Dota 2 - Valve
- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order not upgrading on Elder Titan.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit waking up units that were hit by the Spirit Stomp.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit having the wrong radius while returning after it expired.
- Fixed Shadow Blade incorrectly revealing its owner on secondary attack types if they occurred after the fade time.

- The combat log is now localized.
- The Watch tab will now default to the Tournaments sub-tab if there is a live match.
- Added an automatic "(idle)" tag in Rich Presence for players that are AFK.
- Tournaments are now sorted by their last game played.
- Fixed a bug where notifications of item purchases didn't work if the courier did the purchase.
- Fixed bug where chat ban notifications weren't displaying hours left correctly.

- Reduced memory usage.

- updated Nightstalker ult, made global for teammates.
- fixed Mana Leak target sound.
- fixed Dust sound
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed an issue where Chinese audio was playing incorrectly.
- Added Canada Cup, Americas Tournament and Raidcall S3 tournaments.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit giving vision to Elder Titan while dead.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Earth Splitter being placed slightly too far forward.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order not getting upgraded on the Ancestral Spirit if it was already in the air.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order sometimes not getting applied before Ancestral Spirit's damage.
- Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes stack getting dispelled with Magic Immunity

- Added vsync support to windowed modes
- Reduced memory fragmentation

- There are now 6 broadcaster channels
- Added map ping throttling for communication banned players

- Now highlights Compendiums that are gifts from other players.
- Updated with new stretch goals.
- Prize pool now displays how much the Compendium owner has contributed.
- Fixed an issue where the Smeevil Courier view counter was not updating correctly.

- Particles on unusual couriers work again.
- Strange items that count things other than kills work again.
Dota 2 - Valve
- East and West Qualifier predictions are now visibly locked when the timer expires.
- The effect of Pennants and Compendiums are now cumulative when calculating spectator item drops.
- Team members may now edit team data.
- Fixed an issue where Dota TV connections could fail with several thousand spectators.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Made team schedule text entry boxes 32 characters rather than 16.
- Fixed crash on Alt-Tab.
- Fixed crash on map load.
- Increased the size of the team selection dropdown.
- Corrected a sorting issue in the heroes played profile popup
- Changed memory allocation strategy to address a crash when the game has been running for a long time.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Elder Titan!

- Fixed Dark Pact removing Last Word.
- Fixed Dark Pact not removing Poison Attack.
- Fixed Dark Pact not removing Poison Touch.
- Fixed Dark Pact not removing Telekinesis.
- Enabled Bristleback Skywrath Mage and Slark to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version)

- Fixed a bug that was allowing extra report submissions on Sundays

- Revised the Community page.
- Added an icon for league games to the Live, Recent and Downloaded game lists.
- Changed Heroes Played and Game History to be popups in the Profile.
- Numerous improvements to the Tournament Scheduling interface.
- Fixed Buy Back availability in spectator dropdown being inaccurate sometimes.
- Improved web browser performance.
- Fixed hitches when spectating games and switching between heroes.

- New lines added to Skywrath Mage, Timbersaw, and Bristleback.

- Added an Animation Overlay dropdown to the Workshop Model Preview.
- Added Lycanthrope's wolves to the Ability Model import list.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed an issue where matchmaking region selections were not being saved correctly. These selections have been reset and players will have to re-select their regions.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Enabled Drow and Tusk in Captain's Mode (Tournament Version)
- Enabled Bristleback, Slark and Skywrath Mage in Captain's Mode (Latest Version)
- Brewmaster: Fixed primal splits not always starting with the correct unit selected.
- Skywrath Mage: Fixed hitbox being too small.
- Slark: Fixed Shadow Dance giving Slark flying vision.
- Slark: Fixed Shadow Dance granting passive bonuses to Slark illusions.
- Slark: Fixed an issue causing Shadow Dance's passive modifier to not update in the UI, despite being active.
- Slark: Fixed Dark Pact continuing while Slark is dead.
- Slark: Essence Shift counters on both Slark and enemy heroes will show the total duration ( i.e. the time that the most recent stack will expire.)
- Slark: Fixed a number of incorrect spell interactions with Dark Pact.
- Slark: Fixed a number of horizontal movement ability interactions with Pounce.
- Troll Warlord: Fixed Berserker's Rage bonus damage not being applied as base damage.
- Tusk: Fixed Frozen Sigil not affecting magic immune units.

- All Defense 2 War Dogs are now Vintage quality.
- Dota 2 Vintage quality items can now be traded on the Steam Community Marketplace.


- Added HUD Skins to the Workshop Importer.

- Reduced CPU usage for rendering
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Skywrath Mage!

- Added stricter system implementing communication (voice and text) bans for abusive players
- Combined voice and text reports into a single 'communication' report
- Reduced reports per week to 4
- Removed ability for spectators to report players in-game.
- Reports now allow single selection of behavior type only

- Beastmaster: Fixed Wild Axes losing vision after the second cast.
- Doom: Scorched Earth now shows its duration on the buff icon.
- Lich: Fixed Frost Armor auto-casting while Lich is channeling.
- Magnus: Fixed a rare crash involving Skewer.
- Slardar: Fixed Slithereen Crush not slowing attack speed.
- Spectre: Fixed Haunt illusions moving while out of the game.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain travelling too fast.
- Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain not latching quite far enough.
- Tusk: Fixed Tusk not issuing an attack order on the snowballed unit after the snowball crashes.
- Enabled Drow and Tusk to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version next week)
- Fixed Towers sometimes attacking slower when they have low hit points

- Added tab to the Watch section showing downloaded replay files

- Riki: Added Smoke Screen and Blink Strike animations.
- Sniper: Added victory animations and more aggressive posing of idle, run and attack when enemy is in range.

- Bots now know to avoid standing in Macropyre and Ice Path.

- Added a button to the preview that allows you to test your imported model in-game, in a local server.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Added Netolic Pro League Ticket
- G-1 Courier: Added particle effects, haste animation and upgraded courier quality
- Bristleback: Fixed Quill Spray stacks being removed by Dark Pact and Kraken Shell.
- Bristleback: Fixed Warpath's oldest stack duration not getting refreshed if another spell was cast with max stacks.
- Rubick: Fixed Rubick gaining infinite no-collision if he stole another spell while following the Spectral Dagger path.

- Bots will now soimetimes use Medallion of Courage on neutrals.
- Fixed BH potentially selling a stout sheild that he needs to make poor man's shield.
- Sand King will now break Sandstorm if he's not invisible.

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