche at a slightly further distance when trying to do his combo.
- Windrunner will try to Shackleshot when retreating less now, and only when Windrun isn't active.
- Bots will no longer want to do Roshan when they aren't sufficiently tanky.
- When buying TP scrolls, bots will now try to purchase two of them since they tend to run around without any too often
- Fixed bug where bots wouldn't lower their farm desire when they reached enough money to make a big purchase, resulting in them farming forever.
- Fixed bug in Armlet toggling.
- Fixed bug that was causing bots to use Mekansm when no one needed healing.
- Fixed bug that was causing bots to incorrectly extrapolate movement positions (breaking abilities that need to lead their targets like Torrent or Light Strike Array).
Day of Defeat: Source - Valve
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Shared Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
  • Improved the performance and stability of the libraries used for in-game HTML display

Team Fortress 2
  • Added new promo items
  • Fixed hats sometimes appearing multiple times in incorrect locations when changing classes
  • Fixed Demoman shields not reducing explosive damage in non-MvM games
  • Fixed the tf_bot_add command using the same name for all of the bots when adding multiple bots simultaneously
  • Updated the localization files
  • Moved map descriptions into the localization files
    • Map descriptions will still be loaded from the maps folder first if they exist
  • Updated Mann vs. Machine
    • Fixed a bug where players could only buy 1 upgrade at a time from the upgrade station
    • Fixed a bug where the Victory dialog would sometimes show during incorrect times
Counter-Strike: Source - Valve
An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:

  • Fixed a client crash bug caused by overflow of the audio cache
  • Fixed a bug that allowed server browser network activity to continue after choosing a server
Day of Defeat: Source - Valve
Updates to Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

  • Updated with other Orange Box client/server fixes
  • Day of Defeat: Source - Valve
    Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

    Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
    • Fixed a client crash bug caused by overflow of the audio cache
    • Fixed a bug that allowed server browser network activity to continue after choosing a server

    Team Fortress 2
    • Added new promo items
    • Unlocked the "What's in the Sandvich Box?"
    • Unlocked the "What's in the Companion Square Box?"
    • Fixed a server crash related to Demoman bot AI
    • Updated the Tin Pot to use the correct skin for each style
    • Fixed seeing the fire texture on Gold Botkiller items in DirectX 8
    • Updated the localization files
    • Updated Mann vs. Machine

      • Matchmaking search criteria supports selecting multiple missions
      • Mann Up servers will retry notification of mission victory to game coordinator, to ensure loot is eventually granted in the case of service disruption
      • Matchmaking will prevent late joining into the a server near the end of the last wave
      • Added a new currency UI element to indicate money that is active in the world
      • Added the tour number to the information on the scoreboard
      • Fixed the Medigun overheal duration attribute causing the overheal effect to decay faster, rather than slower
      • Added the ability to buy projectile penetration for the Crusader's Crossbow
      • Fixed a false positive for the achievement "Clockwork Carnage"
      • Added a new command "bot_hurt"
        • Parameters -name [bot name], -team [red/blue/all], -damage [amount]
      • Fixed the Demoman shields not saving their upgrades upon round reset
    • Updated koth_king
      • Reflections fixed for the floors and some glass windows
      • Modified model file for the sign 6 through 9 to avoid Red signs on Blu side of the map
      • Modified light pole to merge bulb and pole into a single model for perf
      • Fixed location where mini-sentries can shoot through a bush without being seen
      • Clipping pass
      • Added glass on footbridge roof and lights nearby
      • Prop reduction for perf
      • Some props changed to non-solid for player mobility
      • Adjusted health and ammo in various spots
    • Community requests:
      • Add a new server ConVar "tf_avoidteammates_pushaway" to control whether or not teammates push each other away when occupying the same space
      • Add a new server ConVar "tf_arena_override_team_size" to allow server owners to set the maximum team size in arena mode
    Dota 2 - Valve
    - Added Meepo!
    - Added Meepo!
    - Added Meepo!
    - Added Meepo!
    - Added Meepo!
    - In the Test client, heroes will now randomly equip cosmetic items every time they spawn.

    - Pugna: Fixed Nether Ward briefly registering the incorrect team right after casting.
    - Wisp: Fixed being able to Teleport a Tethered creep to the enemy base.
    - Lich: Fixed Chain Frost being dodge-able.

    - The buyback button is no longer shown when the hero is reincarnating.
    - Shift clicking a recipe now puts it in quickbuy.
    - Fixed misaligned tooltips in the combine tree.
    - Pennants now work for any game that's part of a tournament.
    - New broadcaster select dialog.
    - Added animated Firstblood, killstreaks and multikills notifications.
    - Reduced opposing-team pause resume time down to 5 seconds (from 30 seconds). It remains 30 seconds if a player is disconnected.
    - The top bar healthbars now show up any time a player is spectating.
    - Fixed issues with the featured hero in the profile not showing the right hero, or not animating after toggling the dashboard.
    - Stackable items now have their sellback time expired when they are stacked by a movement inside the inventory.
    - The suggested items tab is now reloaded after a player swaps heroes with someone else.
    - Added hero filter to live games list.

    - Added a effect that plays the whole time Keeper's Mana Leak is active on a target, not just when the target moves.
    - Player's chosen team pennant will display in the fountain area.

    - Added Lich bot.
    - Added Death Prophet bot.
    - Added Viper bot.
    - Bots will now select heroes their teammates have suggested in the hero picker.
    - Increased the radius and strength of fountain avoidance.
    - Tuned the strength of bots desire to place a ward, they should be somewhat more cautious about it now.
    - Bots now wait 15 seconds after hero-picking to spring into action. This gives players the opportunity to buy their own couriers, if they want.
    - Bots will no longer try to TP out of a fight if they're currently visible to the enemy team.
    - Bots now try to path through FoWed areas when retreating.
    - Bots now pay attention to multiple pings, and will use them to strengthen their desire to attack a hero, defend a lane, or push a lane.
    - Bots that are disabled due to missing players on the opposing team are now also invulnerable so they cannot be farmed.
    - Supports will now defer last-hitting to non-supports in their lane.
    - Bots on easier difficulty levels will now be worse at retreating out of a gank.
    - Fixed bug with the avoidance of Dark Seer's wall (only half the wall was being avoided).
    - Slightly increased sticktoitiveness of bots overall, but moreso for medium and easy bots.
    - Made Tiny bot less likely to Avalanche when retreating (so it's harder to harass him into using all his mana).
    Left 4 Dead 2 - Valve
    Updates to Left 4 Dead 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

    - Console commands update_addon_paths and unload_all_addons can't be used while connected to a server.
    - Some custom UI's give the ability to change which add-ons are active from the in-game menu. Now those changes won't be applied until the player returns to the lobby or main menu.
    - Melee weapon scripts can optionally define the HUD icon data inside the script, similar to other weapons. See golfclub.txt for a format sample.
    - Fixed a rare crash in the Spitter attack.
    - Fixed a rare crash in bot navigation involving ladders.
    Portal 2 - Valve
    - Fixed departure elevators not properly playing their informational videos.
    - Fixed overly shiny ground in certain maps.
    - Reduced development spew from previous updates now that the Workshop bug that affected a small number of users has been corrected.
    Counter-Strike 2 - Valve
    Release Notes for 9/14/2012

    [ GAME ]
    - Added third-person gunshot flinch reaction animations for all players
    - Molotovs and incendiary grenades now explode in mid air if they haven't touched the ground after a small amount of time has passed
    - Molotovs and incendiary grenades now no longer throw shorter than the other grenade types
    - Fixed grenades bouncing really high if you threw them straight at the ground
    - Fixed grenades that don't have a timer (like the smoke) not detonating if they found a spot to continually bounce and not touch what was considered "the ground"
    - Fixed a bug in bullet penetration where a bullet would penetrate walls much thicker than intended when the first brush the bullet hit was a detail brush.
    - Fixed a rare case when server reservation would not load correct map on official servers
    - Flipped MP7 viewmodel fire selector from safety to full-auto

    [ UI ]
    - Fixed spectator glows not updating state often enough which could allow glows to show at the wrong time
    - Fixed player target ID names not showing properly in some cases when observing/spectating
    - Fixed the spectator UI showing in Arms Race
    - Fixed player not auto observing their killer after the death camera if no bot was available to take over
    - Fixed round in spectator screen not updating if you connected mid round
    - If all players on a team share the same team tag, the scoreboard and spectator team names will display the players' team name (steam group name)
    - Improved rendering performance of text UI elements

    - Added default loading screen for direct connects and custom maps that shows loading progress
    - Fixed server console say command to deliver text to all connected clients
    - sv_password can now be set on community dedicated servers when they have no players connected and will be enforced.
    - Matchmaking: blocking relationships do not prevent direct server joins, they only filter during matchmaking
    - sv_pure: VPK files contain the necessary hashes so the dedicated servers do not need to compute them at startup but can be checked with the command “sv_pure_checkvpk”
    Counter-Strike: Source - Valve
    An update to Counter-Strike: Source has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Counter-Strike: Source. The major changes include:

    • Added a new command "kickall" which kicks all connected clients except for HLTV and the listenserver host if applicable
    • Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to execute restricted console commands on players
    • Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to prevent players from executing console commands
    • Updated Steam binaries; fixes Linux crash on shutdown or restart
    • Performance improvements

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