Dota 2 - Valve
* Fixed a bug where projectiles launched from dominated creeps could sometimes be created at the wrong position in the world
* Fixed a bug where Nature's Prophet Sprout could occasionally let enemies see inside of the ring of trees
* Client will now confirm that that selected regions can be pinged before entering the matchmaking queue
* Client will prompt to confirm region selection, if automatic selection is not used and user choices appear sub-optimal
Dota 2 - Valve
- Restored far range kills being considered for AoE bounty gold when done directly by heroes
Dota 2 - Valve
- Updated the visuals for the Templar Assassin Immortal.
- Moved the Templar Assassin Immortal to the new Weapon slot (equipped items have been unequipped).
- Fixed Invoker item Guard of Sinister Lightning breaking his facial animation.
- Fixed a crash relating to items on the courier.
- Greevil eggs and essences will expire on September 15th. Any hatched Greevils will not be affected.
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed Lina Textures
- Temporarily reverted a recent out of band change that considered the killer to always be part of the AoE gold regardless of distance
Dota 2 - Valve
- Fixed Moon Shard not working on Spirit Bear
- Fixed portrait for TI3 Mammoth Smeevil courier
- Fixed Virulent Spiderling portrait
- Fixed frozen alt idle animation on Murrissey Smeevil courier
Dota 2 - Valve
* Tiny Immortal “Crystal Dryad” - Aghanim’s Scepter attack will only play when Scepter is equipped.
* Fixed the 2012 unusual courier particles appearing at the origin
* Fixed Hwytty & Shyzzyrd particles appearing far from the courier
* Added “The International 2014” tag to 2014 compendium immortals and couriers
Dota 2 - Valve
* Fixed a bug that could cause the last player on Dire to be unable to purchase items
Dota 2 - Valve
- The hero who gets a kill is now always considered as part of the AOE for gold bounty purposes
- Moon Glaives now properly kill Zombies (they now work like Flak Cannon and Split Shot)
- The courier's "Retrieve Items" ability and the "Courier Deliver Items" button will now work properly if you have items on the courier but no items in the stash
- Fixed a recent bug with Techies' Land Mines when flying units were nearby
- Fixed the smaller Mud Golems not leashing back to their camp
- Added missing portraits for unlocks for the Virtus Werebear courier
- Fixed VMT error for Vengeful Spirit submissions through the workshop
Dota 2 - Valve
- Nexon's South Korea matchmaking region is now available to all players.
- The client UI now displays creep health with full accuracy based on the server values.
Dota 2 - Valve
* Haste rune duration reduced from 30 to 25
* Mekansm cooldown increased from 45 to 65
* Tether movespeed bonus reduced from 17% to 14/15/16/17%
* Rocket Barrage damage reduced from 11/15/19/23 to 8/13/18/23
* Bristleback Base Attack Time increased from 1.7 to 1.8
* Precision Aura's passive no longer has an exception for pseudo-heroes like Familiars (still affects them when cast, like creeps)
* Spiderlings Poison Sting slow reduced from 15 to 12%
* Holy Persuasion now provides a base HP minimum of 700/800/900/1000 instead of raw bonus HP
* Tombstone HP reduced from 200/400/600/800 to 175/350/525/700

* The fixed portion of the XP Hero Bounty for first 5 levels is reduced from 100/120/160/220/300 to 100/120/140/160/180 (then continues +100 per level as usual)
* AoE Gold Bounty, for teams that are behind, now has a small additional component that doesn't fully scale with net worth (100/75/50/35/25 for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes, scales linearly from 0 to 4k net worth difference)
* Small adjustments to AoE Gold (non-networth component)

1: 154 + 7.7 * Level
2: 115.5 + 6.6 * Level
3: 66 + 5.5 * Level
4: 38.5 + 4.4 * Level
5: 33 + 4.4 * Level

1: 150 + 8 * Level
2: 100 + 7 * Level
3: 40 + 6 * Level
4: 25 + 4 * Level
5: 20 + 4 * Level

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